add Antiquated Perl slides as POD, delete takahashi code
Matt S Trout [Fri, 25 Feb 2011 01:09:06 +0000 (01:09 +0000)]
The takahashi.js contained herein doesn't work on Firefox 3.6+ sadly, and
the slides are the useful thing anyway - so I've moved them into an inline
block in POD and nuked the files.

Plus, the lack of copyright on the .js file and the mixed authorship of the
.xul file were confusing Debian downstream.

docs/antiquated-perl.xul [deleted file]
docs/takahashi.css [deleted file]
docs/takahashi.js [deleted file]
lib/Web/Simple/AntiquatedPerl.pod [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index bae79ff..e49d16a 100644 (file)
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 Change log for Web::Simple
+  - Add Antiquated Perl slides in a POD document.
 0.008 - 2011-02-16
   - Once more.
diff --git a/docs/antiquated-perl.xul b/docs/antiquated-perl.xul
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index cc110bb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?><?xml-stylesheet href="takahashi.css" type="text/css"?><page xmlns="" id="presentation" xmlns:html="http:/" orient="vertical" onkeypress="Presentation.onKeyPress(event);">\r
-<html:textarea id="builtinCode" style="visibility: collapse"><![CDATA[\r
-  given ($x) {
-    when (3) {
-  ...
-what's the
-if it 
-Old *and*
-  $|++
-  use IO::Handle;
-  STDOUT->autoflush(1);
-it's core.
-it's fine.
-but why
-  select((select(FOO),$|++)[0])
-  (select(FOO),$|++)
-  ->
-  ($old_selected_fh,$|)
-  (select(FOO),$|++)[0]
-  ->
-  $old_select_fh
-  select((select(FOO),$|++)[0])
-  ->
-  use IO::Handle;
-  FOO->autoflush(1)
-  ~~@x
-  ~(~(@x))
-so ...
-  ~@x
-  ->
-  ~(scalar @x)
-  ~~$number
-  ->
-  $number
-  ~~@x
-  ->
-  scalar @x
-  perl -MMoose -e'print ~~keys %INC'
-  84
-lets you
-q qq qr
-t s qw
-~~"$foo bar"
-loc("_[0] bar", $foo)
-  for ($foo) {
-    /bar/ and ...
-  for ($foo) {
-    /bar/ and return do {
-      <code here>
-    }
-  /foo/gc
-  /\Gbar/gc
-  sub parse {
-    my ($self, $str) = @_;
-    for ($str) {
-      /match1/gc and return
-        $self->_subparse_1($_)
-  sub _subparse_1 {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    for ($_[1]) {
-      /\Gsubmatch1/gc ...
-  sub foo (&) {
-  foo {
-    ...
-  };
-  prototype \&foo
-  *{"${package}::${name}"}
-    = sub { ... }
-  local
-  local $_
-  local *Carp::croak
-    = \&Carp::confess;
-  do {
-    local (@ARGV, $/) = $file;
-    <>
-  }
-  strict->import
-  sub strict_and_warnings::import {
-    strict->import;
-    warnings->import;
-  }
-  use strict_and_warnings;
-  $^H |= 0x120000;
-  $^H{'foo'}
-    = bless($foo, 'My::Foo');
-  sub My::Foo::DESTROY {
-  delete ${$package}{myimport}
-  tie $var, 'Foo';
-  sub FETCH
-  sub STORE
-now ...
-mst: destruction
-testing technology
-since March 1983
-3 days
-2 weeks
-glass box
-plastic tray
-so ...
-only warn
-when parsed
-error when
-so ...
-  dispatch [
-    sub (GET + /) { ... },
-    sub (GET + /user/*) { ... }
-  ];
-  foreach my $sub (@$dispatch) {
-    my $proto = prototype $sub;
-    $parser->parse($proto);
-    ...
-  PARSE: { do {
-    push @match, $self->_parse_spec_section($spec)
-      or $self->_blam("Unable to work out what the next section is");
-    last PARSE if (pos == length);
-    /\G\+/gc or $self->_blam('Spec sections must be separated by +');
-  } until (pos == length) };
-  sub _blam {
-    my ($self, $error) = @_;
-    my $hat = (' ' x pos).'^';
-    die "Error parsing dispatch specification: ${error}\n
-  ${_}
-  ${hat} here\n";
-  }
-  Error parsing ...
