#include "mouse.h" #define CHECK_INSTANCE(instance) STMT_START{ \ if(!(SvROK(instance) && SvTYPE(SvRV(instance)) == SVt_PVHV)){ \ croak("Invalid object instance"); \ } \ } STMT_END #define MOUSE_mg_attribute(mg) MOUSE_xa_attribute(MOUSE_mg_xa(mg)) static MGVTBL mouse_accessor_vtbl; /* MAGIC identity */ #define dMOUSE_self SV* const self = mouse_accessor_get_self(aTHX_ ax, items, cv) static inline SV* mouse_accessor_get_self(pTHX_ I32 const ax, I32 const items, CV* const cv) { if(items < 1){ croak("Too few arguments for %s", GvNAME(CvGV(cv))); } /* NOTE: If self has GETMAGIC, $self->accessor will invoke GETMAGIC * before calling methods, so SvGETMAGIC(self) is not necessarily needed here. */ return ST(0); } CV* mouse_instantiate_xs_accessor(pTHX_ SV* const attr, XSUBADDR_t const accessor_impl){ AV* const xa = mouse_get_xa(aTHX_ attr); CV* xsub; MAGIC* mg; xsub = newXS(NULL, accessor_impl, __FILE__); sv_2mortal((SV*)xsub); mg = sv_magicext((SV*)xsub, MOUSE_xa_slot(xa), PERL_MAGIC_ext, &mouse_accessor_vtbl, (char*)xa, HEf_SVKEY); MOUSE_mg_flags(mg) = (U16)MOUSE_xa_flags(xa); /* NOTE: * although we use MAGIC for gc, we also store mg to CvXSUBANY for efficiency (gfx) */ CvXSUBANY(xsub).any_ptr = (void*)mg; return xsub; } #define PUSH_VALUE(value, flags) STMT_START { \ if((flags) & MOUSEf_ATTR_SHOULD_AUTO_DEREF && GIMME_V == G_ARRAY){ \ mouse_push_values(aTHX_ value, (flags)); \ } \ else{ \ dSP; \ XPUSHs(value ? value : &PL_sv_undef); \ PUTBACK; \ } \ } STMT_END \ /* pushes return values, does auto-deref if needed */ static void mouse_push_values(pTHX_ SV* const value, U16 const flags){ dSP; assert( flags & MOUSEf_ATTR_SHOULD_AUTO_DEREF && GIMME_V == G_ARRAY ); if(!(value && SvOK(value))){ return; } if(flags & MOUSEf_TC_IS_ARRAYREF){ AV* av; I32 len; I32 i; if(!IsArrayRef(value)){ croak("Mouse-panic: Not an ARRAY reference"); } av = (AV*)SvRV(value); len = av_len(av) + 1; EXTEND(SP, len); for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ SV** const svp = av_fetch(av, i, FALSE); PUSHs(svp ? *svp : &PL_sv_undef); } } else if(flags & MOUSEf_TC_IS_HASHREF){ HV* hv; HE* he; if(!IsHashRef(value)){ croak("Mouse-panic: Not a HASH reference"); } hv = (HV*)SvRV(value); hv_iterinit(hv); while((he = hv_iternext(hv))){ EXTEND(SP, 2); PUSHs(hv_iterkeysv(he)); PUSHs(hv_iterval(hv, he)); } } PUTBACK; } static void mouse_attr_get(pTHX_ SV* const self, MAGIC* const mg){ U16 const flags = MOUSE_mg_flags(mg); SV* value; value = get_slot(self, MOUSE_mg_slot(mg)); /* check_lazy */ if( !value && flags & MOUSEf_ATTR_IS_LAZY ){ value = mouse_xa_set_default(aTHX_ MOUSE_mg_xa(mg), self); } PUSH_VALUE(value, flags); } static void mouse_attr_set(pTHX_ SV* const self, MAGIC* const mg, SV* value){ U16 const flags = MOUSE_mg_flags(mg); SV* const slot = MOUSE_mg_slot(mg); if(flags & MOUSEf_ATTR_HAS_TC){ value = mouse_xa_apply_type_constraint(aTHX_ MOUSE_mg_xa(mg), value, flags); } set_slot(self, slot, value); if(flags & MOUSEf_ATTR_IS_WEAK_REF){ weaken_slot(self, slot); } if(flags & MOUSEf_ATTR_HAS_TRIGGER){ SV* const trigger = mcall0s(MOUSE_mg_attribute(mg), "trigger"); dSP; PUSHMARK(SP); EXTEND(SP, 2); PUSHs(self); PUSHs(value); PUTBACK; call_sv(trigger, G_VOID | G_DISCARD); /* need not SPAGAIN */ } PUSH_VALUE(value, flags); } XS(XS_Mouse_accessor) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; MAGIC* const mg = (MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr; SP -= items; /* PPCODE */ PUTBACK; if(items == 1){ /* reader */ mouse_attr_get(aTHX_ self, mg); } else if (items == 2){ /* writer */ mouse_attr_set(aTHX_ self, mg, ST(1)); } else{ mouse_throw_error(MOUSE_mg_attribute(mg), NULL, "Expected exactly one or two argument for an accessor"); } } XS(XS_Mouse_reader) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; MAGIC* const mg = (MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr; if (items != 1) { mouse_throw_error(MOUSE_mg_attribute(mg), NULL, "Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor"); } SP -= items; /* PPCODE */ PUTBACK; mouse_attr_get(aTHX_ self, mg); } XS(XS_Mouse_writer) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; MAGIC* const mg = (MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr; if (items != 2) { mouse_throw_error(MOUSE_mg_attribute(mg), NULL, "Too few arguments for a write-only accessor"); } SP -= items; /* PPCODE */ PUTBACK; mouse_attr_set(aTHX_ self, mg, ST(1)); } /* simple accessors */ /* static MAGIC* mouse_accessor_get_mg(pTHX_ CV* const xsub){ return moose_mg_find(aTHX_ (SV*)xsub, &mouse_simple_accessor_vtbl, MOOSEf_DIE_ON_FAIL); } */ CV* mouse_install_simple_accessor(pTHX_ const char* const fq_name, const char* const key, I32 const keylen, XSUBADDR_t const accessor_impl){ CV* const xsub = newXS((char*)fq_name, accessor_impl, __FILE__); SV* const