docs for video
[sdlgit/SDL-Site.git] / pages / SDL-Video.html-inc
162a0989 1<div class="pod">
2<!-- INDEX START -->
3<h3 id="TOP">Index</h3>
5<ul><li><a href="#NAME">NAME</a></li>
bfdd9c2e 6<li><a href="#CATEGORY">CATEGORY</a></li>
7067312b 7<li><a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
162a0989 8<li><a href="#METHODS">METHODS</a>
9<ul><li><a href="#get_video_surface">get_video_surface</a></li>
10<li><a href="#get_video_info">get_video_info</a></li>
11<li><a href="#video_driver_name">video_driver_name</a></li>
12<li><a href="#list_modes_formats_flags">list_modes(formats,flags)</a></li>
13<li><a href="#video_mode_ok_width_height_bpp_flags">video_mode_ok(width,height,bpp,flags)</a></li>
14<li><a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">set_video_mode(width,height,bpp,flags)</a>
162a0989 15<ul><li><a href="#List_of_avalaibles_flags">List of avalaibles flags</a></li>
162a0989 18<li><a href="#update_rect_surface_x_y_width_height">update_rect(surface,x,y,width,height)</a></li>
19<li><a href="#update_rects_surface_rects">update_rects(surface,rects) </a></li>
20<li><a href="#flip_surface">flip(surface)</a></li>
21<li><a href="#set_colors_surface_start_colors">set_colors(surface,start,colors)</a></li>
22<li><a href="#set_palette_surface_flags_start_colo">set_palette(surface,flags,start,colors)</a></li>
23<li><a href="#set_gamma_r_g_b">set_gamma(r,g,b)</a></li>
904171e2 24<li><a href="#get_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt">get_gamma_ramp(rt,gt,bt)</a></li>
162a0989 25<li><a href="#set_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt">set_gamma_ramp(rt,gt,bt)</a></li>
26<li><a href="#map_RGB_pixel_format_r_g_b">map_RGB(pixel_format,r,g,b)</a></li>
27<li><a href="#map_RGBA_pixel_format_r_g_b_a">map_RGBA(pixel_format,r,g,b,a)</a></li>
28<li><a href="#get_RGB_pixel_format_pixel">get_RGB(pixel_format,pixel)</a></li>
29<li><a href="#get_RGBA_pixel_format_pixel">get_RGBA(pixel_format,pixel)</a></li>
30<li><a href="#create_RGB_surface_from">create_RGB_surface_from ***</a></li>
31<li><a href="#lock_surface_surface">lock_surface(surface)</a></li>
32<li><a href="#unlock_surface_surface">unlock_surface(surface)</a></li>
33<li><a href="#convert_surface_surface_format_flags">convert_surface(surface,format,flags)</a></li>
34<li><a href="#display_format">display_format</a></li>
35<li><a href="#display_format_alpha">display_format_alpha</a></li>
36<li><a href="#load_BMP_filename">load_BMP(filename)</a></li>
37<li><a href="#save_BMP_surface_filename">save_BMP(surface,filename)</a></li>
38<li><a href="#set_color_key_surface_flag_key">set_color_key(surface,flag,key)</a></li>
39<li><a href="#set_alpha_surface_flag_key">set_alpha(surface,flag,key)</a></li>
40<li><a href="#set_clip_rect_surface_rect">set_clip_rect(surface,rect)</a></li>
41<li><a href="#get_clip_rect_surface_rect">get_clip_rect(surface,rect)</a></li>
42<li><a href="#blit_surface_src_src_rect_dest_dest_">blit_surface(src,src_rect,dest,dest_rect)</a></li>
43<li><a href="#fill_rect_dest_dest_rect_pixel">fill_rect(dest,dest_rect,pixel)</a></li>
44<li><a href="#GL_load_library_path">GL_load_library(path)</a></li>
45<li><a href="#GL_get_proc_address_proc">GL_get_proc_address(proc)</a></li>
46<li><a href="#GL_get_attribute_attr">GL_get_attribute(attr)</a></li>
47<li><a href="#GL_set_attribute_attr_value">GL_set_attribute(attr,value)</a></li>
48<li><a href="#GL_swap_buffers">GL_swap_buffers</a></li>
49<li><a href="#GL_attr_to_be_coded">GL_attr *** to be coded</a></li>
50<li><a href="#lock_YUV_overlay_overlay">lock_YUV_overlay(overlay)</a></li>
51<li><a href="#unlock_YUV_overlay_overlay">unlock_YUV_overlay(overlay)</a></li>
52<li><a href="#display_YUV_overlay_overlay_dstrect">display_YUV_overlay(overlay,dstrect)</a></li>
55<li><a href="#SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO</a>
56<ul><li><a href="#Category_Objects">Category Objects</a>
60</ul><hr />
3774ca11 61<!-- INDEX END --><a href="assets/Video.png" target="_blank"><img src="assets/Video.png" style="height: 160px" alt="Video.png"/></a><hr />
162a0989 62
63<h1 id="NAME">NAME</h1><p><a href="#TOP" class="toplink">Top</a></p>
64<div id="NAME_CONTENT">
65<p>SDL::Video - Bindings to the video category in SDL API</p>
bfdd9c2e 68<h1 id="CATEGORY">CATEGORY</h1><p><a href="#TOP" class="toplink">Top</a></p>
70<p>Core, Video</p>
162a0989 71
7067312b 73<h1 id="SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</h1><p><a href="#TOP" class="toplink">Top</a></p>
75<pre> use SDL;
76 use SDL::Video;
77 use SDL::Surface;
78 use SDL::Rect;
162a0989 79
7067312b 80 # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
81 my $screen_width = 800;
82 my $screen_height = 600;
162a0989 83
7067312b 84 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
162a0989 85
7067312b 86 # setting video mode
87 my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);
162a0989 88
7067312b 89 # drawing something somewhere
90 my $mapped_color = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface-&gt;format(), 0, 0, 255); # blue
91 SDL::Video::fill_rect($screen_surface,
92 SDL::Rect-&gt;new($screen_width / 4, $screen_height / 4,
93 $screen_width / 2, $screen_height / 2), $mapped_color);
95 # update an area on the screen so its visible
96 SDL::Video::update_rect($screen_surface, 0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height);
98 sleep(5); # just to have time to see it
52432657 100 SDL::quit();
7067312b 102</pre>
162a0989 103
105<h1 id="METHODS">METHODS</h1><p><a href="#TOP" class="toplink">Top</a></p>
106<div id="METHODS_CONTENT">
109<h2 id="get_video_surface">get_video_surface</h2>
110<div id="get_video_surface_CONTENT">
7067312b 111<pre> my $surface = SDL::Video::get_video_surface();
52432657 114<p>This function returns the current display <a href="/SDL-Surface.html">SDL::Surface</a>. If SDL is doing format conversion on the display surface, this
7067312b 115function returns the publicly visible surface, not the real video surface.</p>
52432657 116<p>Example:</p>
117<pre> # somewhere after you set the video mode
118 my $surface = SDL::Video::get_video_surface();
