Add built local::lib
[catagits/Gitalist.git] / local-lib5 / lib / perl5 / Syntax / Highlight / Engine / Kate /
3fea05b9 1# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Hans Jeuken. All rights reserved.
2# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
5# This file was generated from the 'taskjuggler.xml' file of the syntax highlight
6# engine of the kate text editor (
8#kate xml version 1.21
9#kate version 2.1
10#generated: Sun Feb 3 22:02:06 2008, localtime
12package Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler;
14our $VERSION = '0.06';
16use strict;
17use warnings;
18use base('Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template');
20sub new {
21 my $proto = shift;
22 my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
23 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
24 $self->attributes({
25 'Builtin Function' => 'Function',
26 'Char' => 'Char',
27 'Comment' => 'Comment',
28 'Data Types' => 'DataType',
29 'Decimal' => 'DecVal',
30 'Float' => 'Float',
31 'Hex' => 'BaseN',
32 'Keyword' => 'Keyword',
33 'Normal Text' => 'Normal',
34 'Octal' => 'BaseN',
35 'String' => 'String',
36 'String Char' => 'Char',
37 'Symbol' => 'Normal',
38 });
39 $self->listAdd('builtinfuncs',
40 'accountid',
41 'accountreport',
42 'accumulate',
43 'allocate',
44 'allowredefinitions',
45 'alternative',
46 'barlabels',
47 'booking',
48 'caption',
49 'celltext',
50 'cellurl',
51 'columns',
52 'complete',
53 'completed',
54 'copyright',
55 'cost',
56 'credit',
57 'criticalness',
58 'csvaccountreport',
59 'csvresourcereport',
60 'csvtaskreport',
61 'currency',
62 'currencydigits',
63 'currencyformat',
64 'dailymax',
65 'dailyworkinghours',
66 'db',
67 'depends',
68 'disabled',
69 'duration',
70 'efficiency',
71 'effort',
72 'empty',
73 'end',
74 'endbuffer',
75 'endbufferstart',
76 'endcredit',
77 'endsAfter',
78 'endsBefore',
79 'export',
80 'extend',
81 'finished',
82 'flags',
83 'follows',
84 'freeload',
85 'gapduration',
86 'gaplength',
87 'headline',
88 'hideaccount',
89 'hidecelltext',
90 'hidecellurl',
91 'hideresource',
92 'hidetask',
93 'hierarchindex',
94 'hierarchno',
95 'htmlaccountreport',
96 'htmlresourcereport',
97 'htmlstatusreport',
98 'htmltaskreport',
99 'htmlweeklycalendar',
100 'id',
101 'include',
102 'index',
103 'inherit',
104 'inprogress',
105 'journalentry',
106 'kotrusid',
107 'kotrusmode',
108 'label',
109 'late',
110 'length',
111 'limits',
112 'load',
113 'loadunit',
114 'macro',
115 'mandatory',
116 'maxeffort',
117 'maxend',
118 'maxstart',
119 'milestone',
120 'mineffort',
121 'minend',
122 'minstart',
123 'monthlymax',
124 'name',
125 'no',
126 'nokotrus',
127 'note',
128 'notimestamp',
129 'notstarted',
130 'now',
131 'numberformat',
132 'ontime',
133 'optimize',
134 'order',
135 'pathcriticalness',
136 'persistent',
137 'precedes',
138 'priority',
139 'profit',
140 'projectid',
141 'projectids',
142 'projection',
143 'rate',
144 'rawhead',
145 'rawstylesheet',
146 'rawtail',
147 'reference',
148 'resourceid',
149 'resourcereport',
150 'resources',
151 'responsibilities',
152 'responsible',
153 'revenue',
154 'rollupaccount',
155 'rollupresource',
156 'rolluptask',
157 'scenario',
158 'scenarios',
159 'schedule',
160 'scheduled',
161 'scheduling',
162 'select',
163 'separator',
164 'seqno',
165 'shorttimeformat',
166 'showprojectids',
167 'sortaccounts',
168 'sortresources',
169 'sorttasks',
170 'start',
171 'startbuffer',
172 'startbufferend',
173 'startcredit',
174 'startsAfter',
175 'startsBefore',
176 'status',
177 'statusnote',
178 'subtitle',
179 'subtitleurl',
180 'supplement',
181 'table',
182 'taskattributes',
183 'taskid',
184 'taskprefix',
185 'taskreport',
186 'taskroot',
187 'text',
188 'timeformat',
189 'timezone',
190 'timingresolution',
191 'title',
192 'titleurl',
193 'total',
194 'tree',
195 'treeLevel',
196 'url',
197 'utilization',
198 'vacation',
199 'version',
200 'weeklymax',
201 'weekstartsmonday',
202 'weekstartssunday',
203 'workinghours',
204 'xml',
205 'xmlreport',
206 'yearlyworkingdays',
207 );
208 $self->listAdd('keywords',
209 'account',
210 'project',
211 'resource',
212 'scenario',
213 'shift',
214 'task',
215 );
216 $self->listAdd('types',
217 'alap',
218 'all',
219 'asap',
220 'completeddown',
221 'completedup',
222 'containstask',
223 'criticalnessdown',
224 'criticalnessup',
225 'd',
226 'daily',
227 'day',
228 'days',
229 'enddown',
230 'endup',
231 'fri',
232 'fullnamedown',
233 'fullnameup',
234 'h',
235 'hours',
236 'iddown',
237 'idup',
238 'indexdown',
239 'indexup',
240 'inprogressearly',
241 'inprogresslate',
242 'isAResource',
243 'isATask',
244 'isAccount',
245 'isAllocated',
246 'isAllocatedToProject',
247 'isAnAccount',
248 'isChildOf',
249 'isDutyOf',
250 'isLeaf',