-  GET+/foo
-     ^ here
-  sub (GET + /user/*) {
-   my ($self, $user) = @_;
-I hate
-  *{"${app}::self"}
-    = \${"${app}::self"};
-use vars
-  sub _run_with_self {
-    my ($self, $run, @args) = @_;
-    my $class = ref($self);
-    no strict 'refs';
-    local *{"${class}::self"} = \$self;
-    $self->$run(@args);
-  }
-HTML is
-  <div>,
-    $text,
-  </div>;
-  tie *{"${app}::${name}"},
-    'XML::Tags::TIEHANDLE',
-    "<${name}>";
-  sub TIEHANDLE { my $str = $_[1]; bless \$str, $_[0] }
-  sub READLINE { ${$_[0]} }
-  sub DESTROY {
-    my ($into, @names) = @$_[0];
-    no strict 'refs';
-    delete ${$into}{$_}
-      for @names;
-  }
-  *CORE::GLOBAL::glob
-    = sub { ... };
-  delete
-    ${CORE::GLOBAL::}{glob};
-  sub foo {
-    use XML::Tags qw(div);
-    <div>, "foo!", </div>;
-  }
-what about
-  my $stuff = 'foo"bar';
-  <a href="$stuff">
-hmm ...
-  glob('a href="'.$stuff.'"');
-  glob(
-    bless(\'a href="', 'MagicTag')
-    .$stuff
-    .bless(\'"', 'MagicTag')
-  )
-  use overload
-    '.' => 'concat';
-  sub concat {
-it up
-  sub (.html) {
-    filter_response {
-      $self->render_html($_[1])
-    }
-  }
-  bless(
-    $_[1],
-    'Web::Simple::ResponseFilter'
-  );
-  if ($self->_is_response_filter($result)) {
-    return $self->_run_with_self(
-      $result,
-      $self->_run_dispatch_for($new_env, \@disp)
-    );
-  }
-and the result?
- goto &demo;
-<deck flex="1" id="deck">\r
-<vbox flex="1"\r
-       onmousemove="Presentation.onMouseMoveOnCanvas(event);">\r
-       <toolbox id="canvasToolbar">\r
-               <toolbar>\r
-                       <toolbarbutton oncommand="Presentation.home()" label="|&lt;&lt;"\r
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-                               observes="canBack"/>\r
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-                               observes="canForward"/>\r
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-                       <toolbarseparator/>\r
-                       <spacer flex="1"/>\r
-                       <toolbarseparator/>\r
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-                       <toolbarseparator/>\r
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-                               oncommand="Presentation.toggleEditMode();"/>\r
-                       <toolbarbutton oncommand="Presentation.reload();" label="Reload"/>\r
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-       <vbox flex="1" id="canvas"\r
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-                               oncommand="Presentation.toggleEditMode();"/>\r
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-               oninput="Presentation.onEdit()"/>\r
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-       <broadcaster id="canForward"/>\r
-       <command id="cmd_forward"\r
-               oncommand="if (Presentation.isPresentationMode) Presentation.forward();"/>\r
-       <command id="cmd_back"\r
-               oncommand="if (Presentation.isPresentationMode) Presentation.back();"/>\r
-       <command id="cmd_home"\r
-               oncommand="if (Presentation.isPresentationMode) Presentation.home();"/>\r
-       <command id="cmd_end"\r
-               oncommand="if (Presentation.isPresentationMode) Presentation.end();"/>\r
-       <key keycode="VK_ENTER"      command="cmd_forward"/>\r
-       <key keycode="VK_RETURN"     command="cmd_forward"/>\r
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-        <!-- <key keycode="VK_BACK_UP"    command="cmd_back"/>-->\r
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-       <key keycode="VK_HOME"       command="cmd_home"/>\r
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-       <key key="n" modifiers="accel" oncommand="Presentation.addPage();"/>\r
-       <key key="r" modifiers="accel" oncommand="window.location.reload();"/>\r
-       <key key="e" modifiers="accel" oncommand="Presentation.toggleEditMode();"/>\r
-       <key key="a" modifiers="accel" oncommand="Presentation.toggleEvaMode();"/>\r
-<script src="takahashi.js" type="application/x-javascript" />\r
-<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****\r
-   - Version: MPL 1.1\r
-   -\r
-   - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version\r
-   - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\r
-   - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
-   -\r
-   -\r
-   - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,\r
-   - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License\r
-   - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the\r
-   - License.\r
-   -\r
-   - The Original Code is the Takahashi-Method-based Presentation Tool in XUL.\r
-   -\r
-   - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi.\r
-   - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005\r
-   - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.\r
-   -\r
-   - Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi <>\r
-   -\r
-   - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->\r
diff --git a/docs/takahashi.css b/docs/takahashi.css
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 762553d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
