increase Log::Contextual dependency to 04 so that everybody's got one with the same...
[scpubgit/Tak.git] / Makefile.PL
51c8325b 1use strict;
2use warnings FATAL => 'all';
3use 5.008001;
4use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
5(do 'maint/Makefile.PL.include' or die $@) unless -f 'META.yml';
8 NAME => 'Tak',
9 VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',
10 PREREQ_PM => {
11 'Moo' => '0.009012',
12 'Net::OpenSSH' => '0.52',
4bcb6b39 13 'Log::Contextual' => '0.004',
51c8325b 14 'JSON::PP' => '2.27104',
15 'Capture::Tiny' => '0.11',
16 'warnings::illegalproto' => 0,
17 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '2.020',
18 'Eval::WithLexicals' => '1.001000',
19 'IPC::System::Simple' => '1.21',
20 'Config::Settings' => '0.02',
d1cc69ab 21 'IO::All' => '0.44',
51c8325b 22 },
23 LICENSE => 'perl',
d1cc69ab 24 EXE_FILES => [ 'bin/tak', 'bin/tak-stdio-node' ],
25 META_MERGE => {
26 'no_index' => { file => [ 'lib/Tak/' ] },
c3ed27d7 27 resources => {
28 license => '',
29 repository => 'git://',
30 },
d1cc69ab 31 }
51c8325b 32);