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[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Basics / Recipe10.pod
c2a0627f 1
4=head1 NAME
58d129ba 6Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe10 - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
c2a0627f 7
8=head1 SYNOPSIS
10 package Human;
c765b254 11
c2a0627f 12 use Moose;
13 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
c765b254 14
c2a0627f 15 subtype 'Gender'
16 => as 'Str'
17 => where { $_ =~ m{^[mf]$}s };
c765b254 18
c2a0627f 19 has 'gender' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Gender', required => 1 );
c765b254 20
c2a0627f 21 has 'mother' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
22 has 'father' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
c765b254 23
c2a0627f 24 use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
c765b254 25
c2a0627f 26 sub _overload_add {
c765b254 27 my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
c2a0627f 29 die('Only male and female humans may create children')
c765b254 30 if ( $one->gender() eq $two->gender() );
32 my ( $mother, $father )
33 = ( $one->gender eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );
c2a0627f 35 my $gender = 'f';
c765b254 36 $gender = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );
c2a0627f 38 return Human->new(
39 gender => $gender,
40 mother => $mother,
41 father => $father,
42 );
43 }
47This Moose cookbook recipe shows how operator overloading, coercion,
48and sub types can be used to mimic the human reproductive system
055dbe8c 49(well, the selection of genes at least).
c2a0627f 50
055dbe8c 53Our C<Human> class uses operator overloading to allow us to "add" two
54humans together and produce a child. Our implementation does require
55that the two objects be of opposite genders. Remember, we're talking
56about biological reproduction, not marriage.
c2a0627f 57
055dbe8c 58While this example works as-is, we can take it a lot further by adding
59genes into the mix. We'll add the two genes that control eye color,
60and use overloading to combine the genes from the parent to model the
c2a0627f 62
055dbe8c 63=head2 What is Operator Overloading?
c2a0627f 64
055dbe8c 65Overloading is I<not> a Moose-specific feature. It's a general OO
66concept that is implemented in Perl with the C<overload>
67pragma. Overloading lets objects do something sane when used with
68Perl's built in operators, like addition (C<+>) or when used as a
c2a0627f 70
055dbe8c 71In this example we overload addition so we can write code like
72C<$child = $mother + $father>.
c2a0627f 73
74=head1 GENES
055dbe8c 76There are many genes which affect eye color, but there are two which
77are most important, I<gey> and I<bey2>. We will start by making a
78class for each gene.
c2a0627f 79
055dbe8c 80=head2 Human::Gene::bey2
c2a0627f 81
82 package Human::Gene::bey2;
c765b254 83
c2a0627f 84 use Moose;
85 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
c765b254 86
055dbe8c 87 type 'bey2_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:brown|blue)$} };
c765b254 88
055dbe8c 89 has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'bey2_color' );
c2a0627f 90
055dbe8c 91This class is trivial, We have a type constraint for the allowed
92colors, and a C<color> attribute.
c2a0627f 93
055dbe8c 94=head2 Human::Gene::gey
c2a0627f 95
96 package Human::Gene::gey;
c765b254 97
c2a0627f 98 use Moose;
99 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
c765b254 100
055dbe8c 101 type 'gey_color' => where { $_ =~ m{^(?:green|blue)$} };
c765b254 102
055dbe8c 103 has 'color' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'gey_color' );
c2a0627f 104
055dbe8c 105This is nearly identical to the C<Humane::Gene::bey2> class, except
106that the I<gey> gene allows for different colors.
c2a0627f 107
108=head1 EYE COLOR
055dbe8c 110We could just give add four attributes (two of each gene) to the
111C<Human> class, but this is a bit messy. Instead, we'll abstract the
112genes into a container class, C<Human::EyeColor>. Then a C<Human> can
113have a single C<eye_color> attribute.
c2a0627f 114
115 package Human::EyeColor;
c765b254 116
c2a0627f 117 use Moose;
118 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
c765b254 119
055dbe8c 120 coerce 'Human::Gene::bey2'
c2a0627f 121 => from 'Str'
122 => via { Human::Gene::bey2->new( color => $_ ) };
c765b254 123
055dbe8c 124 coerce 'Human::Gene::gey'
c2a0627f 125 => from 'Str'
126 => via { Human::Gene::gey->new( color => $_ ) };
c765b254 127
055dbe8c 128 has [qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 )] =>
129 ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::bey2', coerce => 1 );
c765b254 130
055dbe8c 131 has [qw( gey_1 gey_2 )] =>
132 ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human::Gene::gey', coerce => 1 );
c2a0627f 133
055dbe8c 134The eye color class has two of each type of gene. We've also created a
135coercion for each class that coerces a string into a new object. Note
136that a coercion will fail if it attempts to coerce a string like
137"indigo", because that is not a valid color for either type of gene.
c2a0627f 138
055dbe8c 139As an aside, you can see that we can define several identical
140attributes at once by supply an array reference of names as the first
141argument to C<has>.