120 printf( &quot;our screen is %d pixels wide and %d pixels high\n&quot;, $surface-&gt;w, $surface-&gt;h );
162a0989 123
125<h2 id="get_video_info">get_video_info</h2>
126<div id="get_video_info_CONTENT">
52432657 127<pre> my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();
130<p>This function returns a read-only <a href="/SDL-VideoInfo.html">SDL::VideoInfo</a> containing information about the video hardware. If it is called before
131<a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">SDL::Video::set_video_mode</a>, the <code>vfmt</code> member of the returned structure will contain the pixel
132format of the <strong>best</strong> video mode. </p>
134<pre> use SDL;
135 use SDL::Video;
136 use SDL::VideoInfo;
137 use SDL::PixelFormat;
139 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
141 my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();
143 printf( &quot;we can have %dbits per pixel\n&quot;, $video_info-&gt;vfmt-&gt;BitsPerPixel );
145 SDL::quit();
162a0989 148
150<h2 id="video_driver_name">video_driver_name</h2>
151<div id="video_driver_name_CONTENT">
52432657 152<pre> my $driver_name = SDL::Video::video_driver_name();
155<p>This function will return the name of the initialized video driver up to a maximum of 1024 characters. The driver name is a simple one
156word identifier like <code>&quot;x11&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;windib&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;directx&quot;</code>.</p>
157<p><strong>Note</strong>: Some platforms allow selection of the video driver through the <code>SDL_VIDEODRIVER</code> environment variable. </p>
159<pre> use SDL;
160 use SDL::Video;
162 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
164 print SDL::Video::video_driver_name() . &quot;\n&quot;;
166 SDL::quit();
162a0989 169
171<h2 id="list_modes_formats_flags">list_modes(formats,flags)</h2>
172<div id="list_modes_formats_flags_CONTENT">
096d8dc8 173<pre> my @modes = @{ SDL::Video::list_modes( $pixel_format, $flags ) };
52432657 174
096d8dc8 176<p>Returns a ref to an array of available screen dimensions for the given format and video flags,
177or it return undef if no modes are available.</p>
52432657 178<p>Example:</p>
179<pre> use SDL;
180 use SDL::Video;
181 use SDL::VideoInfo;
182 use SDL::PixelFormat;
183 use SDL::Rect;
185 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
187 my $video_info = SDL::Video::get_video_info();
189 my @modes = @{ SDL::Video::list_modes($video_info-&gt;vfmt, SDL_NOFRAME) };
191 if($#modes &gt; 0)
192 {
193 print(&quot;available modes:\n&quot;);
194 foreach my $index ( @modes )
195 {
196 printf(&quot;%03d: %d x %d\n&quot;, $index, $modes[$index]-&gt;w, $modes[$index]-&gt;h );
197 }
198 }
199 elsif($#modes == 0)
200 {
201 printf(&quot;%s video modes available\n&quot;, $modes[0]);
202 }
204 SDL::quit();
162a0989 207
209<h2 id="video_mode_ok_width_height_bpp_flags">video_mode_ok(width,height,bpp,flags)</h2>
210<div id="video_mode_ok_width_height_bpp_flags-2">
096d8dc8 211<pre> my $bpp_ok = SDL::Video::video_mode_ok( $width, $height, $bpp, $flags );
214<p>This function is used to check whether the requested mode is supported by the current video device. The arguments passed to this function
215are the same as those you would pass to <a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">SDL::Video::set_video_mode</a>.
216It returns <code>0</code> if the mode is not supported at all, otherwise the suggested <code>bpp</code>.</p>
218<pre> use SDL;
219 use SDL::Video;
221 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
223 my $video_mode_ok = SDL::Video::video_mode_ok( 800, 600, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE );
225 unless($video_mode_ok)
226 {
227 printf(&quot;this video mode ist not supported\n&quot; );
228 }
230 SDL::quit();
162a0989 236
238<h2 id="set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">set_video_mode(width,height,bpp,flags)</h2>
239<div id="set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag-2">
7067312b 240<pre> my $surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode( 800, 600, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_FULLSCREEN);
096d8dc8 243<p>Sets up a video mode with the specified width, height, bits-per-pixel and flags.
244<code>set_video_mode</code> returns a <a href="/SDL-Surface.html">SDL::Surface</a> on success otherwise it returns undef on error, the error message is retrieved
245using <code>SDL::get_error</code>.</p>
162a0989 246
449a007b 248<h3 id="List_of_avalaibles_flags">List of avalaibles flags</h3>
162a0989 249<div id="List_of_avalaibles_flags_CONTENT">
449a007b 250<dl>
7067312b 251 <dt><code>SDL_SWSURFACE</code></dt>
449a007b 252 <dd>
253 <p>Create the video surface in system memory</p>
254 </dd>
7067312b 255 <dt><code>SDL_HWSURFACE</code></dt>
449a007b 256 <dd>
257 <p>Create the video surface in video memory</p>
258 </dd>
7067312b 259 <dt><code>SDL_ASYNCBLIT</code></dt>
449a007b 260 <dd>
261 <p>Enables the use of asynchronous updates of the display surface.
262This will usually slow down blitting on single CPU machines, but may provide a speed increase on SMP systems.</p>
263 </dd>
7067312b 264 <dt><code>SDL_ANYFORMAT</code></dt>
449a007b 265 <dd>
266 <p>Normally, if a video surface of the requested bits-per-pixel (bpp) is not available, SDL will emulate one with a shadow surface.
7067312b 267Passing <code>SDL_ANYFORMAT</code> prevents this and causes SDL to use the video surface, regardless of its pixel depth.</p>
449a007b 268 </dd>
7067312b 269 <dt><code>SDL_HWPALETTE</code></dt>
449a007b 270 <dd>
271 <p>Give SDL exclusive palette access. Without this flag you may not always get the colors you request with SDL::set_colors or SDL::set_palette.</p>
272 </dd>
7067312b 273 <dt><code>SDL_DOUBLEBUF</code></dt>
449a007b 274 <dd>
7067312b 275 <p>Enable hardware double buffering; only valid with <code>SDL_HWSURFACE</code>. Calling <a href="#flip_surface">SDL::Video::flip</a> will flip the buffers and update
276the screen.
449a007b 277All drawing will take place on the surface that is not displayed at the moment.