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-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****\r
- * Version: MPL 1.1\r
- *\r
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version\r
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with\r
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\r
- *\r
- *\r
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,\r
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License\r
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the\r
- * License.\r
- *\r
- * The Original Code is the Takahashi-Method-based Presentation Tool in XUL.\r
- *\r
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi.\r
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2005\r
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.\r
- *\r
- * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi <>\r
- *\r
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */\r
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diff --git a/docs/takahashi.js b/docs/takahashi.js
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index c5d6933..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
-var Presentation = {
-    init : function(option){
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-        this.textbox  = document.getElementById('textField');
-        this.deck     = document.getElementById('deck');
-        this.scroller = document.getElementById('scroller');
-        this.toolbar         = document.getElementById('canvasToolbar');
-        this.toolbarHeight   = this.toolbar.boxObject.height;
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-        this.toolbar.setAttribute('style', 'margin-top:'+(0-this.toolbarHeight)+'px;margin-bottom:0px;');
-        if(option){
-            for(var i in option){this[i] = option[i]}
-        }
-        if (this.readParameter()) {
-            this.takahashi();
-        }
-        document.documentElement.focus();
-    },
-    takahashi : function(){
-        if (!document.title)
-            document.title =[0].replace(/[\r\n]/g, ' ');
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-        this.scroller.setAttribute('curpos', this.offset);
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-        if (!this.offset)
-            broadcaster.setAttribute('disabled', true);
-        else
-            broadcaster.removeAttribute('disabled');
-        var broadcaster = document.getElementById('canForward');
-        if (this.offset ==
-            broadcaster.setAttribute('disabled', true);
-        else
-            broadcaster.removeAttribute('disabled');
-        this.canvas.setAttribute('rendering', true);
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-        range.selectNodeContents(this.content);
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-        var line;
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-        var uri;
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-        var image_height;
-        var image_total_height = 0;
-        var image_src;
-        var code_listing = 0;
-        var labelId = 0;
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-             // characters, and name them as indicated. Tweak as required.
-             // (What a hack. A JS programmer should find a better way.)
-             // Luc St-Louis, and email is
-                 nodes = document.getElementById('builtinCode').childNodes;
-                 content = '';
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-        return (this.deck.selectedIndex == 0);
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-          'GET', path);
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-               = Presentation.textbox.value.split('----');
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- = this.textbox.value.split('----');
-        this.takahashi();
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-function init()
-    window.removeEventListener('load', init, false);
-    Presentation.init();
-window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
index 91eac78..3f7c62b 100644 (file)
@@ -626,7 +626,8 @@ that having a bare minimum system for writing web applications that doesn't
 drive me insane was rather nice and decided to spend my attempt at nanowrimo
 for 2009 improving and documenting it to the point where others could use it.
-The Antiquated Perl talk can be found at L<>.
+The Antiquated Perl talk can be found at L<> and the slides are reproduced in this distribution under
diff --git a/lib/Web/Simple/AntiquatedPerl.pod b/lib/Web/Simple/AntiquatedPerl.pod
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5045129
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Web::Simple::AntiquatedPerl - the slides from the talk
+=head1 WHAT?
+Web::Simple was originally introduced in a talk at the Italian Perl Workshop,
+entitled Antiquated Perl.
+The video is available on the Shadowcat site: <>
+If you don't particularly want to watch me confusing a bunch of Italian perl
+mongers, the slides are reproduced below.
+=head1 SLIDES
+  Antiquated
+  Perl
+  ----
+  Modern
+  Perl?
