Notes: Snippet Store: * In memory RS-like thing (i.e. a cache with an RS like interface) * Snippets are just hashes: { text => 'foo' } * create(text => $text): make a new snippet. * find(id): get a snippet Snippet: * has id and text accessors * knows if it has been translated * and how to translate itself. Translator: * A text -> text transformer * Work done by translation drivers * Queryable translations (can I go to X?) Translation Driver: * Has one method, 'translate' that takes a string and returns the translated one Practical sessions: * Snippets and Translators * Other Notes: * Not sure the point of Test::Moose, I often just call the accessor and check that it behaves right, I don't really care at the test level if this is an accessor or some vodoo sacrifice so long as it works how i want.