use strict; use warnings; use 5.008001; my %META = ( name => 'namespace-clean', license => 'perl_5', abstract => 'Keep imports and functions out of your namespace', author => [ 'Robert \'phaylon\' Sedlacek ', 'Florian Ragwitz ', 'Jesse Luehrs ', 'Peter Rabbitson ', 'Father Chrysostomos ', ], prereqs => { configure => { requires => { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0, } }, runtime => { requires => { 'Package::Stash' => '0.23', 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope' => '0.12', 'perl' => '5.008001', }, }, test => { requires => { 'Test::More' => '0.47', } }, }, resources => { x_IRC => 'irc://', homepage => '', repository => { type => 'git', url => 'git://', web => '', }, bugtracker => { mailto => '', web => '', }, }, ); my %MM_ARGS = ( ( # a sub-namer is needed if using the debugger on some perls do { # sigh... so much unmitigated stupidity on #p5p these days... local @INC = ('lib', @INC); require namespace::clean::_Util; } and namespace::clean::_Util::DEBUGGER_NEEDS_CV_RENAME() and namespace::clean::_Util::_namer_load_error() and usable_compiler_present() ) # when changing version, also change $sn_ver in namespace/clean/ ? ( PREREQ_PM => { 'Sub::Name' => '0.04' } ) : () ); ## XS-checking BOILERPLATE ################################################### sub usable_compiler_present { return 0 if parse_args()->{PUREPERL_ONLY}; my $ucp; local $@; eval { # poor man's inc::latest my $euhc_fn = 'ExtUtils/'; my $euhc_found_in_INC_dir; ( ($euhc_found_in_INC_dir) = grep { not length ref $_ and -f "$_/$euhc_fn" and -r "$_/$euhc_fn" } @INC ) and ( MM->parse_version("$euhc_found_in_INC_dir/$euhc_fn") > MM->parse_version("inc/$euhc_fn") ) and eval { require ExtUtils::HasCompiler }; unless ( $INC{'ExtUtils/'} ) { local @INC = ( "inc", @INC ); require ExtUtils::HasCompiler; } $ucp = ExtUtils::HasCompiler::can_compile_loadable_object(quiet => 1) ? 1 : 0 ; 1; }; if( my $used_fn = $INC{'ExtUtils/'} ) { printf "ExtUtils::HasCompiler::can_compile_loadable_object() v%s (loaded from %s) returned: %s\n", ExtUtils::HasCompiler->VERSION, $used_fn, ( defined($ucp) ? $ucp : "UNKNOWN" ), ; } else { print "Something went wrong when trying to load/use ExtUtils::HasCompiler:\n$@\n\n"; } $ucp; } # FIXME - this has been cargo-culted from # # There likely will be better ways to handle %ENV and @ARGV directly within # EU::HC in the future sub parse_args { # copied from EUMM require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; require Text::ParseWords; ExtUtils::MakeMaker::parse_args( my $tmp = {}, Text::ParseWords::shellwords($ENV{PERL_MM_OPT} || ''), @ARGV, ); return $tmp->{ARGS} || {}; } ## END XS-checking BOILERPLATE ############################################### ## BOILERPLATE ############################################################### require ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # have to do this since old EUMM dev releases miss the eval $VERSION line my $eumm_version = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; my $mymeta = $eumm_version >= 6.57_02; my $mymeta_broken = $mymeta && $eumm_version < 6.57_07; ($MM_ARGS{NAME} = $META{name}) =~ s/-/::/g; ($MM_ARGS{VERSION_FROM} = "lib/$MM_ARGS{NAME}.pm") =~ s{::}{/}g; $META{license} = [ $META{license} ] if $META{license} && !ref $META{license}; $MM_ARGS{LICENSE} = $META{license}[0] if $META{license} && $eumm_version >= 6.30; $MM_ARGS{NO_MYMETA} = 1 if $mymeta_broken; $MM_ARGS{META_ADD} = { 'meta-spec' => { version => 2 }, %META } unless -f 'META.yml'; for (qw(configure build test runtime)) { my $key = $_ eq 'runtime' ? 'PREREQ_PM' : uc $_.'_REQUIRES'; my $r = $MM_ARGS{$key} = { %{$META{prereqs}{$_}{requires} || {}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{$key} || {}}, }; defined $r->{$_} or delete $r->{$_} for keys %$r; } $MM_ARGS{MIN_PERL_VERSION} = delete $MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM}{perl} || 0; delete $MM_ARGS{MIN_PERL_VERSION} if $eumm_version < 6.47_01; $MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES} = {%{$MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{TEST_REQUIRES}}} if $eumm_version < 6.63_03; $MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM} = {%{$MM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM}}, %{delete $MM_ARGS{BUILD_REQUIRES}}} if $eumm_version < 6.55_01; delete $MM_ARGS{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.51_03; ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(%MM_ARGS); ## END BOILERPLATE ###########################################################