Installation Of Stem Installing Stem is simple as you can use the classic module install commmands: ` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install The installation uses Module::Build so you have to have that. You can get it from CPAN. The Makefile actually just is a passthrough that calls the Build program and is there for compatibility. You can bypass make and use the Build commands directly: on UNIX flavors do this: perl Build.PL Build Build test Build install on Windows do this: perl Build.PL perl Build perl Build test perl Build install The perl Makefile.PL or perl Build.PL command will query you for a short series of answers. These include where is perl, where to store the Stem executable scripts, where to store the Stem configuration files, etc. Each question will be explained in detail and has a reasonable default value. Stem has a set of demonstration applications and you will be asked if you want to install them. The driver scripts use xterm to bring up multiple windows so you can interact with the demonstrations. The Build.PL script will find xterms on most UNIX flavors that have X on them. OSX doesn't come with X by default but you can install the X cdrom if you want. NOTE: The xterm program is NOT required to run the demostrations. You can run the scripts and the commands which create the xterms will be printed. If you don't have xterms, they will fail but you can copy the Stem command (the part after the -e) and run them in terminal windows that you bring up yourself. This works on windows and OSX which doesn't have X installed. Just run those Stem commands in the order they are printed and each one in its own terminal window. Another option for the demo scripts is called ssfe (split screen front end). It is a general purpose C (UNIX only) utility that runs any command and provides command line editing and history. It is a nice little utility and it make running the demos a bit nicer. It is bundled in a IRC application call sirc and if you ask for it to be installed, the whole sirc package (just ssfe and sirc) will be built and installed. This build/install will be run in its own xterm. When it is done installing, it will sleep for a while. You can kill the xterm window or ^C in it and the rest of the Stem installation will continue. The installation answers you give will be stored in the module Stem::InstallConfig for use by any Stem application. This module is used by Build.PL to override the default installation answers. So the next time you do perl Build.PL you will see the previous choices you made as the defaults. Doing Build realclean will remove this module and you will see the original default answers. If you know the default answers are fully acceptable, you can do this: perl Build.PL use_defaults=1 and all the defaults will be used and no questions will be asked.