Initial prototype
Florian Ragwitz [Sun, 26 Feb 2012 13:05:57 +0000 (14:05 +0100)]
Once.xs [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/Gather/ [new file with mode: 0644]
t/basic.t [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Once.xs b/Once.xs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7d14c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Once.xs
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+#include "callchecker0.h"
+#include "callparser.h"
+#include "XSUB.h"
+typedef struct payload_St {
+  bool topicalise;
+  CV *predicate_cv;
+} payload_t;
+#ifndef COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW_set
+# define COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW_set(sv,val) \
+  do { ((XPVNV*)SvANY(sv))->xnv_u.xpad_cop_seq.xlow = val; } while(0)
+# define COP_SEQ_RANGE_HIGH_set(sv,val) \
+  do { ((XPVNV*)SvANY(sv))->xnv_u.xpad_cop_seq.xhigh = val; } while(0)
+#endif /* !COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW_set */
+#endif /* !PERL_PADSEQ_INTRO */
+#define pad_add_my_scalar_pvn(namepv, namelen) \
+    THX_pad_add_my_scalar_pvn(aTHX_ namepv, namelen)
+THX_pad_add_my_scalar_pvn(pTHX_ char const *namepv, STRLEN namelen)
+  PADOFFSET offset;
+  SV *namesv, *myvar;
+  myvar = *av_fetch(PL_comppad, AvFILLp(PL_comppad) + 1, 1);
+  offset = AvFILLp(PL_comppad);
+  SvPADMY_on(myvar);
+  PL_curpad = AvARRAY(PL_comppad);
+  namesv = newSV_type(SVt_PADNAME);
+  sv_setpvn(namesv, namepv, namelen);
+  COP_SEQ_RANGE_LOW_set(namesv, PL_cop_seqmax);
+  PL_cop_seqmax++;
+  av_store(PL_comppad_name, offset, namesv);
+  return offset;
+#define DEMAND_IMMEDIATE 0x00000001
+#define DEMAND_NOCONSUME 0x00000002
+#define demand_unichar(c, f) THX_demand_unichar(aTHX_ c, f)
+static void
+THX_demand_unichar (pTHX_ I32 c, U32 flags)
+  if(!(flags & DEMAND_IMMEDIATE))
+    lex_read_space(0);
+  if(lex_peek_unichar(0) != c)
+    croak("syntax error");
+  if(!(flags & DEMAND_NOCONSUME))
+    lex_read_unichar(0);
+#define CXt_MOO 12
+#define CXt_KOOH 13
+static OP *
+pp_entertake (pTHX)
+  dSP;
+  register PERL_CONTEXT *cx;
+  const I32 gimme = GIMME_V;
+  if ((0 == (PL_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL)) && !SvTRUEx(POPs))
+    RETURNOP(cLOGOP->op_other->op_next);
+  cx->blk_givwhen.leave_op = cLOGOP->op_other;
+S_dopoptogather(pTHX_ I32 startingblock)
+    dVAR;
+    I32 i;
+    for (i = startingblock; i >= 0; i--) {
+  register const PERL_CONTEXT *cx = &cxstack[i];
+  switch (CxTYPE(cx)) {
+  default:
+      continue;
+  case CXt_MOO:
+      DEBUG_l( Perl_deb(aTHX_ "(dopoptogiven(): found given at cx=%ld)\n", (long)i));
+      return i;
+  case CXt_LOOP_PLAIN:
+      assert(!CxFOREACHDEF(cx));
+      break;
+  case CXt_LOOP_LAZYIV:
+  case CXt_LOOP_LAZYSV:
+  case CXt_LOOP_FOR:/* FIXME */
+      if (CxFOREACHDEF(cx)) {
+    DEBUG_l( Perl_deb(aTHX_ "(dopoptogiven(): found foreach at cx=%ld)\n", (long)i));
+    return i;
+      }
+  }
+    }
+    return i;
+static OP *
+pp_leavetake (pTHX)
+  dSP;
+  I32 cxix;
+  register PERL_CONTEXT *cx;
+  I32 gimme;
+  SV **newsp;
+  PMOP *newpm;
+  cxix = S_dopoptogather(aTHX_ cxstack_ix);
+  if (cxix < 0)
+  /* diag_listed_as: Can't "when" outside a topicalizer */
+  DIE(aTHX_ "Can't \"%s\" outside a topicalizer",
+      PL_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL ? "default" : "when");
