#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; # H::T does not support gzip/deflate out of the box, but you know what? # THAT'S OK BECAUSE TRAVIS' LOGSERVER DOESN'T EITHER use HTTP::Tiny; use JSON::PP; ( my $build_id = $ARGV[0]||'' ) =~ /^[0-9]+$/ or die "Expecting a numeric build id as argument\n"; my $base_url = "http://api.travis-ci.org/builds/$build_id"; print "Retrieving $base_url\n"; my $resp = ( my $ua = HTTP::Tiny->new )->get( $base_url ); die "Unable to retrieve $resp->{url}: $resp->{status}\n$resp->{content}\n\n" unless $resp->{success}; my @job_ids = ( map { ($_->{id}||'') =~ /^([0-9]+)$/ } @{( eval { decode_json( $resp->{content} )->{matrix} } || [] )} ) or die "Unable to find any job ids:\n$resp->{content}\n\n"; my $dir = "TravisCI_build_$build_id"; mkdir $dir unless -d $dir; for my $job_id (@job_ids) { my $log_url = "http://api.travis-ci.org/jobs/$job_id/log.txt"; my $dest_fn = "$dir/job_$job_id.log"; print "Retrieving $log_url into $dest_fn\n"; $resp = $ua->mirror( $log_url, $dest_fn ); warn "Error retrieving $resp->{url}: $resp->{status}\n$resp->{content}\n\n" unless $resp->{success}; }