slot = newSVpvn_share(key, keylen, 0U); MAGIC* mg; if(!fq_name){ /* anonymous xsubs need sv_2mortal */ sv_2mortal((SV*)xsub); } mg = sv_magicext((SV*)xsub, slot, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &mouse_accessor_vtbl, NULL, 0); SvREFCNT_dec(slot); /* sv_magicext() increases refcnt in mg_obj */ /* NOTE: * although we use MAGIC for gc, we also store mg to CvXSUBANY for efficiency (gfx) */ CvXSUBANY(xsub).any_ptr = (void*)mg; return xsub; } XS(XS_Mouse_simple_reader) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; SV* const slot = MOUSE_mg_slot((MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr); SV* value; if (items != 1) { croak("Expected exactly one argument for a reader for '%"SVf"'", slot); } value = get_slot(self, slot); ST(0) = value ? value : &PL_sv_undef; XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_Mouse_simple_writer) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; SV* const slot = MOUSE_mg_slot((MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr); if (items != 2) { croak("Expected exactly two argument for a writer for '%"SVf"'", slot); } ST(0) = set_slot(self, slot, ST(1)); XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_Mouse_simple_clearer) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; SV* const slot = MOUSE_mg_slot((MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr); SV* value; if (items != 1) { croak("Expected exactly one argument for a clearer for '%"SVf"'", slot); } value = delete_slot(self, slot); ST(0) = value ? value : &PL_sv_undef; XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_Mouse_simple_predicate) { dVAR; dXSARGS; dMOUSE_self; SV* const slot = MOUSE_mg_slot((MAGIC*)XSANY.any_ptr); if (items != 1) { croak("Expected exactly one argument for a predicate for '%"SVf"'", slot); } ST(0) = boolSV( has_slot(self, slot) ); XSRETURN(1); } /* simple instance slot accessor (or Mouse::Meta::Instance) */ SV* mouse_instance_create(pTHX_ HV* const stash) { assert(stash); assert(SvTYPE(stash) == SVt_PVHV); return sv_bless( newRV_noinc((SV*)newHV()), stash ); } SV* mouse_instance_clone(pTHX_ SV* const instance) { HV* proto; assert(instance); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); proto = newHVhv((HV*)SvRV(instance)); return sv_bless( newRV_noinc((SV*)proto), SvSTASH(SvRV(instance)) ); } bool mouse_instance_has_slot(pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot) { assert(instance); assert(slot); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); return hv_exists_ent((HV*)SvRV(instance), slot, 0U); } SV* mouse_instance_get_slot(pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot) { HE* he; assert(instance); assert(slot); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); he = hv_fetch_ent((HV*)SvRV(instance), slot, FALSE, 0U); return he ? HeVAL(he) : NULL; } SV* mouse_instance_set_slot(pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot, SV* const value) { HE* he; SV* sv; assert(instance); assert(slot); assert(value); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); he = hv_fetch_ent((HV*)SvRV(instance), slot, TRUE, 0U); sv = HeVAL(he); sv_setsv_mg(sv, value); return sv; } SV* mouse_instance_delete_slot(pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot) { assert(instance); assert(slot); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); return hv_delete_ent((HV*)SvRV(instance), slot, 0, 0U); } void mouse_instance_weaken_slot(pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot) { HE* he; assert(instance); assert(slot); CHECK_INSTANCE(instance); he = hv_fetch_ent((HV*)SvRV(instance), slot, FALSE, 0U); if(he){ sv_rvweaken(HeVAL(he)); } } MODULE = Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor::XS PACKAGE = Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor::XS PROTOTYPES: DISABLE VERSIONCHECK: DISABLE CV* _generate_accessor(klass, SV* attr, metaclass) CODE: { RETVAL = mouse_instantiate_xs_accessor(aTHX_ attr, XS_Mouse_accessor); } OUTPUT: RETVAL CV* _generate_reader(klass, SV* attr, metaclass) CODE: { RETVAL = mouse_instantiate_xs_accessor(aTHX_ attr, XS_Mouse_reader); } OUTPUT: RETVAL CV* _generate_writer(klass, SV* attr, metaclass) CODE: { RETVAL = mouse_instantiate_xs_accessor(aTHX_ attr, XS_Mouse_writer); } OUTPUT: RETVAL CV* _generate_clearer(klass, SV* attr, metaclass) CODE: { SV* const slot = mcall0s(attr, "name"); STRLEN len; const char* const pv = SvPV_const(slot, len); RETVAL = mouse_install_simple_accessor(aTHX_ NULL, pv, len, XS_Mouse_simple_clearer); } OUTPUT: RETVAL CV* _generate_predicate(klass, SV* attr, metaclass) CODE: { SV* const slot = mcall0s(attr, "name"); STRLEN len; const char* const pv = SvPV_const(slot, len); RETVAL = mouse_install_simple_accessor(aTHX_ NULL, pv, len, XS_Mouse_simple_predicate); } OUTPUT: RETVAL