7067312b 278If double buffering could not be enabled then <a href="#flip_surface">SDL::Video::flip</a> will just perform a
279<a href="#update_rect_surface_x_y_width_height">SDL::Video::update_rect</a> on the entire screen.</p>
449a007b 280 </dd>
7067312b 281 <dt><code>SDL_FULLSCREEN</code></dt>
449a007b 282 <dd>
283 <p>SDL will attempt to use a fullscreen mode. If a hardware resolution change is not possible (for whatever reason),
284the next higher resolution will be used and the display window centered on a black background.</p>
285 </dd>
7067312b 286 <dt><code>SDL_OPENGL</code></dt>
449a007b 287 <dd>
7067312b 288 <p>Create an OpenGL rendering context. You should have previously set OpenGL video attributes with
289<a href="#GL_set_attribute_attr_value">SDL::Video::GL_set_attribute</a>.</p>
449a007b 290 </dd>
7067312b 291 <dt><code>SDL_OPENGLBLIT</code></dt>
449a007b 292 <dd>
293 <p>Create an OpenGL rendering context, like above, but allow normal blitting operations.
294The screen (2D) surface may have an alpha channel, and SDL::update_rects must be used for updating changes to the screen surface.
295NOTE: This option is kept for compatibility only, and will be removed in next versions. Is not recommended for new code.</p>
296 </dd>
7067312b 297 <dt><code>SDL_RESIZABLE</code></dt>
449a007b 298 <dd>
299 <p>Create a resizable window.
7067312b 300When the window is resized by the user a <code>SDL_VIDEORESIZE</code> event is generated and
301<a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">SDL::Video::set_video_mode</a> can be called again with the new size.</p>
449a007b 302 </dd>
7067312b 303 <dt><code>SDL_NOFRAME</code></dt>
449a007b 304 <dd>
305 <p>If possible, SDL_NOFRAME causes SDL to create a window with no title bar or frame decoration.
306Fullscreen modes automatically have this flag set.</p>
307 </dd>
096d8dc8 309<p><strong>Note 1</strong>: Use <code>SDL_SWSURFACE</code> if you plan on doing per-pixel manipulations, or blit surfaces with alpha channels, and require a high framerate.
310When you use hardware surfaces (by passing the flag <code>SDL_HWSURFACE</code> as parameter), SDL copies the surfaces from video memory to system memory
7067312b 311when you lock them, and back when you unlock them. This can cause a major performance hit. Be aware that you may request a hardware surface,
312but receive a software surface because the video driver doesn't support hardware surface. Many platforms can only provide a hardware surface
096d8dc8 313when using <code>SDL_FULLSCREEN</code>. The <code>SDL_HWSURFACE</code> flag is best used when the surfaces you'll be blitting can also be stored in video memory.</p>
314<p><strong>Note 2</strong>: If you want to control the position on the screen when creating a windowed surface, you may do so by setting the environment
315variables <code>SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=center</code> or <code>SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS=x,y</code>. You can also set them via <code>SDL::putenv</code>.</p>
316<p><strong>Note 3</strong>: This function should be called in the main thread of your application.</p>
317<p><strong>User note 1</strong>: Some have found that enabling OpenGL attributes like <code>SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE</code> (the stencil buffer size) before the video mode has
7067312b 318been set causes the application to simply ignore those attributes, while enabling attributes after the video mode has been set works fine.</p>
096d8dc8 319<p><strong>User note 2</strong>: Also note that, in Windows, setting the video mode resets the current OpenGL context. You must execute again the OpenGL
7067312b 320initialization code (set the clear color or the shade model, or reload textures, for example) after calling SDL::set_video_mode. In Linux,
096d8dc8 321however, it works fine, and the initialization code only needs to be executed after the first call to
322<a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">SDL::Video::set_video_mode</a> (although there is no harm in executing the initialization code after
323each call to <a href="#set_video_mode_width_height_bpp_flag">SDL::Video::set_video_mode</a>, for example for a multiplatform application). </p>
162a0989 324
326<h2 id="update_rect_surface_x_y_width_height">update_rect(surface,x,y,width,height)</h2>
327<div id="update_rect_surface_x_y_width_height-2">
096d8dc8 328<pre> update_rect( $surface, $left, $top, $width, $height );
162a0989 331<p>Makes sure the given area is updated on the given screen.
332The rectangle must be confined within the screen boundaries because there's no clipping.
333update_rect doesn't returns any value.</p>
096d8dc8 334<p><strong>Note</strong>: This function should not be called while screen is locked by <a href="#lock_surface_surface">SDL::Video::lock_surface</a></p>
335<p><strong>Note2</strong>: If <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>, <code>width</code> and <code>height</code> are all equal to 0, <code>update_rect</code> will update the entire screen. </p>
336<p>For an example see <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a></p>
162a0989 337
339<h2 id="update_rects_surface_rects">update_rects(surface,rects) </h2>
340<div id="update_rects_surface_rects_CONTENT">
096d8dc8 341<pre> update_rects( $surface, @rects );
162a0989 344<p>Makes sure the given list of rectangles is updated on the given screen.
345The rectangle must be confined within the screen boundaries because there's no clipping.
096d8dc8 346<code>update_rects</code> doesn't returns any value.</p>
347<p><strong>Note</strong>: This function should not be called while screen is locked by <a href="#lock_surface_surface">SDL::Video::lock_surface</a>.</p>
349<pre> use SDL;
350 use SDL::Video;
351 use SDL::Surface;
352 use SDL::Rect;
354 # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
355 my $screen_width = 800;
356 my $screen_height = 600;
358 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
360 # setting video mode
361 my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);
363 # drawing the whole screen blue
364 my $mapped_color = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface-&gt;format(), 0, 0, 255); # blue
365 SDL::Video::fill_rect($screen_surface,
366 SDL::Rect-&gt;new(0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height),
367 $mapped_color);
369 my @rects = ();
370 push(@rects, SDL::Rect-&gt;new(200, 0, 400, 600));
371 push(@rects, SDL::Rect-&gt;new( 0, 150, 800, 300));
373 # updating parts of the screen (should look like a cross)
374 SDL::Video::update_rects($screen_surface, @rects);
376 sleep(2);
378 SDL::quit();
162a0989 381
383<h2 id="flip_surface">flip(surface)</h2>
384<div id="flip_surface_CONTENT">
904171e2 385<pre> $flip = SDL::Video::flip( $screen_surface );
162a0989 388<p>On hardware that supports double-buffering, this function sets up a flip and returns.
389The hardware will wait for vertical retrace, and then swap video buffers before the next video surface blit or lock will return.