+  ----
+  Post
+  Modern
+  Perl
+  ----
+  Enlightened
+  Perl
+  ----
+  everybody
+  knows
+  ----
+  Catalyst
+  Moose
+  DBIx::Class
+  ----
+  Modern
+  Perl?
+  ----
+  perl5
+  v10
+  ----
+    given ($x) {
+      when (3) {
+    ...
+  ----
+  ~~
+  ----
+  what's the
+  opposite?
+  ----
+  Old
+  Perl?
+  ----
+  if it 
+  works
+  ----
+  Legacy
+  Perl?
+  ----
+  not
+  interesting
+  ----
+  Stupid
+  Perl
+  ----
+  *$&^*(^
+  FormMail.PL
+  ----
+  Antiquated
+  Perl
+  ----
+  Antique
+  ----
+  Old *and*
+  beautiful
+  ----
+  Simple
+  Elegant
+  ----
+    $|++
+  ----
+    use IO::Handle;
+    STDOUT->autoflush(1);
+  ----
+  it's core.
+  it's fine.
+  ----
+  but why
+  think?
+  ----
+    select((select(FOO),$|++)[0])
+  ----
+    (select(FOO),$|++)
+    ->
+    ($old_selected_fh,$|)
+  ----
+    (select(FOO),$|++)[0]
+    ->
+    $old_select_fh
+  ----
+    select((select(FOO),$|++)[0])
+    ->
+    use IO::Handle;
+    FOO->autoflush(1)
+  ----
+  ~~
+  ----
+    ~~@x
+  ----
+    ~(~(@x))
+  ----
+  bitwise
+  negation
+  ----
+  so ...
+  ----
+    ~@x
+    ->
+    ~(scalar @x)
+  ----
+    ~~$number
+    ->
+    $number
+  ----
+    ~~@x
+    ->
+    scalar @x
+  ----
+    perl -MMoose -e'print ~~keys %INC'
+    84
+  ----
+  overload::constant
+  ----
+  lets you
+  affect
+  parsing
+  ----
+  numbers
+  strings
+  ----
+  q qq qr
+  t s qw
+  ----
+  ----
+  ~~"$foo bar"
+  loc("_[0] bar", $foo)
+  ----
+  for
+  ----
+    for ($foo) {
+      /bar/ and ...
+  ----
+    for ($foo) {
+      /bar/ and return do {
+        <code here>
+      }
+  ----
+    /foo/gc
+  ----
+    /\Gbar/gc
+  ----
+    sub parse {
+      my ($self, $str) = @_;
+      for ($str) {
+        /match1/gc and return
+          $self->_subparse_1($_)
+  ----
+    sub _subparse_1 {
+      my ($self) = @_;
+      for ($_[1]) {
+        /\Gsubmatch1/gc ...
+  ----
+  prototypes
+  ----
+    sub foo (&) {
+  ----
+    foo {
+      ...
+    };
+  ----
+    prototype \&foo
+  ----
+  typeglobs
+  ----
+    *{"${package}::${name}"}
+      = sub { ... }
+  ---- 
+    local
+  ----
+    local $_
+  ----
+    local *Carp::croak
+      = \&Carp::confess;
+  ----
+    do {
+      local (@ARGV, $/) = $file;
+      <>
+    }
+  ----
+  strict
+  and
+  warnings
+  ----
+    strict->import
+  ----
+  affects
+  compilation
+  scope
+  ----
+    sub strict_and_warnings::import {
+      strict->import;
+      warnings->import;
+    }
+  ----
+    use strict_and_warnings;
+  ----
+  $^H
+  %^H
+  ----
+    $^H |= 0x120000;
+    $^H{'foo'}
+      = bless($foo, 'My::Foo');
+  ----
+    sub My::Foo::DESTROY {
+  ----
+    delete ${$package}{myimport}
+  ----
+  B::Hooks::EndOfScope
+  ----
+  tie
+  ----
+    tie $var, 'Foo';
+  ----
+    sub FETCH
+    sub STORE
+  ----
+  Scalar
+  Array
+  Hash
+  Handle
+  ----
+  now ...
