^(?!script/|examples/|lib/|inc/|t/|xt/|Makefile.PL$|README$|MANIFEST$|Changes$|META.yml$) # Avoid version control files. \bRCS\b \bCVS\b ,v$ \B\.svn\b \B\.git\b \B\.gitignore\b \b_darcs\b # Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files. \bMakefile$ \bblib \bMakeMaker-\d \bpm_to_blib$ \bblibdirs$ ^MANIFEST\.SKIP$ # for developers only :) ^TODO$ ^Features_09$ # Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files. \bBuild$ \b_build # Avoid temp and backup files. ~$ \.tmp$ \.old$ \.bak$ \..*?\.sw[po]$ \#$ \b\.# \.sw. # avoid OS X finder files \.DS_Store$ # Don't ship the test db ^t/var # Don't ship the last dist we built :) \.tar\.gz$ # Skip maint stuff ^maint/ # Avoid patch remnants \.orig$ \.rej$ # Dont use Module::Build anymore ^Build.PL$