Revision history for Perl extension Moose::Autobox 0.03 - added &mixin_additional_role to allow mixing in of additional functionality - added new examples for units - ported from the Pugs examples/units directory * Moose::Autobox::Code - added the Y and U combinators 0.02 Sat. June 24, 2006 - fixed Moose::Autobox so that PAUSE won't try to index SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH and CODE. - added examples/ directory - ported tic-tac-toe from the Pugs examples * Moose::Autobox::Ref - added &dump method which will use Data::Dumper to return a dumped representation of the ref * Moose::Autobox::Array - added Junctions support with Perl6::Junction 0.01 Fri. June 9, 2006 - Autoboxing, all the cool kids are doing it ;)