use inc::Module::Install 0.97; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX (); use 5.008001; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; # adjust ENV for $AUTHOR system() calls use Config; $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join ($Config{path_sep}, @INC); use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt bundling_override no_ignore_case pass_through/; my $args = { skip_author_deps => undef, }; GetOptions ($args, 'skip_author_deps'); if (@ARGV) { warn "\nIgnoring unrecognized option(s): @ARGV\n\n"; } ### ### DO NOT ADD OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES HERE, EVEN AS recommends() ### All of them should go to DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies ### name 'DBIx-Class'; perl_version '5.008001'; all_from 'lib/DBIx/'; my $build_requires = { 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.25', }; my $test_requires = { 'File::Temp' => '0.22', 'Test::Builder' => '0.33', 'Test::Exception' => '0', 'Test::More' => '0.92', 'Test::Warn' => '0.21', }; my $runtime_requires = { 'Carp::Clan' => '6.0', 'Class::Accessor::Grouped' => '0.09003', 'Class::C3::Componentised' => '1.0005', 'Class::Inspector' => '1.24', 'Data::Page' => '2.00', 'DBI' => '1.609', 'File::Path' => '2.07', 'MRO::Compat' => '0.09', 'Module::Find' => '0.06', 'Path::Class' => '0.18', 'SQL::Abstract' => '1.67', 'SQL::Abstract::Limit' => '0.13', 'Sub::Name' => '0.04', 'Data::Dumper::Concise' => '1.000', 'Scope::Guard' => '0.03', 'Context::Preserve' => '0.01', 'Try::Tiny' => '0.04', 'namespace::clean' => '0.14', }; # this is so we can order requires alphabetically # copies are needed for author requires injection my $reqs = { build_requires => { %$build_requires }, requires => { %$runtime_requires }, test_requires => { %$test_requires }, }; # require extra modules for testing if we're in a checkout my $optdep_msg; if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { if ($args->{skip_author_deps}) { $optdep_msg = <<'EOW'; ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** *** *** IGNORING AUTHOR MODE: no optional test dependencies will be forced. *** *** *** *** If you are using this checkout with the intention of submitting a DBIC *** *** patch, you are *STRONGLY ENCOURAGED* to install all dependencies, so *** *** that every possible unit-test will run. *** *** *** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** EOW } else { $optdep_msg = <<'EOW'; ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** *** *** *** AUTHOR MODE: all optional test dependencies converted to hard requires *** *** ( to disabled re-run Makefile.PL with --skip_author_deps ) *** *** *** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** EOW require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies; $reqs->{test_requires} = { %{$reqs->{test_requires}}, map { %$_ } (values %{DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_group_list}), }; } } # compose final req list, for alphabetical ordering my %final_req; for my $rtype (keys %$reqs) { for my $mod (keys %{$reqs->{$rtype}} ) { # sanity check req duplications if ($final_req{$mod}) { die "$mod specified as both a '$rtype' and a '$final_req{$mod}[0]'\n"; } $final_req{$mod} = [ $rtype, $reqs->{$rtype}{$mod}||0 ], } } # actual require for my $mod (sort keys %final_req) { my ($rtype, $ver) = @{$final_req{$mod}}; no strict 'refs'; $rtype->($mod, $ver); } # output twice since the deplist is > 70 lines warn $optdep_msg if $Module::Install::AUTHOR; auto_install(); warn $optdep_msg if $Module::Install::AUTHOR; # re-create various autogenerated documentation bits if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { print "Regenerating README\n"; system('pod2text lib/DBIx/ > README'); if (-f 'MANIFEST') { print "Removing MANIFEST\n"; unlink 'MANIFEST'; } print "Regenerating Optional/Dependencies.pod\n"; require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies; DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->_gen_pod; # FIXME Disabled due to unsolved issues, ask theorbtwo # require Module::Install::Pod::Inherit; # PodInherit(); } tests_recursive (qw| t |); # temporary(?) until I get around to fix M::I wrt xt/ # needs Module::Install::AuthorTests eval { recursive_author_tests (qw/xt/); 1; } || do { unless ($args->{skip_author_deps}) { my $err = $@; eval { require Module::Install::AuthorTests } || die "\nYou need Module::Install::AuthorTests installed to run this Makefile.PL:\n\n$@\n"; die $@; } }; install_script (qw| script/dbicadmin |); ### Mangle makefile - read the comments for more info # postamble <<"EOP"; # This will add an extra dep-spec for the distdir target, # which `make` will fold together in a first-come first-serve # fashion. What we do here is essentially adding extra # commands to execute once the distdir is assembled (via # create_distdir), but before control is returned to a higher # calling rule. distdir : dbicadmin_pod_inject # The pod self-injection code is in fact a hidden option in # dbicadmin itself dbicadmin_pod_inject : \tcd \$(DISTVNAME) && \$(ABSPERL) -Ilib script/dbicadmin --selfinject-pod # Regenerate manifest before running create_distdir. create_distdir : manifest EOP homepage ''; resources 'IRC' => 'irc://'; resources 'license' => ''; resources 'repository' => 'git://'; resources 'MailingList' => ''; # Deprecated/internal modules need no exposure no_index directory => $_ for (qw| lib/DBIx/Class/Admin lib/DBIx/Class/SQLAHacks lib/DBIx/Class/PK/Auto lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat |); no_index package => $_ for (qw/ DBIx::Class::SQLAHacks DBIx::Class::Storage::DBIHacks /); WriteAll(); # Re-write META.yml to _exclude_ all forced requires (we do not want to ship this) if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR && ! $args->{skip_author_deps} ) { # FIXME test_requires is not yet part of META my %original_build_requires = ( %$build_requires, %$test_requires ); print "Regenerating META with author requires excluded\n"; Meta->{values}{build_requires} = [ grep { exists $original_build_requires{$_->[0]} } ( @{Meta->{values}{build_requires}} ) ]; Meta->write; }