use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use File::ShareDir::Install; do './maint/Makefile.PL.include' or die $@ unless -f 'META.yml'; my $eumm_version = eval $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION; my %eumm_args = ( NAME => 'SQL::Translator', ABSTRACT => 'SQL DDL transformations and more', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/SQL/', LICENSE => 'perl', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008001', CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.54', # to deal with x.y.z versions properly 'File::ShareDir::Install' => '0', }, TEST_REQUIRES => { 'JSON::MaybeXS' => '1.003003', 'YAML' => '0.66', 'XML::Writer' => '0.500', 'Test::More' => '0.88', 'Test::Differences' => '0', 'Test::Exception' => '0.31', 'Text::ParseWords' => '0', }, PREREQ_PM => { 'Digest::SHA' => '0', 'Carp::Clan' => '0', 'Parse::RecDescent' => '1.967009', 'DBI' => '1.54', 'File::ShareDir' => '1.0', 'Moo' => '1.000003', 'Package::Variant' => '1.001001', 'Sub::Quote' => '0', 'Try::Tiny' => '0.04', 'Scalar::Util' => '0', }, realclean => { FILES => 't/data/roundtrip_autogen.yaml' }, EXE_FILES => [ qw| script/sqlt-diagram script/sqlt-diff script/sqlt-diff-old script/sqlt-dumper script/sqlt-graph script/sqlt | ], META_MERGE => { "meta-spec" => { version => 2 }, dynamic_config => 0, resources => { bugtracker => { web => '', mailto => '', }, repository => { type => 'git', url => '', web => '', }, license => [ '' ], x_IRC => 'irc://', x_Ratings => '', }, x_authority => 'cpan:JROBINSON', no_index => { directory => [qw(maint share xt)], }, prereqs => { runtime => { recommends => { 'Template' => '2.20', 'GD' => '0', 'GraphViz' => '0', 'Graph::Directed' => '0', 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' => '0.41', 'Text::RecordParser' => '0.02', 'XML::LibXML' => '1.69', }, }, develop => { requires => { 'Template' => '2.20', 'GD' => '0', 'GraphViz' => '0', 'Graph::Directed' => '0', 'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' => '0.41', 'Text::RecordParser' => '0.02', 'XML::LibXML' => '1.69', 'Test::EOL' => '1.1', 'Test::NoTabs' => '1.1', 'Software::LicenseUtils' => '0', # for Distar }, }, }, }, ); install_share 'share'; sub _move_to { my ($hash, $fromkey, $tokey) = @_; $hash->{$tokey} = { %{ $hash->{$tokey} || {} }, %{ delete($hash->{$fromkey}) || {} }, }; } delete $eumm_args{META_MERGE} if $eumm_version < 6.45_01; delete $eumm_args{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES} if $eumm_version < 6.51_03; # too late to use so just delete _move_to(\%eumm_args, 'TEST_REQUIRES', 'BUILD_REQUIRES') if $eumm_version < 6.63_03; _move_to(\%eumm_args, 'BUILD_REQUIRES', 'PREREQ_PM') if $eumm_version < 6.55_01; $eumm_args{NO_MYMETA} = 1 if $eumm_version >= 6.57_02 and $eumm_version < 6.57_07; WriteMakefile(%eumm_args); package MY; use File::ShareDir::Install qw(postamble);