904171e2 390On hardware that doesn't support double-buffering or if <code>SDL_SWSURFACE</code> was set, this is equivalent to calling
391<code>SDL::Video::update_rect( $screen, 0, 0, 0, 0 )</code>.</p>
7067312b 392<p>A software screen surface is also updated automatically when parts of a SDL window are redrawn, caused by overlapping windows or by
393restoring from an iconified state. As a result there is no proper double buffer behavior in windowed mode for a software screen, in
394contrast to a full screen software mode.</p>
904171e2 395<p>The <code>SDL_DOUBLEBUF</code> flag must have been passed to <code>SDL::Video::set_video_mode</code>, when setting the video mode for this function to
396perform hardware flipping.</p>
397<p><code>flip</code> returns <code>0</code> on success or <code>-1</code> on error.</p>
398<p><strong>Note</strong>: If you want to swap the buffers of an initialized OpenGL context, use the function <code>SDL::Video::GL_swap_buffers</code> instead. </p>
400<pre> use SDL;
401 use SDL::Video;
402 use SDL::Surface;
404 # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
405 my $screen_width = 800;
406 my $screen_height = 600;
408 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
410 # setting video mode
411 my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_FULLSCREEN);
413 # do some video operations here
415 # doing page flipping
416 unless( SDL::Video::flip($screen_surface) == 0 )
417 {
418 printf( STDERR &quot;failed to swap buffers: %s\n&quot;, SDL::get_error() );
419 }
421 SDL::quit();
162a0989 424
426<h2 id="set_colors_surface_start_colors">set_colors(surface,start,colors)</h2>
427<div id="set_colors_surface_start_colors_CONT">
904171e2 428<pre> $set_colors = SDL::Video::set_colors( $surface, $start, $color1, $color2, ... )
162a0989 431<p>Sets a portion of the colormap for the given 8-bit surface. </p>
432<p>When surface is the surface associated with the current display, the display colormap will be updated with the requested colors.
904171e2 433If <code>SDL_HWPALETTE</code> was set in <code>SDL::Video::set_video_mode</code> flags, <code>SDL::Video::set_colors</code> will always return 1, and the palette is
434guaranteed to be set the way you desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under emulation.
435The color components of a <a href="/SDL-Color.html">SDL::Color</a> structure are 8-bits in size, giving you a total of 2563 = 16777216 colors.
436Palettized (8-bit) screen surfaces with the <code>SDL_HWPALETTE</code> flag have two palettes, a logical palette that is used for mapping blits to/from
7067312b 437the surface and a physical palette (that determines how the hardware will map the colors to the display).
904171e2 438<code>SDL::Video::set_colors</code> modifies both palettes (if present), and is equivalent to calling <code>SDL::Video::set_palette</code> with the flags set to
439( <code>SDL_LOGPAL | SDL_PHYSPAL</code> ). </p>
440<p>If <code>surface</code> is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning 0.
441If all of the colors were set as passed to <code>SDL::Video::set_colors</code>, it will return 1.
7067312b 442If not all the color entries were set exactly as given, it will return 0, and you should look at the surface palette to determine the
443actual color palette.</p>
162a0989 444
446<h2 id="set_palette_surface_flags_start_colo">set_palette(surface,flags,start,colors)</h2>
447<div id="set_palette_surface_flags_start_colo-2">
904171e2 448<pre> $set_palette = set_palette( $surface, $flags, $start, $color1, $color2, ... );
162a0989 451<p>Sets a portion of the palette for the given 8-bit surface.</p>
904171e2 452<p>Palettized (8-bit) screen surfaces with the <code>SDL_HWPALETTE</code> flag have two palettes, a logical palette that is used for mapping blits to/from
7067312b 453the surface and a physical palette (that determines how the hardware will map the colors to the display).
904171e2 454Non screen surfaces have a logical palette only. <code>SDL::Video::blit</code> always uses the logical palette when blitting surfaces (if it has to
7067312b 455convert between surface pixel formats). Because of this, it is often useful to modify only one or the other palette to achieve various
456special color effects (e.g., screen fading, color flashes, screen dimming).</p>
904171e2 457<p>This function can modify either the logical or physical palette by specifying <code>SDL_LOGPAL</code> or <code>SDL_PHYSPAL</code> the in the flags parameter.</p>
162a0989 458<p>When surface is the surface associated with the current display, the display colormap will be updated with the requested colors.
904171e2 459If <code>SDL_HWPALETTE</code> was set in <code>SDL::Video::set_video_mode</code> flags, <code>SDL::Video::set_palette</code> will always return 1, and the palette is
460guaranteed to be set the way you desire, even if the window colormap has to be warped or run under emulation.
461The color components of a <code>SDL::Color</code> structure are 8-bits in size, giving you a total of 2563 = 16777216 colors. </p>
462<p>If <code>surface</code> is not a palettized surface, this function does nothing, returning <code>0</code>. If all of the colors were set as passed to <code>set_palette</code>,
463it will return <code>1</code>. If not all the color entries were set exactly as given, it will return <code>0</code>, and you should look at the surface palette
7067312b 464to determine the actual color palette.</p>
162a0989 465
467<h2 id="set_gamma_r_g_b">set_gamma(r,g,b)</h2>
468<div id="set_gamma_r_g_b_CONTENT">
904171e2 469<pre> $set_gamma = SDL::Video::set_gamma( $red_gamma, $green_gamma, $blue_gamma );
162a0989 472<p>Sets the &quot;gamma function&quot; for the display of each color component. Gamma controls the brightness/contrast of colors displayed on the screen.
473A gamma value of 1.0 is identity (i.e., no adjustment is made).</p>
7067312b 474<p>This function adjusts the gamma based on the &quot;gamma function&quot; parameter, you can directly specify lookup tables for gamma adjustment
475with SDL::set_gamma_ramp.</p>
904171e2 476<p><strong>Note</strong>: Not all display hardware is able to change gamma.</p>
477<p><code>SDL::Video::set_gamma</code> returns <code>-1</code> on error.</p>
478<p><strong>Warning</strong>: Under Linux ( Gnome and Xfce), gamma settings affects the entire display (including the desktop)! </p>
480<pre> use SDL;
481 use SDL::Video;
482 use SDL::Surface;
483 use SDL::Rect;
484 use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
486 # the size of the window box or the screen resolution if fullscreen
487 my $screen_width = 800;
488 my $screen_height = 600;
490 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
492 # setting video mode
493 my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode($screen_width, $screen_height, 32, SDL_SWSURFACE);
495 # drawing something somewhere
496 my $mapped_color = SDL::Video::map_RGB($screen_surface-&gt;format(), 128, 128, 128); # gray
497 SDL::Video::fill_rect($screen_surface,
498 SDL::Rect-&gt;new($screen_width / 4, $screen_height / 4, $screen_width / 2, $screen_height / 2),
499 $mapped_color);
501 # update the whole screen
502 SDL::Video::update_rect($screen_surface, 0, 0, $screen_width, $screen_height);
504 usleep(500000);
506 for(1..20)
507 {
508 SDL::Video::set_gamma( 1 - $_ / 20, 1, 1 );
509 usleep(40000);
510 }
512 for(1..20)
513 {
514 SDL::Video::set_gamma( $_ / 20, 1, 1 );
515 usleep(40000);
516 }
518 SDL::Video::set_gamma( 1, 1, 1 );
520 usleep(500000);
522 SDL::quit();
162a0989 525
904171e2 527<h2 id="get_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt">get_gamma_ramp(rt,gt,bt)</h2>
528<div id="get_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt_CONTENT">
529<pre> $get_gamma_ramp = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red_table, \@green_table, \@blue_table );
162a0989 532<p>Gets the gamma translation lookup tables currently used by the display. Each table is an array of 256 Uint16 values.
