add is_deferrable => 1 to belongs_to by default
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader.git] / t / 12pg_common.t
a78e3fed 1use strict;
c2849787 2use lib qw(t/lib);
fbd83464 3use dbixcsl_common_tests;
fdd8ff16 4use Test::More;
baff904e 5use List::MoreUtils 'apply';
a78e3fed 6
9e978a19 7my $dsn = $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN} || '';
8my $user = $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_USER} || '';
9my $password = $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_PASS} || '';
a78e3fed 10
fbd83464 11my $tester = dbixcsl_common_tests->new(
a78e3fed 12 vendor => 'Pg',
13 auto_inc_pk => 'SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY',
41968729 14 default_function => 'now()',
9e978a19 15 dsn => $dsn,
a78e3fed 16 user => $user,
17 password => $password,
ee07e280 18 data_types => {
19 'bigint' => { size => undef, data_type => 'bigint' },
20 'int8' => { size => undef, data_type => 'int8' },
21 'bigserial' => { size => undef, data_type => 'bigserial' },
22 'serial8' => { size => undef, data_type => 'serial8' },
23 'bit' => { size => undef, data_type => 'bit' },
24 'boolean' => { size => undef, data_type => 'boolean' },
25 'bool' => { size => undef, data_type => 'bool' },
26 'box' => { size => undef, data_type => 'box' },
27 'bytea' => { size => undef, data_type => 'bytea' },
28 'cidr' => { size => undef, data_type => 'cidr' },
29 'circle' => { size => undef, data_type => 'circle' },
30 'date' => { size => undef, data_type => 'date' },
31 'double precision' => { size => undef, data_type => 'double precision' },
32 'float8' => { size => undef, data_type => 'float8' },
33 'inet' => { size => undef, data_type => 'inet' },
34 'integer' => { size => undef, data_type => 'integer' },
35 'int' => { size => undef, data_type => 'int' },
36 'int4' => { size => undef, data_type => 'int4' },
37 'interval' => { size => undef, data_type => 'interval' },
38 'interval(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'interval' },
39 'line' => { size => undef, data_type => 'line' },
40 'lseg' => { size => undef, data_type => 'lseg' },
41 'macaddr' => { size => undef, data_type => 'macaddr' },
42 'money' => { size => undef, data_type => 'money' },
43 'path' => { size => undef, data_type => 'path' },
44 'point' => { size => undef, data_type => 'point' },
45 'polygon' => { size => undef, data_type => 'polygon' },
46 'real' => { size => undef, data_type => 'real' },
47 'float4' => { size => undef, data_type => 'float4' },
48 'smallint' => { size => undef, data_type => 'smallint' },
49 'int2' => { size => undef, data_type => 'int2' },
50 'serial' => { size => undef, data_type => 'serial' },
51 'serial4' => { size => undef, data_type => 'serial4' },
52 'text' => { size => undef, data_type => 'text' },
53 'time' => { size => undef, data_type => 'time' },
54 'time(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time' },
55 'time without time zone' => { size => undef, data_type => 'time without time zone' },
56 'time(2) without time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time without time zone' },
57 'time with time zone' => { size => undef, data_type => 'time with time zone' },
58 'time(2) with time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time with time zone' },
59 'timestamp' => { size => undef, data_type => 'timestamp' },
60 'timestamp(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'timestamp' },
61 'timestamp without time zone' => { size => undef, data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
62 'timestamp(2) without time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
63 'timestamp with time zone' => { size => undef, data_type => 'timestamp with time zone' },
64 'timestamp(2) with time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'timestamp with time zone' },
65 'bit varying(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'bit varying' },
66 'varbit(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'varbit' },
67 'character varying(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'character varying' },
68 'varchar(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'varchar' },
69 'character(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'character' },
70 'char(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'char' },
71 'numeric(6, 3)' => { size => [6,3], data_type => 'numeric' },
72 'decimal(6, 3)' => { size => [6,3], data_type => 'decimal' },
73 },
fdd8ff16 74 extra => {
75 create => [
76 q{
77 CREATE TABLE pg_loader_test1 (
79 value VARCHAR(100)
80 )
81 },
82 q{
83 COMMENT ON TABLE pg_loader_test1 IS 'The Table'
84 },
85 q{
86 COMMENT ON COLUMN pg_loader_test1.value IS 'The Column'
87 },
4b9fb838 88 q{
89 CREATE TABLE pg_loader_test2 (
91 value VARCHAR(100)
92 )
93 },
94 q{
95 COMMENT ON TABLE pg_loader_test2 IS 'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long comment'
96 },
baff904e 97 # Test to make sure data_types that don't need a size => don't
d4d1a665 98 # have one and check varying types have the correct size.
