Updated Task::Catalyst
[catagits/Task-Catalyst.git] / Makefile.PL
1 use inc::Module::Install;
3 name('Task-Catalyst');
4 abstract('All you need to start with Catalyst');
5 author('Sebastian Riedel');
6 version_from('Catalyst.pm');
7 license('perl');
9 include('ExtUtils::AutoInstall');
11 requires( 'Catalyst' => '5.65' );
13 features(
14     'Log4perl Support' => [
15         -default                  => 1,
16         'Params::Validate'        => 0,
17         'Catalyst::Log::Log4perl' => '0.1'
18     ],
19     'HTML::Widget Support' => [
20         -default                         => 1,
21         'Date::Calc'                     => 0,
22         'Catalyst::Plugin::HTML::Widget' => '1.1'
23     ],
24     'Stacktrace Advanced Debugging Support' => [
25         -default                       => 1,
26         'Catalyst::Plugin::StackTrace' => '0.02'
27     ],
28     'Prototype Support' => [
29         -default                      => 1,
30         'Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype' => '1.32'
31     ],
32     'Singleton Support' => [
33         -default                      => 1,
34         'Catalyst::Plugin::Singleton' => '0.02'
35     ],
36     'DefaultEnd Support' => [
37         -default                       => 1,
38         'Catalyst::Plugin::DefaultEnd' => '0.03'
39     ],
40     'SubRequest Support' => [
41         -default                       => 1,
42         'Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest' => '0.10'
43     ],
44     'Session Support' => [
45         -default                                   => 1,
46         'Catalyst::Plugin::Session'                => '0.05',
47         'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File'   => '0.07',
48         'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie' => '0.02',
49         'Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::URI'    => '0.02'
50     ],
51     'Authentication/Authorization Support' => [
52         -default                                            => 1,
53         'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication'                  => '0.05',
54         'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC'     => '0.04',
55         'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd' => '0.02',
56         'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL'              => '0.06',
57         'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles'            => '0.03',
58     ],
59     'I18N Support' => [
60         -default                 => 1,
61         'Catalyst::Plugin::I18N' => '0.05'
62     ],
63 'XMLRPC Support (WARNING: requires XML::Parser which requires a C compiler and expat to be installed!)'
64       => [
65         -default                   => 0,
66         'XML::Parser'              => 0,
67         'Catalyst::Plugin::XMLRPC' => '0.06'
68       ],
69     'Pluggable Application Support' => [
70         -default                      => 1,
71         'Catalyst::Plugin::Pluggable' => '0.04'
72     ],
73     'DBIx::Class Support' => [
74         -default                        => 1,
75         'Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema' => '0.08'
76     ],
77     'Template::Toolkit Support' => [
78         -default             => 1,
79         'Catalyst::View::TT' => '0.22'
80     ],
81     'Test::WWW::Mechanize Support' => [
82         -default                         => 1,
83         'Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst' => '0.35'
84     ],
85     'SQLite Support (WARNING: requires a C compiler!)' => [
86         -default      => 0,
87         'DBD::SQLite' => 0
88     ]
89 );
91 auto_install();
92 &WriteAll;