name = MooseX-AlwaysCoerce author = Rafael Kitover author = Michael G. Schwern author = Karen Etheridge abstract = Automatically enable coercions for Moose attributes license = Perl_5 ; version is taken from the last git tag, plus 1. ; override with the V environment variable. [Git::NextVersion] [MetaResources] bugtracker.web = repository.url = git:// repository.web =;a=summary repository.type = git [@Basic] [Prereqs / RuntimeRequires] Moose = 0 namespace::autoclean = 0.12 MooseX::ClassAttribute = 0.24 Package::Stash = 0.26 Carp = 0 [Prereqs / TestRequires] Test::More = 0 Test::Fatal = 0 Test::NoWarnings = 1.04 [NextRelease] format = %-9v %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZZ}d