enlightened perl organisation

enlightened |en'litnd|: adjective:
having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook



If you have a project that you fits under the Enlightened Perl banner and would like to apply for a grant from the EPO then you must contact the Secretary in writing detailing your proposal and how much you estimate you will require as a stipend.

Once the Secretary receives your proposal he will place it before the board for their consideration. The board will decide on the veracity of the proposal and the sum requested. They may decide to select a lower sum in return for a smaller return or to refuse entirely based on available grant budget.

If you are successful a written contract will be made between yourself and the organisation for your proposal and the agreement to pay the stipend.

The money will be paid in three instalments. The initial third will be paid at the start of the work to be undertaken. The second instalment will be paid halfway through the proposals time-frame, only if an appropriate goal has been reached in terms of production. The final third will be paid at the end of the work once it has been verified that the proposal has been completed.

Some things to consider when making a proposal:

Itemise what you hope to achieve with the grant you have requested. Try to separate them into blocks that make up an overall goal. The organisation may not be able to give you a grant to cover the whole proposal, but may be able to contribute towards the overall cost.

Think clearly about how much money you require. The organisation cannot accept proposals that do not have a clear cost-production ratio defined. It is best not to speculate, or to be vague, but to map as closely as possible the funds you require to what will be produced. Try to give each section of your itemised proposal a cost.

Try not to worry. The organisation is here to help Perl projects and we will do our best to help you with your proposal. At any time feel free to contact the Secretary.

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