package DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler::Manual::CatalystIntro # ABSTRACT: Introduction to using DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler with a new Catalyst Project =pod =head1 Background This introduction will use PostgreSQL and L. Background information on using PostgreSQL with Catalyst can be found at L. This guide will assume that you have some understanding of Catalyst. Please go through the Catalyst tutorials first if you have not yet done so. =head1 Database Setup Start by creating a user C, with password C $ sudo -u postgres createuser -P catalyst Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n Then create a new database called C sudo -u postgres createdb -O catalyst deploymentintro =head1 Create the project $ DeploymentIntro $ cd DeploymentIntro $ perl Makefile.PL =head1 Create the Schema $ script/ model DB DBIC::Schema DeploymentIntro::Schema \ create=static 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro' 'catalyst' 'catalyst' '{ AutoCommit => 1 }' $ mkdir -p lib/Schema/Result Remove the following from C: connect_info => { dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro', user => 'catalyst', password => 'catalyst', AutoCommit => q{1}, } Remove C and create a new file called C with the following: { name => "DeploymentIntro", "Model::DB" => { schema_class => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema', connect_info => { dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=deploymentintro', user => 'catalyst', password => 'catalyst', AutoCommit => 1, } } } Copy the following program into scripts, under the name C #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use feature ":5.10"; use aliased 'DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler' => 'DH'; use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use DeploymentIntro::Schema; use Config::JFDI; my $config = Config::JFDI->new( name => 'DeploymentIntro' ); my $config_hash = $config->get; my $connect_info = $config_hash->{"Model::DB"}{"connect_info"}; my $schema = DeploymentIntro::Schema->connect($connect_info); my $dh = DH->new({ schema => $schema, script_directory => "$FindBin::Bin/../dbicdh", databases => 'PostgreSQL', }); sub install { $dh->prepare_install; $dh->install; } sub upgrade { die "Please update the version in" if ( $dh->version_storage->version_rs->search({version => $dh->schema_version})->count ); die "We only support positive integers for versions around these parts." unless $dh->schema_version =~ /^\d+$/; $dh->prepare_deploy; $dh->prepare_upgrade; $dh->upgrade; } sub current_version { say $dh->database_version; } sub help { say <<'OUT'; usage: install upgrade current-version OUT } help unless $ARGV[0]; given ( $ARGV[0] ) { when ('install') { install() } when ('upgrade') { upgrade() } when ('current-version') { current_version() } } Copy the following files into C: C package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw(InflateColumn::DateTime)); __PACKAGE__->table('cd'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, artist_id => { data_type => 'integer' }, title => { data_type => 'text' }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( artist => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Artist', 'artist_id' ); __PACKAGE__->has_many( tracks => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Track', 'cd_id' ); 1; C package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Artist; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->table('artist'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, name => { data_type => 'text' }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->has_many( cds => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd', 'artist_id' ); 1; C package DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Track; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->table('track'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1, }, cd_id => { data_type => 'integer', }, title => { data_type => 'text', } ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( cd => 'DeploymentIntro::Schema::Result::Cd', 'cd_id' ); 1; And then edit C and add the following above the 1 at the bottom our $VERSION = 1; Now it is just a matter of running ./script/ install