HackFest: Results

The beautiful sunset,
is no match for,
the ugly sunrise


On Sunday we had a hackfest on #sdl irc.perl.org. This is what we got done.

  1. MacOSX build is working again. It's still rough but Tetris works on it now. dngor++
  2. SDL::Tutorial::Tetris is on CPAN as v0.15. nferraz++
  3. SDL Perl docs are a little better now. magnet++
  4. Finally experimental Rect and Game::Rect are behaving. There is still more work needed in Game::Rect. Moreover there are more tests on the experimental release. garu++
  5. Also POGL is working experimentally with SDL.
Hopefully I can get the first three results into the next release soon. The next release 2.2.3 will go up as a developmental release first. Also the experimental branch is going up as version 2_4.


All developers please tell me what to put you guys want to be put down as on the
in the Docs for the SDL Perl Team section.
