removed debugging code, all tests are passing, added method to parse the type paramet...
[gitmo/Moose.git] / lib / Moose / Cookbook / Basics / Recipe1.pod
471c4f09 1
4=head1 NAME
021b8139 6Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe1 - The (always classic) B<Point> example.
471c4f09 7
8=head1 SYNOPSIS
10 package Point;
471c4f09 11 use Moose;
a34602e7 12
13 has 'x' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
14 has 'y' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
471c4f09 16 sub clear {
17 my $self = shift;
a34602e7 18 $self->x(0);
19 $self->y(0);
471c4f09 20 }
a34602e7 21
471c4f09 22 package Point3D;
471c4f09 23 use Moose;
a34602e7 24
471c4f09 25 extends 'Point';
a34602e7 26
27 has 'z' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
471c4f09 29 after 'clear' => sub {
30 my $self = shift;
a34602e7 31 $self->z(0);
471c4f09 32 };
d68bf053 34 ....
36 # hash or hashrefs are ok for the constructor
37 my $point1 = Point->new(x => 5, y => 7);
38 my $point2 = Point->new({x => 5, y => 7});
40 my $point3d = Point3D->new(x => 5, y => 42, z => -5);
471c4f09 42=head1 DESCRIPTION
a34602e7 44This is the classic Point example. It is taken directly from the Perl
456 Apocalypse 12 document, and is similar to the example found in the
46classic K&R C book as well.
cdcae970 47
a34602e7 48As with all Perl 5 classes, a Moose class is defined in a package.
49Moose handles turning on C<strict> and C<warnings> for us, so all we
50need to do is say C<use Moose>, and no kittens will die.
cdcae970 51
a34602e7 52When Moose is loaded, it exports a set of sugar functions into our
53package. This means that we import some functions which serve as Moose
54"keywords". These aren't real language keywords, they're just Perl
55functions exported into our package.
cdcae970 56
a34602e7 57Moose automatically makes our package a subclass of L<Moose::Object>.
58The L<Moose::Object> class provides us with a constructor that
59respects our attributes, as well other features. See L<Moose::Object>
60for details.
cdcae970 61
a34602e7 62Now, onto the keywords. The first one we see here is C<has>, which
63defines an instance attribute in our class:
cdcae970 64
a34602e7 65 has 'x' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
cdcae970 66
a34602e7 67This will create an attribute named C<x>. The C<isa> parameter says
68that we expect the value stored in this attribute to pass the type
69constraint for C<Int> (1). The accessor generated for this attribute
70will be read-write.
cdcae970 71
a34602e7 72The C<< requires => 1 >> parameter means that this attribute must be
73provided when a new object is created. A point object without
74coordinates doesn't make much sense, so we don't allow it.
cdcae970 75
a34602e7 76We have defined our attributes; next we define our methods. In Moose,
77as with regular Perl 5 OO, a method is just a subroutine defined
78within the package:
cdcae970 79
80 sub clear {
81 my $self = shift;
a34602e7 82 $self->x(0);
83 $self->y(0);
cdcae970 84 }
a34602e7 86That concludes the B<Point> class.
cdcae970 87
a34602e7 88Next we have a subclass of B<Point>, B<Point3D>. To declare our
89superclass, we use the Moose keyword C<extends>:
cdcae970 90
91 extends 'Point';
a34602e7 93The C<extends> keyword works much like C<use base>. First, it will
94attempt to load your class if needed. However, unlike C<base>, the
95C<extends> keyword will I<overwrite> any previous values in your
96package's C<@ISA>, where C<use base> will C<push> values onto the
97package's C<@ISA>.
cdcae970 98
a34602e7 99It is my opinion that the behavior of C<extends> is more intuitive.
cdcae970 101
a34602e7 102Next we create a new attribute for B<Point3D> called C<z>.
cdcae970 103
a34602e7 104 has 'z' => (isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', required => 1);
cdcae970 105
a34602e7 106This attribute is just like B<Point>'s C<x> and C<y> attributes.
cdcae970 107
a34602e7 108The C<after> keyword demonstrates a Moose feature called "method
109modifiers" (or "advice" for the AOP inclined):
cdcae970 110
111 after 'clear' => sub {
112 my $self = shift;
a34602e7 113 $self->z(0);
cdcae970 114 };
a34602e7 116When C<clear> is called on a B<Point3D> object, our modifier method
117gets called as well. Unsurprisingly, the modifier is called I<after>
118the real method.
