name = MooseX-Daemonize author = Chris Prather copyright_holder = Chris Prather license = Perl_5 [@Filter] -bundle = @Basic -remove = ConfirmRelease [Git::NextVersion] [Authority] authority = cpan:PERIGRIN [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires] Moose = 0.33 MooseX::Getopt = 0.07 MooseX::Types::Path::Class = 0 File::Path = 2.08 Sub::Exporter = 0 [Prereqs / TestRequires] Test::More = 0.88 Test::Fatal = 0 Test::Moose = 0 [MetaNoIndex] directory = t directory = examples [MetaResources] bugtracker.web = bugtracker.mailto = ; r/w: repository.url = git:// repository.web =;a=summary repository.type = git [MetaJSON] [MetaConfig] [ContributorsFromGit] [PkgVersion] [Test::Compile] bail_out_on_fail = 1 [Test::CheckDeps] fatal = 1 [NoTabsTests] [EOLTests] [MetaTests] [Test::CPAN::Changes] [Test::ChangesHasContent] [Test::Version] ;[Test::UnusedVars] [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] ;[Test::PodSpelling] ; too many failures; I can't be bothered to add stopwords for them all right now [Test::MinimumVersion] :version = 2.000003 max_target_perl = 5.008008 [NextRelease] :version = 4.300018 format = %-8V %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZZ}d [Git::Check] :version = 1.122460 allow_dirty = [Git::Commit] allow_dirty = Changes commit_msg = %N-%v%t%n%n%c [Git::Tag] tag_format = v%v%t tag_message = v%v%t [Git::Push] ; must be after MakeMaker plugin [AssertOS] os = -MSWin32 ; this is last so we perform all pre-release checks first [ConfirmRelease]