143We also need a method to calculate the actual eye color that results
144from a set of genes. The I<bey2> brown gene is dominant over both blue
145and green. The I<gey> green gene dominant over blue.
c2a0627f 146
147 sub color {
c765b254 148 my ($self) = @_;
150 return 'brown'
151 if ( $self->bey2_1->color() eq 'brown'
152 or $self->bey2_2->color() eq 'brown' );
154 return 'green'
155 if ( $self->gey_1->color() eq 'green'
156 or $self->gey_2->color() eq 'green' );
c2a0627f 158 return 'blue';
159 }
055dbe8c 161We'd like to be able to treat a C<Human::EyeColor> object as a string,
162so we define a string overloading for the class:
c2a0627f 163
164 use overload '""' => \&color, fallback => 1;
055dbe8c 166Finally, we need to define overloading for addition. That way we can
167add together to C<Human::EyeColor> objects and get a new one with a
168new (genetically correct) eye color.
c2a0627f 169
170 use overload '+' => \&_overload_add, fallback => 1;
c765b254 171
c2a0627f 172 sub _overload_add {
c765b254 173 my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
c2a0627f 175 my $one_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
176 my $two_bey2 = 'bey2_' . _rand2();
c765b254 177
c2a0627f 178 my $one_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
179 my $two_gey = 'gey_' . _rand2();
c765b254 180
c2a0627f 181 return Human::EyeColor->new(
182 bey2_1 => $one->$one_bey2->color(),
183 bey2_2 => $two->$two_bey2->color(),
184 gey_1 => $one->$one_gey->color(),
185 gey_2 => $two->$two_gey->color(),
186 );
187 }
c765b254 188
c2a0627f 189 sub _rand2 {
190 return 1 + int( rand(2) );
191 }
055dbe8c 193When two eye color objects are added together the C<_overload_add()>
194method will be passed two C<Human::EyeColor> objects. These are the
195left and right side operands for the C<+> operator. This method
196returns a new C<Human::EyeColor> object.
c2a0627f 197
055dbe8c 198=head1 ADDING EYE COLOR TO C<Human>s
c2a0627f 199
055dbe8c 200Our original C<Human> class requires just a few changes to incorporate
201our new C<Human::EyeColor> class.
c2a0627f 202
203 use List::MoreUtils qw( zip );
c765b254 204
055dbe8c 205 coerce 'Human::EyeColor'
c2a0627f 206 => from 'ArrayRef'
c765b254 207 => via { my @genes = qw( bey2_1 bey2_2 gey_1 gey_2 );
055dbe8c 208 return Human::EyeColor->new( zip( @genes, @{$_} ) ); };
c765b254 209
055dbe8c 210 has 'eye_color' => (
211 is => 'ro',
212 isa => 'Human::EyeColor',
213 coerce => 1,
214 required => 1,
215 );
c2a0627f 216
055dbe8c 217We also need to modify C<_overload_add()> in the C<Human> class to
218account for eye color:
c2a0627f 219
220 return Human->new(
c765b254 221 gender => $gender,
c2a0627f 222 eye_color => ( $one->eye_color() + $two->eye_color() ),
c765b254 223 mother => $mother,
224 father => $father,
c2a0627f 225 );
227=head1 CONCLUSION
055dbe8c 229The three techniques we used, overloading, subtypes, and coercion,
230combine to provide a powerful interface.
232If you'd like to learn more about overloading, please read the
233documentation for the L<overload> pragme.
c2a0627f 234
055dbe8c 235To see all the code we created together, take a look at
6549b0d1 236F<t/000_recipes/basics/010_genes.t>.
c2a0627f 237
238=head1 NEXT STEPS
240Has this been a real project we'd probably want to:
242=over 4
244=item Better Randomization with Crypt::Random
246=item Characteristic Base Class
248=item Mutating Genes
250=item More Characteristics
252=item Artificial Life
055dbe8c 256=head1 AUTHORS
c2a0627f 257
258Aran Clary Deltac <>
055dbe8c 260Dave Rolsky E<lt>autarch@urth.orgE<gt>
c2a0627f 262=head1 LICENSE
264This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
266License details are at: L<>