name = Devel-REPL author = Matt S Trout - mst (at) (L) copyright_holder = Matt S Trout - mst (at) (L) license = Perl_5 copyright_year = 2007 [FileFinder::Filter / CoreModules] finder = :InstallModules skip = Devel/REPL/Plugin/(Completion|LexEnv|DDC|DDS|Interrupt|MultiLine/PPI|Nopaste|PPI|Refresh)\.pm$ skip = Devel/REPL/Plugin/CompletionDriver/ [PodVersion] [@Author::ETHER] :version = 0.025 -remove = PodWeaver server = p5sagit installer = MakeMaker ; Module::Build::Tiny cannot handle dynamic_config => 1 Authority.authority = cpan:PHAYLON Test::MinimumVersion.max_target_perl = 5.008001 -remove = PodCoverageTests ; XXX TODO -remove = Test::PodSpelling ; XXX TODO -remove = Test::UnusedVars ; XXX TODO AutoPrereqs.finder = CoreModules Test::Compile.module_finder = CoreModules [ExecDir] dir = script [ContributorsFromGit] [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires] Moose = 0.93 MooseX::Object::Pluggable = 0.0009 MooseX::Getopt = 0.18 Task::Weaken = 0 [Prereqs / RuntimeRecommends] PPI::XS = 0.902 [DynamicPrereqs] ; add all x_default=>1 optional prereqs to PREREQ_PM if not running ; interactively, or defaults explicitly requested. -raw = if ($ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} or -raw = not (-t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)))) { -raw = # optional feature defaults -raw = my %defaults = ( -raw = 'PPI' => '0', -raw = 'Data::Dump::Streamer' => '0', -raw = 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '0', -raw = 'File::Next' => '0', -raw = 'B::Keywords' => '0', -raw = 'Lexical::Persistence' => '0', -raw = ); -raw = $WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM}{$_} = $FallbackPrereqs{$_} = $defaults{$_} foreach (keys %defaults); -raw = } [OptionalFeature / Completion] :version = 0.005 -description = Completion plugin - extensible tab completion -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 PPI = 0 [OptionalFeature / DDS] -description = DDS plugin - better format results with Data::Dump::Streamer -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 Data::Dump::Streamer = 0 [OptionalFeature / DDC] -description = DDC plugin - even better format results with Data::Dumper::Concise -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 Data::Dumper::Concise = 0 [OptionalFeature / INC_completion] -description = INC completion driver - tab complete module names in use and require -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 File::Next = 0 [OptionalFeature / Interrupt] -description = Interrupt plugin - traps SIGINT to kill long-running lines -always_recommend = 1 ; if we were munging Makefile.PL, we would make -default = 1 if $^O !~ /Win32/ -default = 0 Sys::SigAction = 0 [OptionalFeature / Keywords_completion] -description = Keywords completion driver - tab complete Perl keywords and operators -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 B::Keywords = 0 [OptionalFeature / LexEnv] -description = LexEnv plugin - variables declared with "my" persist between statements -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 Lexical::Persistence = 0 [OptionalFeature / MultiLine] -description = MultiLine::PPI plugin - continue reading lines until all blocks are closed -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 PPI = 0 [OptionalFeature / Nopaste] -description = Nopaste plugin - upload a session\'s input and output to a Pastebin -always_recommend = 1 -default = 0 App::Nopaste = 0 [OptionalFeature / PPI] -description = PPI plugin - PPI dumping of Perl code -always_recommend = 1 -default = 1 PPI = 0 [OptionalFeature / Refresh] -description = Refresh plugin - automatically reload libraries with Module::Refresh -always_recommend = 1 -default = 0 Module::Refresh = 0