251 'isMilestone',
252 'isParentOf',
253 'isResource',
254 'isTask',
255 'isTaskOfProject',
256 'isTaskStatus',
257 'isactualallocated',
258 'isatask',
259 'isplanallocated',
260 'issubtaskof',
261 'kotrusiddown',
262 'kotrusidup',
263 'longauto',
264 'm',
265 'maxeffortdown',
266 'maxeffortup',
267 'maxloaded',
268 'min',
269 'minallocated',
270 'mineffortdown',
271 'mineffortup',
272 'minloaded',
273 'minutes',
274 'mon',
275 'month',
276 'monthly',
277 'months',
278 'namedown',
279 'nameup',
280 'off',
281 'pathcriticalnessdown',
282 'pathcriticalnessup',
283 'prioritydown',
284 'priorityup',
285 'quarter',
286 'quarterly',
287 'random',
288 'ratedown',
289 'rateup',
290 'responsibledown',
291 'responsibleup',
292 'sat',
293 'sequencedown',
294 'sequenceup',
295 'shortauto',
296 'startdown',
297 'startup',
298 'statusdown',
299 'statusup',
300 'sun',
301 'thu',
302 'tue',
303 'undefined',
304 'w',
305 'wed',
306 'week',
307 'weekly',
308 'weeks',
309 'y',
310 'year',
311 'yearly',
312 'years',
313 );
314 $self->contextdata({
315 'Comment1' => {
316 callback => \&parseComment1,
317 attribute => 'Comment',
318 lineending => '#pop',
319 },
320 'Comment2' => {
321 callback => \&parseComment2,
322 attribute => 'Comment',
323 },
324 'Normal' => {
325 callback => \&parseNormal,
326 attribute => 'Normal Text',
327 },
328 'String1' => {
329 callback => \&parseString1,
330 attribute => 'String',
331 },
332 'String2' => {
333 callback => \&parseString2,
334 attribute => 'String',
335 },
336 });
337 $self->deliminators('\\s||\\.|\\(|\\)|:|\\!|\\+|,|-|<|=|>|\\%|\\&|\\*|\\/|;|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\{|\\||\\}|\\~|\\\\');
338 $self->basecontext('Normal');
339 $self->keywordscase(0);
340 $self->initialize;
341 bless ($self, $class);
342 return $self;
345sub language {
346 return 'TaskJuggler';
349sub parseComment1 {
350 my ($self, $text) = @_;
351 # context => '##Alerts'
352 # type => 'IncludeRules'
353 if ($self->includePlugin('Alerts', $text)) {
354 return 1
355 }
356 return 0;
359sub parseComment2 {
360 my ($self, $text) = @_;
361 # attribute => 'Comment'
362 # char => '*'
363 # char1 => '/'
364 # context => '#pop'
365 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
366 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '*', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Comment')) {
367 return 1
368 }
369 return 0;
372sub parseNormal {
373 my ($self, $text) = @_;
374 # String => 'builtinfuncs'
375 # attribute => 'Builtin Function'
376 # context => '#stay'
377 # type => 'keyword'
378 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'builtinfuncs', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Builtin Function')) {
379 return 1
380 }
381 # String => 'keywords'
382 # attribute => 'Keyword'
383 # context => '#stay'
384 # type => 'keyword'
385 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'keywords', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Keyword')) {
386 return 1
387 }
388 # String => 'types'
389 # attribute => 'Data Types'
390 # context => '#stay'
391 # type => 'keyword'
392 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'types', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Data Types')) {
393 return 1
394 }
395 # attribute => 'Symbol'
396 # beginRegion => 'Brace2'
397 # char => '{'
398 # context => '#stay'
399 # type => 'DetectChar'
400 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '{', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Symbol')) {
401 return 1
402 }
403 # attribute => 'Symbol'
404 # char => '}'
405 # context => '#stay'
406 # endRegion => 'Brace2'
407 # type => 'DetectChar'
408 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '}', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Symbol')) {
409 return 1
410 }
411 # attribute => 'Symbol'
412 # beginRegion => 'Brace1'
413 # char => '['
414 # context => '#stay'
415 # type => 'DetectChar'
416 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '[', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Symbol')) {
417 return 1
418 }
419 # attribute => 'Symbol'
420 # char => ']'
421 # context => '#stay'
422 # endRegion => 'Brace1'
423 # type => 'DetectChar'
424 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ']', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Symbol')) {
425 return 1
426 }
427 # attribute => 'Float'
428 # context => '#stay'
429 # items => 'ARRAY(0x1782620)'
430 # type => 'Float'
431 if ($self->testFloat($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) {
432 # String => 'fF'
433 # attribute => 'Float'
434 # context => '#stay'
435 # type => 'AnyChar'
436 if ($self->testAnyChar($text, 'fF', 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) {
437 return 1
438 }
439 }
440 # attribute => 'Decimal'