533SDL::get_gamma_ramp returns -1 on error.</p>
904171e2 534<pre> use SDL;
535 use SDL::Video;
537 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
539 my (@red, @green, @blue);
541 my $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );
543 if( -1 == $ret )
544 {
545 print( &quot;an error occoured&quot; );
546 }
547 else
548 {
549 printf( &quot;for gamma = 1.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[255], $green[255], $blue[255] );
550 printf( &quot;for gamma = 0.5: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[127], $green[127], $blue[127] );
551 printf( &quot;for gamma = 0.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[0], $green[0], $blue[0] );
552 }
554 SDL::quit();
162a0989 557
559<h2 id="set_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt">set_gamma_ramp(rt,gt,bt)</h2>
560<div id="set_gamma_ramp_rt_gt_bt_CONTENT">
3774ca11 561<pre> $set_gamma_ramp = SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp( \@red_table, \@green_table, \@blue_table );
564<p>Sets the gamma lookup tables for the display for each color component. Each table is an array ref of 256 Uint16 values, representing a
7067312b 565mapping between the input and output for that channel.
162a0989 566The input is the index into the array, and the output is the 16-bit gamma value at that index, scaled to the output color precision.
567You may pass NULL to any of the channels to leave them unchanged.</p>
7067312b 568<p>This function adjusts the gamma based on lookup tables, you can also have the gamma calculated based on a &quot;gamma function&quot; parameter
3774ca11 569with <code>SDL::Video::set_gamma</code>.</p>
162a0989 570<p>Not all display hardware is able to change gamma.
3774ca11 571<code>SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp</code> returns <code>-1</code> on error (or if gamma adjustment is not supported).</p>
573<pre> use SDL;
574 use SDL::Video;
576 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
578 my (@red, @green, @blue);
580 my $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );
582 $red[127] = 0xFF00;
584 $ret = SDL::Video::set_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );
586 $ret = SDL::Video::get_gamma_ramp( \@red, \@green, \@blue );
588 if( -1 == $ret )
589 {
590 print( &quot;an error occoured&quot; );
591 }
592 else
593 {
594 printf( &quot;for gamma = 1.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[255], $green[255], $blue[255] );
595 printf( &quot;for gamma = 0.5: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[127], $green[127], $blue[127] );
596 printf( &quot;for gamma = 0.0: red=0x%04X, green=0x%04X, blue=0x%04X\n&quot;, $red[0], $green[0], $blue[0] );
597 }
599 SDL::quit();
162a0989 602
604<h2 id="map_RGB_pixel_format_r_g_b">map_RGB(pixel_format,r,g,b)</h2>
605<div id="map_RGB_pixel_format_r_g_b_CONTENT">
3774ca11 606<pre> $pixel = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $pixel_format, $r, $g, $b );
609<p>Maps the RGB color value to the specified <a href="/SDL-PixelFormat.html">SDL::PixelFormat</a> and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
162a0989 610If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be returned.
611If the specified pixel format has an alpha component it will be returned as all 1 bits (fully opaque). </p>
3774ca11 612<p><code>SDL::Video::map_RGB</code> returns a pixel value best approximating the given RGB color value for a given pixel format.
613If the <a href="/SDL-PixelFormat.html">SDL::PixelFormat</a>'s bpp (color depth) is less than 32-bpp then the unused upper bits of the return value can safely be ignored
7067312b 614(e.g., with a 16-bpp format the return value can be assigned to a Uint16, and similarly a Uint8 for an 8-bpp format).</p>
3774ca11 615<pre> use SDL;
616 use SDL::Video;
617 use SDL::PixelFormat;
618 use SDL::Surface;
620 SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);
622 my $screen_surface = SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE);
623 # ^-- 16 bits per pixel
625 $r = 0x9C;
626 $g = 0xDC;
627 $b = 0x67;
629 printf( &quot;for 24bpp it is: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n&quot;, $r, $g, $b);
631 my $_16bit = SDL::Video::map_RGB( $screen_surface-&gt;format, $r, $g, $b );
633 # 16bpp is 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue
634 # we will obtain the values for each color and calculating them back to 24bit color system
635 $r = (($_16bit &amp; 0b1111100000000000) &gt;&gt; 11) / 0b11111 * 0b11111111;
636 $g = (($_16bit &amp; 0b0000011111100000) &gt;&gt; 5) / 0b111111 * 0b11111111;
637 $b = ($_16bit &amp; 0b0000000000011111) / 0b11111 * 0b11111111;
639 printf( &quot;for 16bpp it is: 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X\n&quot;, $r, $g, $b );
641 # so color #9CDC67 becomes #9CDE62
643 SDL::quit();
162a0989 646
648<h2 id="map_RGBA_pixel_format_r_g_b_a">map_RGBA(pixel_format,r,g,b,a)</h2>
649<div id="map_RGBA_pixel_format_r_g_b_a_CONTEN">
650<p>Maps the RGBA color value to the specified SDL::pixel_format and returns the pixel value as a 32-bit int.
651If the format has a palette (8-bit) the index of the closest matching color in the palette will be returned.
652If the specified pixel format has no alpha component the alpha value will be ignored (as it will be in formats with a palette). </p>
653<p>A pixel value best approximating the given RGBA color value for a given pixel format.
7067312b 654If the pixel format bpp (color depth) is less than 32-bpp then the unused upper bits of the return value can safely be ignored (e.g.,
655with a 16-bpp format the return value can be assigned to a Uint16, and similarly a Uint8 for an 8-bpp format).</p>
162a0989 656
658<h2 id="get_RGB_pixel_format_pixel">get_RGB(pixel_format,pixel)</h2>
659<div id="get_RGB_pixel_format_pixel_CONTENT">
660<p>Returns RGB values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
7067312b 661This function uses the entire 8-bit [0..255] range when converting color components from pixel formats with less than 8-bits per RGB
662component (e.g., a completely white pixel in 16-bit RGB565 format would return [0xff, 0xff, 0xff] not [0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8]).</p>
162a0989 663
665<h2 id="get_RGBA_pixel_format_pixel">get_RGBA(pixel_format,pixel)</h2>
666<div id="get_RGBA_pixel_format_pixel_CONTENT">
667<p>Gets RGBA values from a pixel in the specified pixel format.
