Revision history for Perl extension Plack::Middleware::Session 0.09_02 Sat Jan 30 23:13:50 PST 2010 - Fixed a bug in Cookie serialization where it breaks the response headers generated by applications (tomyhero) 0.09_01 Sat Jan 30 13:39:21 PST 2010 - Reworked the internal code and API a lot, so Session persistence and retrieval are handled in a more stateless way - INCOMPATIBLE: psgix.session is now a hash reference rather than an object. If you need an object like before, do: use Plack::Session; $session = Plack::Session->new($env); - Added Plack::Middleware::Session::Cookie which uses CookieStore - Updated Cookie handling code to work with Plack 0.99 and later 0.03 Thurs. Jan. 7, 2009 * Plack::Middleware::Session - change plack.session to psgix.session (plack.session is retained for back-compat, but is deprecated and will be removed in future versions) * Plack::Session::Store::File - changed to lock_* versions of the Storaable functions (thanks to Miyagawa) 0.02 Sat. Dec. 19, 2009 - fixed dependency list (RT #52891) (Thanks to Andreas Koenig) - fixed some POD misspellings (Thanks to franckcuny) - fixed streaming interface (Thanks to clkao and miyagawa) 0.01 Tues. Dec. 15, 2009 - Hello CPAN World!