BEGIN{ $INC{'Module/Install/'} = __FILE__ } # to disable the use of ExtrTests use strict; use warnings; use inc::Module::Install; system($^X, 'author/', 'lib/Mouse/') == 0 or warn "Cannot generate Mouse::Tiny: $!"; name 'Mouse'; all_from 'lib/'; tests 't/*.t t/*/*.t'; # Scalar::Util < 1.14 has a bug. # > Fixed looks_like_number(undef) to return false for perl >= 5.009002 requires 'Scalar::Util' => 1.14; test_requires 'Test::More' => 0.88; test_requires 'Test::Exception' => 0.27; # test_requires 'Test::Output' => 0.16; # too many dependencies! include 'Test::Exception'; # work around 0.27_0x (its use of diehook might be wrong) recommends 'MRO::Compat' if $] < 5.010; my $use_xs; for (@ARGV) { /^--pp$/ and $use_xs = 0; /^--xs$/ and $use_xs = 1; } if($] < 5.008_001){ $use_xs = 0; } if(!defined $use_xs){ configure_requires 'ExtUtils::CBuilder'; require ExtUtils::CBuilder; $use_xs = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(quiet => 1)->have_compiler(); } if($use_xs){ require Module::Install::XSUtil; use_ppport(3.19); cc_warnings(); cc_src_paths('xs-src'); print "Mouse configured in XS (--xs)\n"; } else{ print "Mouse configured in Pure Perl (--pp)\n"; } if (author_context()) { local @INC = ('lib', @INC); require 'lib/Mouse/'; my $require_version = Mouse::Spec->MooseVersion; if (eval{ require Moose; Moose->VERSION($require_version) }) { if (eval 'use Module::Install::AuthorTests; 1') { do 'author/'; recursive_author_tests('xt'); } else { print "you don't have a M::I::AuthorTests.\n"; } } else { print "you don't have Moose $require_version. skipping moose compatibility test\n"; } if($use_xs){ # repeat testing # see also ExtUtils::MM_Any::test_via_harness() my $test_via_harness = q{$(FULLPERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e} .q{ "do 'author/'; test_harness($(TEST_VERBOSE), '$(INST_LIB)', '$(INST_ARCHLIB)')"} .q{ $(TEST_FILES)} . "\n"; postamble qq{test_dynamic :: test_pp\n\n} . qq{test_pp :: pure_all\n} . qq{\t} . $test_via_harness; } } clean_files 'lib/Mouse/'; WriteAll check_nmake => 0;