7067312b 668This function uses the entire 8-bit [0..255] range when converting color components from pixel formats with less than 8-bits per RGB
669component (e.g., a completely white pixel in 16-bit RGB565 format would return [0xff, 0xff, 0xff] not [0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8]).</p>
162a0989 670<p>If the surface has no alpha component, the alpha will be returned as 0xff (100% opaque). </p>
673<h2 id="create_RGB_surface_from">create_RGB_surface_from ***</h2>
674<div id="create_RGB_surface_from_CONTENT">
675<p>Creates an empty SDL::Surface from pixel data
676Allocate an empty surface (must be called after SDL::set_video_mode)
7067312b 677If bitsPerPixel is 8 an empty palette is allocated for the surface, otherwise a 'packed-pixel' SDL::pixel_format is created using the
678[RGBA]mask's provided (see SDL::pixel_format). The flags specifies the type of surface that should be created, it is an OR'd combination
679of the following possible values. </p>
449a007b 680<dl>
681 <dt>SDL_SWSURFACE</dt>
682 <dd>
683 <p>SDL will create the surface in system memory.
684This improves the performance of pixel level access, however you may not be able to take advantage of some types of hardware blitting.</p>
685 </dd>
686 <dt>SDL_HWSURFACE</dt>
687 <dd>
688 <p>SDL will attempt to create the surface in video memory.
689This will allow SDL to take advantage of Video-&gt;Video blits (which are often accelerated).</p>
690 </dd>
691 <dt>SDL_SRCCOLORKEY</dt>
692 <dd>
693 <p>This flag turns on color keying for blits from this surface.
694If SDL_HWSURFACE is also specified and color keyed blits are hardware-accelerated, then SDL will attempt to place the surface in video memory.
695If the screen is a hardware surface and color keyed blits are hardware-accelerated then the SDL_HWSURFACE flag will be set.
696Use SDL_SetColorKey to set or clear this flag after surface creation.</p>
697 </dd>
698 <dt>SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
699 <dd>
700 <p>This flag turns on alpha-blending for blits from this surface.
701If SDL_HWSURFACE is also specified and alpha-blending blits are hardware-accelerated,
702then the surface will be placed in video memory if possible.
703If the screen is a hardware surface and alpha-blending blits are hardware-accelerated then the SDL_HWSURFACE flag will be set.
704Use SDL_SetAlpha to set or clear this flag after surface creation.</p>
705 </dd>
162a0989 707
162a0989 711<p>[RGBA]mask are the bitmasks used to extract that colour from a pixel.
712For instance, Rmask being FF000000 means the red data is stored in the most significant byte.
713Using zeros for the RGB masks sets a default value, based on the depth. (e.g. SDL::create_RGB_surface(flags,w,h,32,0,0,0,0);).
714However, using zero for the Amask results in an Amask of 0.
715It returns a SDL::Surface on success or undef on error.
716Notes: If an alpha-channel is specified (that is, if Amask is nonzero), then the SDL_SRCALPHA flag is automatically set.
717You may remove this flag by calling SDL::set_alpha after surface creation.
718Also, if the SDL_HWSURFACE flag is set on the returned surface, its format might not match the requested format. </p>
719<p>Notes: Sometimes specifying an Alpha mask value could cause strange results.
7067312b 720This can be worked around by setting the Amask parameter to 0, but still including the SDL_SRCALPHA flag, and then using SDL::set_alpha,
721also with the SDL_SRCALPHA flag. </p>
162a0989 722
724<h2 id="lock_surface_surface">lock_surface(surface)</h2>
725<div id="lock_surface_surface_CONTENT">
726<p>SDL::lock_surface sets up the given SDL::surface for directly accessing the pixels.
7067312b 727Between calls to SDL::lock_surface and SDL::unlock_surface, you can write to and read from surface-&gt;pixels, using the pixel format stored
728in surface-&gt;format.
162a0989 729Once you are done accessing the surface, you should use SDL::unlock_surface to release the lock.</p>
7067312b 730<p>Not all surfaces require locking. If SDL::MUSTLOCK(surface) evaluates to 0, then reading and writing pixels to the surface can be performed
731at any time, and the pixel format of the surface will not change.
162a0989 732No operating system or library calls should be made between the lock/unlock pairs, as critical system locks may be held during this time.
7067312b 733SDL::lock_surface returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
734<p>Note : Since SDL 1.1.8, the surface locks are recursive. This means that you can lock a surface multiple times, but each lock must have
735a matching unlock.</p>
162a0989 736
738<h2 id="unlock_surface_surface">unlock_surface(surface)</h2>
739<div id="unlock_surface_surface_CONTENT">
7067312b 740<p>Surfaces that were previously locked using SDL::lock_surface must be unlocked with SDL::unlock_surface. Surfaces should be unlocked as
741soon as possible.
162a0989 742SDL::unlock_surface doesn't return anything.</p>
743<p>Note : Since 1.1.8, the surface locks are recursive. See <code>SDL::lock_surface</code> for more information. </p>
746<h2 id="convert_surface_surface_format_flags">convert_surface(surface,format,flags)</h2>
747<div id="convert_surface_surface_format_flags-2">
748<p>Creates a new SDL::surface of the specified SDL::pixel_format, and then copies and maps the given surface to it.
749It is also useful for making a copy of a surface.</p>
750<p>The flags parameter is passed to SDL::create_RGB_surface and has those semantics.
751This function is used internally by SDL::display_format.
752This function can only be called after SDL::init. </p>
7067312b 753<p>it returns a SDL::surface on success or undef on error.</p>
162a0989 754
756<h2 id="display_format">display_format</h2>
757<div id="display_format_CONTENT">
758<p>Converts a surface to the display format </p>
761<h2 id="display_format_alpha">display_format_alpha</h2>
762<div id="display_format_alpha_CONTENT">
763<p>Converts a surface to the display format </p>
766<h2 id="load_BMP_filename">load_BMP(filename)</h2>
767<div id="load_BMP_filename_CONTENT">
768<p>Loads a SDL::surface from a named Windows BMP file.
