NAME HTTP::Request::AsCGI - Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request VERSION 0.5_02 SYNOPSIS use CGI; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Request::AsCGI; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => '' ); my $stdout; { my $c = HTTP::Request::AsCGI->new($request)->setup; my $q = CGI->new; print $q->header, $q->start_html('Hello World'), $q->h1('Hello World'), $q->end_html; $stdout = $c->stdout; # enviroment and descriptors will automatically be restored # when $c is destructed. } while ( my $line = $stdout->getline ) { print $line; } DESCRIPTION Provides a convinient way of setting up an CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request. METHODS new ( $request [, key => value ] ) Contructor, first argument must be a instance of HTTP::Request followed by optional pairs of environment key and value. enviroment Returns a hashref containing the environment that will be used in setup. Changing the hashref after setup has been called will have no effect. setup Setups the environment and descriptors. restore Restores the enviroment and descriptors. Can only be called after setup. request Returns the request given to constructor. response Returns a HTTP::Response. Can only be called after restore. stdin Accessor for handle that will be used for STDIN, must be a real seekable handle with an file descriptor. Defaults to a tempoary IO::File instance. stdout Accessor for handle that will be used for STDOUT, must be a real seekable handle with an file descriptor. Defaults to a tempoary IO::File instance. stderr Accessor for handle that will be used for STDERR, must be a real seekable handle with an file descriptor. SEE ALSO examples directory in this distribution. WWW::Mechanize::CGI Test::WWW::Mechanize::CGI THANKS TO Thomas L. Shinnick for his valuable win32 testing. AUTHOR Christian Hansen, "" LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.