Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::DateTime::Epoch. 0.08 2011-11-21 - remove warning in case of datetime column without inflate_datetime (Alexandr Ciornii) 0.07 2011-01-19 - fix inflation/deflation routines so that non-epoch datetime columns are handled correctly (woosley) 0.06 2009-01-28 - make sure regex for "int" is case insensitive (RT #54053) 0.05 2009-06-01 [THING THAT WILL NO LONGER BREAK YOUR CODE] - added back-compat for the "epoch => 1", etc syntax 0.04 2009-05-26 [ENHANCEMENTS] - switch to Module::Install [THINGS THAT WILL BREAK YOUR CODE] - refactor module to itegrate with InflateColumn::DateTime and TimeStamp. Requires DBIx::Class 0.08103 and DBIx::Class::TimeStamp 0.07. Please read the new documentation. 0.03 2007-04-25 - don't override user-supplied values for update() 0.02 2006-07-17 - Re-release onto CPAN 0.01 2006-03-22 - original version;