7067312b 769SDL::load_BMP returns a SDL::surface on success or undef on error.</p>
162a0989 770<p>Note: When loading a 24-bit Windows BMP file, pixel data points are loaded as blue, green, red, and NOT red, green, blue (as one might expect). </p>
780<h2 id="save_BMP_surface_filename">save_BMP(surface,filename)</h2>
781<div id="save_BMP_surface_filename_CONTENT">
782<p>Saves the given SDL::Surface surface as a Windows BMP file named filename.
7067312b 783it returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 784
786<h2 id="set_color_key_surface_flag_key">set_color_key(surface,flag,key)</h2>
787<div id="set_color_key_surface_flag_key_CONTE">
788<p>Sets the color key (transparent pixel) in a blittable surface and enables or disables RLE blit acceleration.</p>
7067312b 789<p>RLE acceleration can substantially speed up blitting of images with large horizontal runs of transparent pixels (i.e., pixels that match
790the key value).
162a0989 791The key must be of the same pixel format as the surface, SDL::map_RGB is often useful for obtaining an acceptable value.
792If flag is SDL_SRCCOLORKEY then key is the transparent pixel value in the source image of a blit.</p>
793<p>If flag is OR'd with SDL_RLEACCEL then the surface will be drawn using RLE acceleration when drawn with SDL::Blit_surface.
794The surface will actually be encoded for RLE acceleration the first time SDL::blit_surface or SDL::display_format is called on the surface.
795If flag is 0, this function clears any current color key. </p>
7067312b 796<p>SDL::set_color_key returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 797
803<h2 id="set_alpha_surface_flag_key">set_alpha(surface,flag,key)</h2>
804<div id="set_alpha_surface_flag_key_CONTENT">
805<p>SDL::set_alpha is used for setting the per-surface alpha value and/or enabling and disabling alpha blending.</p>
806<p>The surface parameter specifies which SDL::surface whose alpha attributes you wish to adjust.
7067312b 807flags is used to specify whether alpha blending should be used (SDL_SRCALPHA) and whether the surface should use RLE acceleration for
808blitting (SDL_RLEACCEL).
162a0989 809flags can be an OR'd combination of these two options, one of these options or 0.
810If SDL_SRCALPHA is not passed as a flag then all alpha information is ignored when blitting the surface.
7067312b 811The alpha parameter is the per-surface alpha value; a surface need not have an alpha channel to use per-surface alpha and blitting can
812still be accelerated with SDL_RLEACCEL.</p>
162a0989 813<p>Note: The per-surface alpha value of 128 is considered a special case and is optimised, so it's much faster than other per-surface values.</p>
814<p>Alpha affects surface blitting in the following ways: </p>
449a007b 815<dl>
816 <dt>RGBA-&gt;RGB with SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
817 <dd>
818 <p>The source is alpha-blended with the destination, using the alpha channel.
819SDL_SRCCOLORKEY and the per-surface alpha are ignored.</p>
820 </dd>
821 <dt>RGBA-&gt;RGB without SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
822 <dd>
823 <p>The RGB data is copied from the source. The source alpha channel and the per-surface alpha value are ignored.
824If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.</p>
825 </dd>
826 <dt>RGB-&gt;RGBA with SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
827 <dd>
828 <p>The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the per-surface alpha value.
829If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.
830The alpha channel of the copied pixels is set to opaque.</p>
831 </dd>
832 <dt>RGB-&gt;RGBA without SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
833 <dd>
834 <p>The RGB data is copied from the source and the alpha value of the copied pixels is set to opaque.
835If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.</p>
836 </dd>
837 <dt>RGBA-&gt;RGBA with SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
838 <dd>
839 <p>The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the source alpha channel.
840The alpha channel in the destination surface is left untouched. SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is ignored.</p>
841 </dd>
842 <dt>RGBA-&gt;RGBA without SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
843 <dd>
844 <p>The RGBA data is copied to the destination surface.
845If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.</p>
846 </dd>
847 <dt>RGB-&gt;RGB with SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
848 <dd>
849 <p>The source is alpha-blended with the destination using the per-surface alpha value.
850If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.</p>
851 </dd>
852 <dt>RGB-&gt;RGB without SDL_SRCALPHA</dt>
853 <dd>
854 <p>The RGB data is copied from the source.
855If SDL_SRCCOLORKEY is set, only the pixels not matching the colorkey value are copied.</p>
856 </dd>
162a0989 858<p>Note: When blitting, the presence or absence of SDL_SRCALPHA is relevant only on the source surface, not the destination.
7067312b 859Note: Note that RGBA-&gt;RGBA blits (with SDL_SRCALPHA set) keep the alpha of the destination surface. This means that you cannot compose
860two arbitrary RGBA surfaces this way and get the result you would expect from &quot;overlaying&quot; them; the destination alpha will work as a mask.</p>
162a0989 861<p>Note: Also note that per-pixel and per-surface alpha cannot be combined; the per-pixel alpha is always used if available. </p>
7067312b 862<p>SDL::set_alpha returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 863
865<h2 id="set_clip_rect_surface_rect">set_clip_rect(surface,rect)</h2>
866<div id="set_clip_rect_surface_rect_CONTENT">
7067312b 867<p>Sets the clipping rectangle for the given SDL::surface. When this surface is the destination of a blit, only the area within the clip
868rectangle will be drawn into.
869The rectangle pointed to by rect will be clipped to the edges of the surface so that the clip rectangle for a surface can never fall
870outside the edges of the surface.
162a0989 871If rect is NULL the clipping rectangle will be set to the full size of the surface.
872SDL::set_clip_rect doesn't returns anything.</p>
875<h2 id="get_clip_rect_surface_rect">get_clip_rect(surface,rect)</h2>
876<div id="get_clip_rect_surface_rect_CONTENT">
7067312b 877<p>Gets the clipping rectangle for the given SDL::surface. When this surface is the destination of a blit, only the area within the clip
878rectangle is drawn into.
162a0989 879The rectangle pointed to by rect will be filled with the clipping rectangle of the surface.
880SDL::get_clip_rect doesn't returns anything;</p>
887<h2 id="blit_surface_src_src_rect_dest_dest_">blit_surface(src,src_rect,dest,dest_rect)</h2>
888<div id="blit_surface_src_src_rect_dest_dest_-2">
889<p>This performs a fast blit from the given source SDL::surface to the given destination SDL::surface.
7067312b 890The width and height in srcrect determine the size of the copied rectangle. Only the position is used in the dstrect (the width and height
891are ignored). Blits with negative dstrect coordinates will be clipped properly.
162a0989 892If srcrect is NULL, the entire surface is copied. If dstrect is NULL, then the destination position (upper left corner) is (0, 0).
893The final blit rectangle is saved in dstrect after all clipping is performed (srcrect is not modified).
