language: perl perl: - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" # Deal with all of the dependancies, quickly and quietly install: - export RELEASE_TESTING=1 AUTOMATED_TESTING=1 AUTHOR_TESTING=1 HARNESS_OPTIONS=j10:c HARNESS_TIMER=1 - perl Makefile.PL --alldeps # Install modules that typically appear in more than one dep - echo -e 'DBI\nMoo\nDateTime::Format::Strptime' | xargs -n 1 -P 10 cpanm --quiet --notest # Superfast parallelized dependancy installs - make listalldeps | xargs -n 6 -P 10 cpanm --quiet --notest # DBICTEST extra database tests before_script: # Install required DBDs - echo -e 'DBD::Pg\nDBD::mysql\nSys::SigAction' | xargs -n 1 -P 10 cpanm --quiet --notest # Set up DBICTEST vars - export DBICTEST_PG_DSN='dbi:Pg:database=dbic_test;host=' DBICTEST_PG_USER=postgres DBICTEST_PG_PASS='' - export DBICTEST_MYSQL_DSN='dbi:mysql:database=dbic_test;host=' DBICTEST_MYSQL_USER=root DBICTEST_MYSQL_PASS='' ### Disabling for now until we figure out the weird Firebird test failure, and why DBD::Firebird doesn't install ### #- export DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_DSN='dbi:Firebird:db=/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/employee.fdb' DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_USER=SYSDBA DBICTEST_FIREBIRD_PASS=masterkey # Set up databases for already-installed platforms - mysql -e 'create database dbic_test;' - psql -c 'create database dbic_test;' -U postgres # Database install for Firebird #- sudo apt-get -y install firebird2.5-super firebird2.5-examples #- sudo perl -pi -e 's/\=no/=yes/;' /etc/default/firebird2.5 #- sudo /etc/init.d/firebird2.5-super start #- cd /usr/share/doc/firebird2.5-examples/examples/empbuild/ #- sudo gunzip employee.fdb.gz #- sudo chown firebird.firebird employee.fdb #- sudo mv employee.fdb /var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/ #- cd - script: # Override default to make sure we don't run Makefile.PL without --alldeps - make test # Uncomment for cpanm install failures #after_failure: # - tail -100 /home/travis/.cpanm/build.log notifications: irc: channels: - "" template: - "%{branch}#%{build_number} by %{author}: %{message} (%{build_url})" on_success: change on_failure: always use_notice: true