create table person ( person_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(20) not null, age integer default '18', weight double(11,2), iq int default '0', is_rock_star tinyint default '1', physical_description text, UNIQUE KEY UC_person_id (person_id), UNIQUE KEY UC_age_name (age, name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; create unique index unique_name on person (name); create table employee ( position varchar(50), employee_id INTEGER, CONSTRAINT FK5302D47D93FE702E_diff FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES person (person_id), CONSTRAINT `demo_constraint` CHECK (`employee_id` > 0 and `employee_id` IS NOT NULL and `employee_id` not in (0)), PRIMARY KEY (employee_id, position) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; create table added ( id integer );