DIRECTORY CONTENTS ================== This tarball contains exercises for the Intro to Moose class. Here's what's what ... t/*.t - each .t file contains instructions on what the exercise is, and runs the tests to check your code. t/lib - includes a recent (enough) copy of the Test-Harness and Test-Simple distributions so we're all on the same page, as well as some other modules used in the tests. t/lib/MooseClass/ - the actual tests all live in this module. It also shows many examples of how to use Moose's metaclass APIs for introspection. bin/prove - a slightly hacked version of prove that makes sure to look in t/lib first. If you have a recent version of prove installed, this can be ignored, but it's worth trying if you have any weird problems. lib - this will be your working directory for most exercises. You'll be creating various classes and roles in here, and then testing against the test code. answers - code that passes all the tests for each section. You can look in here if you're stuck, or if you just want to see how someone else did these exercises. EXERCISES HOW-TO ================ The exercises are all (except for one) designed to be done in the form of writing Perl modules and running tests against them. You will create these modules in the lib/ directory. You will often find yourself changing or extending the module you created in a previous exercise, so don't delete anything from this directory as you go. The instructions on each exercise are in the associated .t file. To run the tests, simply run this command: /path/to/perl bin/prove -lv t/test-name.t The test file name will be something like 01-classes.t. This command will run the tests in verbose mode so you will get clues as to what exactly failed. Keep iterating on your code until the tests pass.