441 # context => '#stay'
442 # items => 'ARRAY(0x16a0c30)'
443 # type => 'Int'
444 if ($self->testInt($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
445 # String => 'ULL'
446 # attribute => 'Decimal'
447 # context => '#stay'
448 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
449 # type => 'StringDetect'
450 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'ULL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
451 return 1
452 }
453 # String => 'LUL'
454 # attribute => 'Decimal'
455 # context => '#stay'
456 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
457 # type => 'StringDetect'
458 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LUL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
459 return 1
460 }
461 # String => 'LLU'
462 # attribute => 'Decimal'
463 # context => '#stay'
464 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
465 # type => 'StringDetect'
466 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LLU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
467 return 1
468 }
469 # String => 'UL'
470 # attribute => 'Decimal'
471 # context => '#stay'
472 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
473 # type => 'StringDetect'
474 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'UL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
475 return 1
476 }
477 # String => 'LU'
478 # attribute => 'Decimal'
479 # context => '#stay'
480 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
481 # type => 'StringDetect'
482 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LU', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
483 return 1
484 }
485 # String => 'LL'
486 # attribute => 'Decimal'
487 # context => '#stay'
488 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
489 # type => 'StringDetect'
490 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'LL', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
491 return 1
492 }
493 # String => 'U'
494 # attribute => 'Decimal'
495 # context => '#stay'
496 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
497 # type => 'StringDetect'
498 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'U', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
499 return 1
500 }
501 # String => 'L'
502 # attribute => 'Decimal'
503 # context => '#stay'
504 # insensitive => 'TRUE'
505 # type => 'StringDetect'
506 if ($self->testStringDetect($text, 'L', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
507 return 1
508 }
509 }
510 # attribute => 'String'
511 # char => '''
512 # context => 'String1'
513 # type => 'DetectChar'
514 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'String1', 'String')) {
515 return 1
516 }
517 # attribute => 'String'
518 # char => '"'
519 # context => 'String2'
520 # type => 'DetectChar'
521 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'String2', 'String')) {
522 return 1
523 }
524 # attribute => 'Comment'
525 # char => '#'
526 # context => 'Comment1'
527 # type => 'DetectChar'
528 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '#', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Comment1', 'Comment')) {
529 return 1
530 }
531 # attribute => 'Comment'
532 # char => '/'
533 # char1 => '*'
534 # context => 'Comment2'
535 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
536 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Comment2', 'Comment')) {
537 return 1
538 }
539 return 0;
542sub parseString1 {
543 my ($self, $text) = @_;
544 # attribute => 'String'
545 # char => '''
546 # context => '#pop'
547 # type => 'DetectChar'
548 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) {
549 return 1
550 }
551 return 0;
554sub parseString2 {
555 my ($self, $text) = @_;
556 # attribute => 'String'
557 # char => '"'
558 # context => '#pop'
559 # type => 'DetectChar'
560 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) {
561 return 1
562 }
563 return 0;
571=head1 NAME
573Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler - a Plugin for TaskJuggler syntax highlighting
575=head1 SYNOPSIS
577 require Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler;
578 my $sh = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler([
579 ]);
583Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::TaskJuggler is a plugin module that provides syntax highlighting
584for TaskJuggler to the Syntax::Haghlight::Engine::Kate highlighting engine.
586This code is generated from the syntax definition files used
587by the Kate project.
588It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization.
590It inherits Syntax::Higlight::Engine::Kate::Template. See also there.
594=head1 AUTHOR
596Hans Jeuken (haje <at> toneel <dot> demon <dot> nl)
600=head1 BUGS
602Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author