7067312b 894The blit function should not be called on a locked surface. I.e. when you use your own drawing functions you may need to lock a surface,
895but this is not the case with SDL::blit_surface. Like most surface manipulation functions in SDL, it should not be used together with OpenGL.</p>
896<p>The results of blitting operations vary greatly depending on whether SDL_SRCALPHA is set or not. See SDL::set_alpha for an explanation of
897how this affects your results. Colorkeying and alpha attributes also interact with surface blitting.
162a0989 898SDL::blit_surface doesn't returns anything.</p>
901<h2 id="fill_rect_dest_dest_rect_pixel">fill_rect(dest,dest_rect,pixel)</h2>
902<div id="fill_rect_dest_dest_rect_pixel_CONTE">
7067312b 903<p>This function performs a fast fill of the given SDL::rectangle with the given SDL::pixel_format. If dstrect is NULL, the whole surface
904will be filled with color.</p>
162a0989 905<p>The color should be a pixel of the format used by the surface, and can be generated by the SDL::MapRGB or SDL::map_RGBA functions.
906If the color value contains an alpha value then the destination is simply &quot;filled&quot; with that alpha information, no blending takes place.</p>
7067312b 907<p>If there is a clip rectangle set on the destination (set via SDL::set_clip_rect), then this function will clip based on the intersection
908of the clip rectangle and the dstrect rectangle, and the dstrect rectangle will be modified to represent the area actually filled.</p>
909<p>If you call this on the video surface (ie: the value of SDL::get_video_surface()) you may have to update the video surface to see the
910result. This can happen if you are using a shadowed surface that is not double buffered in Windows XP using build 1.2.9. </p>
911<p>SDL::fill_rect returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 912
914<h2 id="GL_load_library_path">GL_load_library(path)</h2>
915<div id="GL_load_library_path_CONTENT">
916<p>If you wish, you may load the OpenGL library from the given path at runtime, this must be done before SDL::set_video_mode is called.
7067312b 917The path of the GL library is passed to SDL::GL_load_library and it returns 0 on success, or -1 on an error. You must then use
918SDL::GL_get_proc_address to retrieve function pointers to GL functions. </p>
919<p>SDL::GL_load_library returns 0 on success or -1 or error.</p>
162a0989 920
922<h2 id="GL_get_proc_address_proc">GL_get_proc_address(proc)</h2>
923<div id="GL_get_proc_address_proc_CONTENT">
7067312b 924<p>Returns the address of the GL function proc, or NULL if the function is not found. If the GL library is loaded at runtime, with
925SDL::GL_load_library, then all GL functions must be retrieved this way. Usually this is used to retrieve function pointers to OpenGL
926extensions. Note that this function needs an OpenGL context to function properly, so it should be called after SDL::set_video_mode
927has been called (with the SDL_OPENGL flag).</p>
928<p>OpenGL function pointers must be declared APIENTRY . This will ensure the proper calling convention is followed on platforms where this
929matters (Win32) thereby avoiding stack corruption. In a Win32 build environment, APIENTRY should be defined as __stdcall. </p>
162a0989 930<p>it returns undef if the function is not found.</p>
933<h2 id="GL_get_attribute_attr">GL_get_attribute(attr)</h2>
934<div id="GL_get_attribute_attr_CONTENT">
7067312b 935<p>It returns SDL/OpenGL attribute attr . This is useful after a call to SDL::set_video_mode to check whether your attributes have been set
936as you expected.
162a0989 937SDL::GL_get_attribute returns undef if the attribute is not found.</p>
940<h2 id="GL_set_attribute_attr_value">GL_set_attribute(attr,value)</h2>
941<div id="GL_set_attribute_attr_value_CONTENT">
942<p>This function sets the given OpenGL attribute attr to value. The requested attributes will take effect after a call to SDL::set_video_mode.
7067312b 943You should use SDL::GL_get_attribute to check the values after a SDL::set_video_mode call, since the values obtained can differ from the
944requested ones.
162a0989 945See SDL_GLattr for the full list of available attributes.
7067312b 946SDL::GL_set_attribute returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
947<p>Note : The SDL_DOUBLEBUF flag is not required to enable double buffering when setting an OpenGL video mode. Double buffering is enabled
948or disabled using the SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER attribute. </p>
162a0989 949
951<h2 id="GL_swap_buffers">GL_swap_buffers</h2>
952<div id="GL_swap_buffers_CONTENT">
953<p>Swap the OpenGL buffers, if double-buffering is supported.
954SDL::GL_swap_buffers doesn't returns any value.</p>
957<h2 id="GL_attr_to_be_coded">GL_attr *** to be coded</h2>
958<div id="GL_attr_to_be_coded_CONTENT">
965<h2 id="lock_YUV_overlay_overlay">lock_YUV_overlay(overlay)</h2>
966<div id="lock_YUV_overlay_overlay_CONTENT">
967<p>Much the same as <code>SDL::lock_surface</code>, SDL::lock_YUV_overlay locks the overlay for direct access to pixel data.
7067312b 968It returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 969
971<h2 id="unlock_YUV_overlay_overlay">unlock_YUV_overlay(overlay)</h2>
972<div id="unlock_YUV_overlay_overlay_CONTENT">
449a007b 973<p>The opposite to <code>SDL::lock_YUV_overlay</code>. Unlocks a previously locked overlay. An overlay must be unlocked before it can be displayed.
7067312b 974It returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 975
977<h2 id="display_YUV_overlay_overlay_dstrect">display_YUV_overlay(overlay,dstrect)</h2>
978<div id="display_YUV_overlay_overlay_dstrect_">
7067312b 979<p>Blit the overlay to the display surface specified when the overlay was created. The SDL::rect structure, dstrect, specifies a rectangle
980on the display where the overlay is drawn. The .x and .y fields of dstrect specify the upper left location in display coordinates.
981The overlay is scaled (independently in x and y dimensions) to the size specified by dstrect, and is optimized for 2x scaling</p>
982<p>It returns 0 on success or -1 on error.</p>
162a0989 983
989<h1 id="SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO</h1><p><a href="#TOP" class="toplink">Top</a></p>
990<div id="SEE_ALSO_CONTENT">
993<h2 id="Category_Objects">Category Objects</h2>
994<div id="Category_Objects_CONTENT">
46beffd8 995<p><a href="/SDL-Surface.html">SDL::Surface</a>, <a href="/SDL-Overlay.html">SDL::Overlay</a>, <a href="/SDL-Color.html">SDL::Color</a>,
996<a href="/SDL-Rect.html">SDL::Rect</a>, <a href="/SDL-Palette.html">SDL::Palette</a>, <a href="/SDL-PixelFormat.html">SDL::PixelFormat</a>,
997<a href="/SDL-VideoInfo.html">SDL::VideoInfo</a></p>
162a0989 998