+  POPBLOCK(cx,newpm);
+  assert(CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_KOOH);
+  if (cxix < cxstack_ix)
+    dounwind(cxix);
+  cx = &cxstack[cxix];
+  RETURNOP(cx->blk_givwhen.leave_op);
+static OP *
+myparse_args_take (pTHX_ GV *namegv, SV *args, U32 *flagsp)
+  OP *condop, *blkop, *leaveop;
+  LOGOP *enterop;
+  SV *predicate_cv_ref;
+  int blk_floor;
+  bool topicalise;
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(namegv);
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(flagsp);
+  demand_unichar('(', 0);
+  condop = parse_fullexpr(0);
+  demand_unichar(')', 0);
+  demand_unichar('{', DEMAND_NOCONSUME);
+  blk_floor = Perl_block_start(aTHX_ 1);
+  blkop = parse_block(0);
+  blkop = Perl_block_end(aTHX_ blk_floor, blkop);
+  NewOp(1101, enterop, 1, LOGOP);
+  enterop->op_type = OP_ENTERWHEN;
+  enterop->op_ppaddr = pp_entertake;
+  enterop->op_flags = OPf_KIDS;
+  enterop->op_targ = -1;
+  enterop->op_private = 0;
+  leaveop = newUNOP(OP_LEAVEWHEN, 0, (OP *)enterop);
+  leaveop->op_ppaddr = pp_leavetake;
+  topicalise = SvTRUE(*av_fetch((AV *)SvRV(args), 0, 0));
+  if (topicalise) {
+    OP *pvarop;
+    pvarop = newOP(OP_PADSV, 0);
+    pvarop->op_targ = pad_findmy("$Gather::Once::current_topic",
+                                 sizeof("$Gather::Once::current_topic")-1, 0);
+    if (pvarop->op_targ == NOT_IN_PAD)
+      croak("outside topicaliser"); /* FIXME */
+    condop = op_append_elem(OP_LIST, condop, pvarop);
+  }
+  predicate_cv_ref = *av_fetch((AV *)SvRV(args), 1, 0);
+                   op_append_elem(OP_LIST, condop,
+                                  newCVREF(0, newSVOP(OP_CONST, 0,
+                                                      predicate_cv_ref))));
+  enterop->op_first = condop;
+  enterop->op_first->op_sibling = op_scope(blkop);
+  leaveop->op_next = LINKLIST(enterop->op_first);
+  enterop->op_first->op_next = (OP *)enterop;
+  enterop->op_next = LINKLIST(enterop->op_first->op_sibling);
+  enterop->op_first->op_sibling->op_next = enterop->op_other = leaveop;
+  return leaveop;
+static OP *
+pp_entergather (pTHX)
+  dSP; dTARGET;
+  register PERL_CONTEXT *cx;
+  const I32 gimme = GIMME_V;
+  if (PL_op->op_targ != NOT_IN_PAD)
+    sv_setsv(TARG, POPs);
+  cx->blk_givwhen.leave_op = cLOGOP->op_other;
+static OP *
+pp_leavegather (pTHX)
+  dSP;
+  register PERL_CONTEXT *cx;
+  I32 gimme;
+  SV **newsp;
+  PMOP *newpm;
+  POPBLOCK(cx,newpm);
+  assert(CxTYPE(cx) == CXt_MOO);
+  //SP = adjust_stack_on_leave(newsp, SP, newsp, gimme, SVs_PADTMP|SVs_TEMP);
+  //PL_curpm = newpm; /* Don't pop $1 et al till now */
+static OP *
+myparse_args_gather (pTHX_ GV *namegv, SV *topicalise, U32 *flagsp)
+  OP *topicaliser, *blkop, *initop = NULL;
+  int blk_floor;
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(namegv);
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(flagsp);
+  if (SvTRUE(topicalise)) {
+    demand_unichar('(', 0);
+    topicaliser = parse_fullexpr(0);
+    demand_unichar(')', 0);
+  }
+  demand_unichar('{', DEMAND_NOCONSUME);
+  blk_floor = Perl_block_start(aTHX_ 1);
+  if (SvTRUE(topicalise)) {
+    initop = newOP(OP_PADSV, (OPpLVAL_INTRO<<8));
+    initop->op_targ = pad_add_my_scalar_pvn("$Gather::Once::current_topic",
+                                            sizeof("$Gather::Once::current_topic")-1);
+  }
+  blkop = parse_block(0);
+  if (initop)