baff904e 99 q{
4b9fb838 100 CREATE TABLE pg_loader_test3 (
102 a_bigint BIGINT,
103 an_int8 INT8,
104 a_bigserial BIGSERIAL,
105 a_serial8 SERIAL8,
106 a_bit BIT,
baff904e 107 a_boolean BOOLEAN,
108 a_bool BOOL,
109 a_box BOX,
110 a_bytea BYTEA,
111 a_cidr CIDR,
112 a_circle CIRCLE,
113 a_date DATE,
114 a_double_precision DOUBLE PRECISION,
115 a_float8 FLOAT8,
116 an_inet INET,
117 an_integer INTEGER,
118 an_int INT,
119 an_int4 INT4,
120 an_interval INTERVAL,
121 an_interval_with_precision INTERVAL(2),
122 a_line LINE,
123 an_lseg LSEG,
124 a_macaddr MACADDR,
125 a_money MONEY,
126 a_path PATH,
127 a_point POINT,
128 a_polygon POLYGON,
129 a_real REAL,
130 a_float4 FLOAT4,
131 a_smallint SMALLINT,
132 an_int2 INT2,
133 a_serial SERIAL,
134 a_serial4 SERIAL4,
135 a_text TEXT,
136 a_time TIME,
137 a_time_with_precision TIME(2),
138 a_time_without_time_zone TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
139 a_time_without_time_zone_with_precision TIME(2) WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
140 a_time_with_time_zone TIME WITH TIME ZONE,
141 a_time_with_time_zone_with_precision TIME(2) WITH TIME ZONE,
142 a_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
143 a_timestamp_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2),
144 a_timestamp_without_time_zone TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
145 a_timestamp_without_time_zone_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2) WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
146 a_timestamp_with_time_zone TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
afb4c5bc 147 a_timestamp_with_time_zone_with_precision TIMESTAMP(2) WITH TIME ZONE,
148 a_bit_varying_with_precision BIT VARYING(2),
149 a_varbit_with_precision VARBIT(2),
150 a_character_varying_with_precision CHARACTER VARYING(2),
151 a_varchar_with_precision VARCHAR(2),
152 a_character_with_precision CHARACTER(2),
d4d1a665 153 a_char_with_precision CHAR(2),
154 the_numeric NUMERIC(6, 3),
155 the_decimal DECIMAL(6, 3)
baff904e 156 )
157 },
fdd8ff16 158 ],
4b9fb838 159 drop => [ qw/ pg_loader_test1 pg_loader_test2 pg_loader_test3 / ],
160 count => 57,
fdd8ff16 161 run => sub {
162 my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_;
164 my $class = $classes->{pg_loader_test1};
165 my $filename = $schema->_loader->_get_dump_filename($class);
167 my $code = do {
168 local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, $filename);
169 <>;
170 };
172 like $code, qr/^=head1 NAME\n\n^$class - The Table\n\n^=cut\n/m,
173 'table comment';
79a00530 175 like $code, qr/^=head2 value\n\n(.+:.+\n)+\nThe Column\n\n/m,
176 'column comment and attrs';
baff904e 177
4b9fb838 178 $class = $classes->{pg_loader_test2};
179 $filename = $schema->_loader->_get_dump_filename($class);
181 $code = do {
182 local ($/, @ARGV) = (undef, $filename);
183 <>;
184 };
186 like $code, qr/^=head1 NAME\n\n^$class\n\n=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n^very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long comment\n\n^=cut\n/m,
187 'long table comment is in DESCRIPTION';
6ecee584 189 my $rsrc = $schema->resultset($monikers->{pg_loader_test3})
190 ->result_source;
d4d1a665 191 my @type_columns = grep /^a/, $rsrc->columns;
baff904e 192 my @without_precision = grep !/_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
193 my @with_precision = grep /_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
194 my %with_precision;
195 @with_precision{
196 apply { s/_with_precision\z// } @with_precision
197 } = ();
199 for my $col (@without_precision) {
200 my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)/;
201 ($data_type = uc $data_type) =~ s/_/ /g;
203 ok((not exists $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}),
204 "$data_type " .
205 (exists $with_precision{$col} ? 'without precision ' : '') .
4b9fb838 206 "has no 'size' column_info")
207 or diag "size is ".$rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}."\n";
baff904e 208 }
210 for my $col (@with_precision) {
211 my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)_with_precision\z/;
212 ($data_type = uc $data_type) =~ s/_/ /g;
afb4c5bc 213 my $size = $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size};
baff904e 214
afb4c5bc 215 is $size, 2,
216 "$data_type with precision has a correct 'size' column_info";
baff904e 217 }
d4d1a665 218
219 is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_numeric')->{size}, [6,3],
220 'size for NUMERIC(precision, scale) is correct';
222 is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_decimal')->{size}, [6,3],
223 'size for DECIMAL(precision, scale) is correct';
fdd8ff16 224 },
225 },
a78e3fed 226);
9e978a19 228if( !$dsn || !$user ) {
229 $tester->skip_tests('You need to set the DBICTEST_PG_DSN, _USER, and _PASS environment variables');
a78e3fed 230}
231else {
232 $tester->run_tests();