[% PROCESS header.tt pagetitle = "Stemmaweb - Test a file upload" applicationjs = c.uri_for( '/js/fileparse.js' ) %]

Stemmaweb - Test a file upload

This browser does not support the functions necessary for Stemmaweb to work properly. We recommend use of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Supported file types / extensions:

  • *.txt - spreadsheet collation, tab-separated values
  • *.csv - spreadsheet collation, comma-separated values
  • *.xls - spreadsheet collation, Excel 97-2004 format
  • *.xlsx - spreadsheet collation, Excel 2007 XML format
  • *.xml - TEI XML parallel segmentation format
  • *.xml - TEI XML export from Classical Text Editor
  • *.xml - GraphML export from the CollateX tool

All spreadsheet collations should be arranged with the witness sigla in the first row, and the words aligned by row each in its correct witness column.

[% IF result %]

Success! Probably.

A tradition was successfully created, with the name [% result.name %].

[% ELSIF errormsg %]

Uh-oh, something went wrong.

A tradition was not created. Here is the error message:

[% errormsg %]
[% END %] [% IF warnings %]

Information and Warnings

[% warnings %]
[% END %]
[% PROCESS footer.tt %]