increment $VERSION after 1.003027 release
[p5sagit/Devel-REPL.git] / lib / Devel / REPL / Plugin /
1716b200 1use strict;
2use warnings;
80fa249c 3package Devel::REPL::Plugin::History;
9d2a4940 4# ABSTRACT: Keep track of all input, provide shortcuts !1, !-1
80fa249c 5
5ac98890 6our $VERSION = '1.003028';
54beb05d 7
6a5409bc 8use Devel::REPL::Plugin;
aa8b7647 9use namespace::autoclean;
80fa249c 10
11has 'history' => (
b595a818 12 isa => 'ArrayRef', is => 'rw',
13 lazy => 1,
78453011 14 default => sub { [] }
17# lazy so ReadLineHistory Plugin can set this
18has 'have_readline_history' => (
b595a818 19 is => 'rw',
20 lazy => 1,
78453011 21 default => sub { 0 }
80fa249c 22);
24sub push_history {
78453011 25 my ($self, $line) = @_;
26 # Push history is not needed if we have Term::ReadLine
27 # support. We put the test inside push_history() in case
28 # someone has modified it in their code.
29 if ($self->have_readline_history) {
30 # update history to keep consistent with Term::ReadLine
31 $self->history( [ $self->term->GetHistory ] );
32 } else {
33 # not used with Term::ReadLine history support
34 push(@{$self->history}, $line);
35 }
80fa249c 36}
38around 'read' => sub {
78453011 39 my $orig = shift;
40 my ($self, @args) = @_;
41 my $line = $self->$orig(@args);
42 if (defined $line) {
43 if ($line =~ m/^!(.*)$/) {
44 my $call = $1;
45 $line = $self->history_call($call);
46 if (defined $line) {
47 $self->print($line."\n");
48 } else {
49 return "'Unable to find ${call} in history'";
50 }
51 }
52 if ($line =~ m/\S/) {
53 $self->push_history($line);
80fa249c 54 }
78453011 55 }
56 return $line;
80fa249c 57};
59sub history_call {
78453011 60 my ($self, $call) = @_;
61 if ($call =~ m/^(-?\d+)$/) { # handle !1 or !-1
62 my $idx = $1;
63 $idx-- if ($idx > 0); # !1 gets history element 0
64 my $line = $self->history->[$idx];
65 return $line;
66 }
67 my $re = qr/^\Q${call}\E/;
68 foreach my $line (reverse @{$self->history}) {
69 return $line if ($line =~ $re);
70 }
71 return;
80fa249c 72};