#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; # we will be outputting *ENCODED* utf8, hence the raw open below # the file is already sanity-checked by xt/authors.t my @known_authors = do { open (my $fh, '<:raw', 'AUTHORS') or die "Unable to open AUTHORS - can't happen: $!\n"; map { chomp; ( ( ! $_ or $_ =~ /^\s*\#/ ) ? () : $_ ) } <$fh>; } or die "Known AUTHORS file seems empty... can't happen..."; $_ =~ s!( \b https? :// [^\s\>]+ )!L<$1|$1>!x for @known_authors; print join "\n\n", '=encoding utf8', '=over', @known_authors, '=back', '', ; 1;