fixed tests to "pass" under latest MXRP (0.25); however todo tests still remain
[gitmo/MooseX-AlwaysCoerce.git] / t / 04-parameterized-roles.t
a193e05d 1#!/usr/bin/env perl
13005566 2
a193e05d 3use strict;
4use warnings;
a193e05d 5use Test::More;
13005566 6use Test::Exception;
a193e05d 7
73760f48 8use Test::Requires {
9 'MooseX::Role::Parameterized' => 0.01,
a193e05d 11
13005566 12eval <<'EOF';
a193e05d 13 package Role;
14 use MooseX::Role::Parameterized;
f2dec73d 15 use MooseX::ClassAttribute;
a193e05d 16 use MooseX::AlwaysCoerce;
17 use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
f2dec73d 19 role {
20 subtype 'MyType', as 'Int';
21 coerce 'MyType', from 'Str', via { length $_ };
a193e05d 22
f2dec73d 23 subtype 'Uncoerced', as 'Int';
a193e05d 24
f2dec73d 25 has foo => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MyType');
a193e05d 26
f2dec73d 27 class_has bar => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MyType');
a193e05d 28
f2dec73d 29 class_has baz => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MyType', coerce => 0);
a193e05d 30
f2dec73d 31 has quux => (is => 'rw', isa => 'MyType', coerce => 0);
a193e05d 32
f2dec73d 33 has uncoerced_attr => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Uncoerced');
a193e05d 34
f2dec73d 35 class_has uncoerced_class_attr => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Uncoerced');
a193e05d 36
f2dec73d 37 has untyped_attr => (is => 'rw');
a193e05d 38
f2dec73d 39 class_has untyped_class_attr => (is => 'rw');
40 };
bb7cca58 41
f2dec73d 42 package MyClass;
a193e05d 43 use Moose;
44 with 'Role';
13005566 45EOF
a193e05d 47
bb7cca58 48plan tests => 10;
13005566 49eval 'use Test::NoWarnings';
a193e05d 50
51ok( (my $instance = MyClass->new), 'instance' );
0a64dac6 53{
54 local $TODO = 'waiting on Moose changes for role support, and ClassAttribute changes for paramterized role support';
bb7cca58 56 lives_and {
57 $instance->foo('bar');
58 is $instance->foo, 3;
59 } 'attribute coercion ran';
a193e05d 60
f2dec73d 61 lives_and {
62 $instance->bar('baz');
63 is $instance->bar, 3;
64 } 'class attribute coercion ran';
a193e05d 65
f2dec73d 66 dies_ok { $instance->baz('quux') }
67 'class attribute coercion did not run with coerce => 0';
a193e05d 68
f2dec73d 69 dies_ok { $instance->quux('mtfnpy') }
70 'attribute coercion did not run with coerce => 0';
a193e05d 71
f2dec73d 72 lives_and {
73 $instance->uncoerced_attr(10);
74 is $instance->uncoerced_attr(10), 10;
75 } 'set attribute having type with no coercion and no coerce=0';
bb7cca58 76
f2dec73d 77 lives_and {
78 $instance->uncoerced_class_attr(10);
79 is $instance->uncoerced_class_attr(10), 10;
80 } 'set class attribute having type with no coercion and no coerce=0';
bb7cca58 81
f2dec73d 82 lives_and {
83 $instance->untyped_attr(10);
84 is $instance->untyped_attr, 10;
85 } 'set untyped attribute';
bb7cca58 86
f2dec73d 87 lives_and {
88 $instance->untyped_class_attr(10);
89 is $instance->untyped_class_attr, 10;
90 } 'set untyped class attribute';