+  ----
+  mst: destruction
+  testing technology
+  since March 1983
+  ----
+  3 days
+  old
+  ----
+  2 weeks
+  early
+  ----
+  incubator
+  ----
+  glass box
+  plastic tray
+  heater
+  ----
+  design
+  flaw
+  ----
+  ----
+  so ...
+  ----
+  interesting
+  fact
+  ----
+  prototypes
+  only warn
+  when parsed
+  ----
+  error when
+  compiled
+  ----
+  so ...
+  ----
+    dispatch [
+      sub (GET + /) { ... },
+      sub (GET + /user/*) { ... }
+    ];
+  ----
+    foreach my $sub (@$dispatch) {
+      my $proto = prototype $sub;
+      $parser->parse($proto);
+      ...
+  ----
+    PARSE: { do {
+      push @match, $self->_parse_spec_section($spec)
+        or $self->_blam("Unable to work out what the next section is");
+      last PARSE if (pos == length);
+      /\G\+/gc or $self->_blam('Spec sections must be separated by +');
+    } until (pos == length) };
+  ----
+    sub _blam {
+      my ($self, $error) = @_;
+      my $hat = (' ' x pos).'^';
+      die "Error parsing dispatch specification: ${error}\n
+    ${_}
+    ${hat} here\n";
+    }
+  ----
+    Error parsing ...
+    GET+/foo
+       ^ here
+  ----
+    sub (GET + /user/*) {
+     my ($self, $user) = @_;
+  ----
+  I hate
+  fetching
+  $self
+  ----
+    *{"${app}::self"}
+      = \${"${app}::self"};
+  ----
+  use vars
+  ----
+    sub _run_with_self {
+      my ($self, $run, @args) = @_;
+      my $class = ref($self);
+      no strict 'refs';
+      local *{"${class}::self"} = \$self;
+      $self->$run(@args);
+    }
+  ----
+  output
+  ----
+  templates
+  ----
+  HTML is
+  ----
+    <div>,
+      $text,
+    </div>;
+  ----
+  <div>
+  ----
+  <$fh>
+  ----
+    tie *{"${app}::${name}"},
+      'XML::Tags::TIEHANDLE',
+      "<${name}>";
+  ----
+    sub TIEHANDLE { my $str = $_[1]; bless \$str, $_[0] }
+    sub READLINE { ${$_[0]} }
+  ----
+    sub DESTROY {
+      my ($into, @names) = @$_[0];
+      no strict 'refs';
+      delete ${$into}{$_}
+        for @names;
+    }
+  ----
+  </div>
+  ----
+  glob('/div');
+  ----
+    *CORE::GLOBAL::glob
+      = sub { ... };
+  ----
+    delete
+      ${CORE::GLOBAL::}{glob};
+  ----
+    sub foo {
+      use XML::Tags qw(div);
+      <div>, "foo!", </div>;
+    }
+  ----
+  what about
+  interpolation
+  ----
+    my $stuff = 'foo"bar';
+    <a href="$stuff">
+  ----
+  hmm ...
+  ----
+  overload::constant!
+  ----
+    glob('a href="'.$stuff.'"');
+  ----
+    glob(
+      bless(\'a href="', 'MagicTag')
+      .$stuff
+      .bless(\'"', 'MagicTag')
+    )
+  ----
+    use overload
+      '.' => 'concat';
+    sub concat {
+  ----
+  hooking
+  it up
+  ----
+    sub (.html) {
+      filter_response {
+        $self->render_html($_[1])
+      }
+    }
+  ----
+    bless(
+      $_[1],
+      'Web::Simple::ResponseFilter'
+    );
+  ----
+    if ($self->_is_response_filter($result)) {
+      return $self->_run_with_self(
+        $result,
+        $self->_run_dispatch_for($new_env, \@disp)
+      );
+    }
+  ----
+  and the result?
+  ----
+   goto &demo;
+  ----
+  questions?
+  ----
+  thank
+  you
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Matt S. Trout <>
+Copyright (c) 2010 Matt S. Trout <>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This text may be distributed under the GPL (v2 or later), the Artistic License
+(v1 or later), the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY v3 or later), the
+Mozilla Public License (v1 or later, in honour of the license of the
+takahashi.xul system I used to write these slides originally), or the
+WTFPL (see <>).
+If you'd like me to add another license, please ask.