120In this case, the real C<clear> method is inherited from B<Point>. Our
121modifier method receives the same arguments as those passed to the
122modified method (just C<$self> here).
cdcae970 123
a34602e7 124Of course, using the C<after> modifier is not the only way to
125accomplish this. This B<is> Perl, right? You can get the same results
126with this code:
cdcae970 127
128 sub clear {
129 my $self = shift;
130 $self->SUPER::clear();
a34602e7 131 $self->z(0);
cdcae970 132 }
a34602e7 134You could also use another Moose method modifier, C<override>:
cdcae970 135
136 override 'clear' => sub {
137 my $self = shift;
138 super();
a34602e7 139 $self->z(0);
cdcae970 140 };
cdcae970 141
a34602e7 142The C<override> modifier allows you to use the C<super> keyword to
143dispatch to the superclass's method in a very Ruby-ish style.
cdcae970 144
a34602e7 145The choice of whether to use a method modifier, and which one to use,
146is often a question of style as much as functionality.
148Since B<Point> inherits from L<Moose::Object>, it will also inherit
149the default L<Moose::Object> constructor:
d68bf053 151 my $point1 = Point->new(x => 5, y => 7);
152 my $point2 = Point->new({x => 5, y => 7});
154 my $point3d = Point3D->new(x => 5, y => 42, z => -5);
cdcae970 155
a34602e7 156The C<new> constructor accepts a named argument pair for each
d68bf053 157attribute defined by the class, which you can provide as a hash or
158hash reference. In this particular example, the attributes are
159required, and calling C<new> without them will throw an error.
161 my $point = Point->new( x => 5 ); # no y, kaboom!
a34602e7 162
163From here on, we can use C<$point> and C<$point3d> just as you would
164any other Perl 5 object. For a more detailed example of what can be
165done, you can refer to the F<t/000_recipes/basic/001_point.t> test
168=head2 Moose Objects are Just Hashrefs
170While this all may appear rather magical, it's important to realize
171that Moose objects are just hash references under the hood (3). For
172example, you could pass C<$self> to C<Data::Dumper> and you'd get
173exactly what you'd expect.
cdcae970 174
a34602e7 175You could even poke around inside the object's data structure, but
176that is strongly discouraged.
178The fact that Moose objects are hashrefs means it is easy to use Moose
179to extend non-Moose classes, as long as they too are hash
180references. If you want to extend a non-hashref class, check out
cdcae970 182
183=head1 CONCLUSION
a34602e7 185This recipe demonstrates some basic Moose concepts. The next recipe
186will build upon the basics shown here with more complex attributes and
187methods. Please read on :)
cdcae970 188
189=head1 FOOTNOTES
191=over 4
193=item (1)
a34602e7 195Moose provides a number of builtin type constraints are provided by,
196of which C<Int> is one. For more information on the type constraint
197system, see L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>.
cdcae970 198
199=item (2)
a34602e7 201The C<extends> keyword support multiple inheritance. Simply pass all
202of your superclasses to C<extends> as a list:
204 extends 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz';
206=item (3)
1eca36fc 208Moose supports using instance structures other than blessed hash
a34602e7 209references (such as in a glob reference - see
cdcae970 211
214=head1 SEE ALSO
216=over 4
218=item Method Modifiers
220The concept of method modifiers is directly ripped off from CLOS. A
4711f5f7 221great explanation of them can be found by following this link.
cdcae970 222
471c4f09 227=head1 AUTHOR
229Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
778db3ac 233Copyright 2006-2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
471c4f09 234
237This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
238it under the same terms as Perl itself.
a34602e7 240=cut