+    blkop = op_prepend_elem(OP_LINESEQ, initop, blkop);
+  blkop = Perl_block_end(aTHX_ blk_floor, blkop);
+  LOGOP *enterop;
+  NewOp(1101, enterop, 1, LOGOP);
+  enterop->op_type = OP_ENTERGIVEN;
+  enterop->op_ppaddr = pp_entergather;
+  enterop->op_flags = OPf_KIDS;
+  enterop->op_targ = SvTRUE(topicalise) ? initop->op_targ : NOT_IN_PAD;
+  enterop->op_private = 0;
+  OP *leaveop;
+  leaveop = newUNOP(OP_LEAVEGIVEN, 0, (OP *)enterop);
+  leaveop->op_ppaddr = pp_leavegather;
+  enterop->op_first = SvTRUE(topicalise) ? topicaliser : newOP(OP_NULL, 0);
+  enterop->op_first->op_sibling = op_scope(blkop);
+  leaveop->op_next = LINKLIST(enterop->op_first);
+  enterop->op_first->op_next = (OP *)enterop;
+  enterop->op_next = LINKLIST(enterop->op_first->op_sibling);
+  enterop->op_first->op_sibling->op_next = enterop->op_other = leaveop;
+  return leaveop;
+static OP *
+myck_gathertake (pTHX_ OP *entersubop, GV *namegv, SV *ckobj)
+  OP *rv2cvop, *pushop, *blkop;
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(namegv);
+  PERL_UNUSED_ARG(ckobj);
+  pushop = cUNOPx(entersubop)->op_first;
+  if (!pushop->op_sibling)
+    pushop = cUNOPx(pushop)->op_first;
+  blkop = pushop->op_sibling;
+  rv2cvop = blkop->op_sibling;
+  blkop->op_sibling = NULL;
+  pushop->op_sibling = rv2cvop;
+  op_free(entersubop);
+  return blkop;
+MODULE = Gather::Once  PACKAGE = Gather::Once
+setup_gather_hook (CV *gather_cv, SV *topicalise)
+  CODE:
+    cv_set_call_parser(gather_cv, myparse_args_gather, topicalise);
+    cv_set_call_checker(gather_cv, myck_gathertake, &PL_sv_undef);
+setup_take_hook (CV *take_cv, SV *args)
+  CODE:
+    cv_set_call_parser(take_cv, myparse_args_take, args);
+    cv_set_call_checker(take_cv, myck_gathertake, &PL_sv_undef);
diff --git a/lib/Gather/ b/lib/Gather/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..875b4ec
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package Gather::Once;
+use Devel::CallParser;
+use XSLoader;
+use Carp 'croak';
+use Sub::Install 'install_sub';
+sub import {
+    my ($class, %args) = @_;
+    my $caller = caller;
+    use Data::Dump 'pp';
+    my $gather = sub { croak "$args{block} called as a function" };
+    my $take   = sub { croak "$args{take} called as a function"  };
+    install_sub({
+        code => $gather,
+        into => $caller,
+        as   => $args{block},
+    });
+    install_sub({
+        code => $take,
+        into => $caller,
+        as   => $args{take},
+    });
+    setup_gather_hook($gather, !!$args{topicalise});
+    setup_take_hook($take, [$args{topicalise}, $args{predicate}]);
diff --git a/t/basic.t b/t/basic.t
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ecaa468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/basic.t
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More 0.89;
+use Gather::Once
+    block => 'with',
+    take  => 'iff',
+    topicalise => 1,
+    predicate  => sub {
+        warn "$_[0] == $_[1]";
+        $_[0] == $_[1];
+    };
+my $n = 42;
+my @ret = with ($n) {
+    warn 42;
+    iff (42) { 23 };
+    warn 23;
+    42;
+diag explain \@ret;
+use Gather::Once
+    block => 'moo',
+    take  => 'iff_',
+    predicate  => sub {
+        warn scalar @_;
+        warn "$_[0]";
+        !!$_[0]
+    };
+=for later
+iff_ (42) { };
+my @ret_ = moo {
+    iff_ (42) { 1, 2, 3 };
+diag explain \@ret_;