Add built local::lib
[catagits/Gitalist.git] / local-lib5 / lib / perl5 / Syntax / Highlight / Engine / Kate /
3fea05b9 1# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Hans Jeuken. All rights reserved.
2# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
5# This file was generated from the 'haskell.xml' file of the syntax highlight
6# engine of the kate text editor (
8#kate xml version 1.04
9#kate version 2.3
10#kate author Marcel Martin (
11#generated: Sun Feb 3 22:02:05 2008, localtime
13package Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell;
15our $VERSION = '0.06';
17use strict;
18use warnings;
19use base('Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template');
21sub new {
22 my $proto = shift;
23 my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
24 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
25 $self->attributes({
26 'Char' => 'Char',
27 'Class' => 'Keyword',
28 'Comment' => 'Comment',
29 'Constructor' => 'Others',
30 'Data Constructor' => 'Keyword',
31 'Decimal' => 'DecVal',
32 'Float' => 'Float',
33 'Function' => 'Function',
34 'Function Definition' => 'Function',
35 'Infix Operator' => 'Others',
36 'Keyword' => 'Keyword',
37 'Normal Text' => 'Normal',
38 'String' => 'String',
39 'Type Constructor' => 'DataType',
40 });
41 $self->listAdd('classes',
42 'Bounded',
43 'Enum',
44 'Eq',
45 'Floating',
46 'Fractional',
47 'Functor',
48 'Integral',
49 'Ix',
50 'Monad',
51 'Num',
52 'Ord',
53 'Read',
54 'Real',
55 'RealFloat',
56 'RealFrac',
57 'Show',
58 );
59 $self->listAdd('data constructors',
60 'EQ',
61 'False',
62 'GT',
63 'Just',
64 'LT',
65 'Left',
66 'Nothing',
67 'Right',
68 'True',
69 );
70 $self->listAdd('functions',
71 'FilePath',
72 'IOError',
73 'abs',
74 'acos',
75 'acosh',
76 'all',
77 'and',
78 'any',
79 'appendFile',
80 'approxRational',
81 'asTypeOf',
82 'asin',
83 'asinh',
84 'atan',
85 'atan2',
86 'atanh',
87 'basicIORun',
88 'break',
89 'catch',
90 'ceiling',
91 'chr',
92 'compare',
93 'concat',
94 'concatMap',
95 'const',
96 'cos',
97 'cosh',
98 'curry',
99 'cycle',
100 'decodeFloat',
101 'denominator',
102 'digitToInt',
103 'div',
104 'divMod',
105 'drop',
106 'dropWhile',
107 'either',
108 'elem',
109 'encodeFloat',
110 'enumFrom',
111 'enumFromThen',
112 'enumFromThenTo',
113 'enumFromTo',
114 'error',
115 'even',
116 'exp',
117 'exponent',
118 'fail',
119 'filter',
120 'flip',
121 'floatDigits',
122 'floatRadix',
123 'floatRange',
124 'floor',
125 'fmap',
126 'foldl',
127 'foldl1',
128 'foldr',
129 'foldr1',
130 'fromDouble',
131 'fromEnum',
132 'fromInt',
133 'fromInteger',
134 'fromIntegral',
135 'fromRational',
136 'fst',
137 'gcd',
138 'getChar',
139 'getContents',
140 'getLine',
141 'head',
142 'id',
143 'inRange',
144 'index',
145 'init',
146 'intToDigit',
147 'interact',
148 'ioError',
149 'isAlpha',
150 'isAlphaNum',
151 'isAscii',
152 'isControl',
153 'isDenormalized',
154 'isDigit',
155 'isHexDigit',
156 'isIEEE',
157 'isInfinite',
158 'isLower',
159 'isNaN',
160 'isNegativeZero',
161 'isOctDigit',
162 'isPrint',
163 'isSpace',
164 'isUpper',
165 'iterate',
166 'last',
167 'lcm',
168 'length',
169 'lex',
170 'lexDigits',
171 'lexLitChar',
172 'lines',
173 'log',
174 'logBase',
175 'lookup',
176 'map',
177 'mapM',
178 'mapM_',
179 'max',
180 'maxBound',
181 'maximum',
182 'maybe',
183 'min',
184 'minBound',
185 'minimum',
186 'mod',
187 'negate',
188 'not',
189 'notElem',
190 'null',
191 'numerator',
192 'odd',
193 'or',
194 'ord',
195 'otherwise',
196 'pi',
197 'pred',
198 'primExitWith',
199 'print',
200 'product',
201 'properFraction',
202 'putChar',
203 'putStr',
204 'putStrLn',
205 'quot',
206 'quotRem',
207 'range',
208 'rangeSize',
209 'read',
210 'readDec',
211 'readFile',
212 'readFloat',
213 'readHex',
214 'readIO',
215 'readInt',
216 'readList',
217 'readLitChar',
218 'readLn',
219 'readOct',
220 'readParen',
221 'readSigned',
222 'reads',
223 'readsPrec',
224 'realToFrac',
225 'recip',
226 'rem',
227 'repeat',
228 'replicate',
229 'return',
230 'reverse',
231 'round',
232 'scaleFloat',
233 'scanl',
234 'scanl1',
235 'scanr',
236 'scanr1',
237 'seq',
238 'sequence',
239 'sequence_',
240 'show',
241 'showChar',
242 'showInt',
243 'showList',
244 'showLitChar',
245 'showParen',
246 'showSigned',
247 'showString',
248 'shows',
249 'showsPrec',
250 'significand',
251 'signum',
252 'sin',
253 'sinh',
254 'snd',
255 'span',
256 'splitAt',
257 'sqrt',
258 'subtract',
259 'succ',
260 'sum',
261 'tail',
262 'take',
263 'takeWhile',
264 'tan',
265 'tanh',
266 'threadToIOResult',
267 'toEnum',
268 'toInt',
269 'toInteger',
270 'toLower',
271 'toRational',
272 'toUpper',
273 'truncate',
274 'uncurry',
275 'undefined',
276 'unlines',
277 'until',
278 'unwords',
279 'unzip',
280 'unzip3',
281 'userError',
282 'words',
283 'writeFile',
284 'zip',
285 'zip3',
286 'zipWith',
287 'zipWith3',
288 );
289 $self->listAdd('infix operators',
290 'div',
291 'elem',
292 'mod',
293 'notElem',
294 'quot',
295 'rem',
296 'seq',
297 );
298 $self->listAdd('keywords',
299 'case',
300 'class',
301 'data',
302 'deriving',
303 'do',
304 'else',
305 'if',
306 'in',
307 'infixl',
308 'infixr',
309 'instance',
310 'let',
311 'module',
312 'of',
313 'primitive',
314 'then',
315 'type',
316 'where',
317 );
318 $self->listAdd('type constructors',
319 'Bool',
320 'Char',
321 'Double',
322 'Either',
323 'Float',
324 'IO',
325 'Int',
326 'Integer',
327 'Maybe',
328 'Ordering',
329 'Ratio',
330 'Rational',
331 'ReadS',
332 'ShowS',
333 'String',
334 );
335 $self->contextdata({
336 'comment_multi_line' => {
337 callback => \&parsecomment_multi_line,
338 attribute => 'Comment',
339 },
340 'comment_single_line' => {
341 callback => \&parsecomment_single_line,
342 attribute => 'Comment',
343 lineending => '#pop',
344 },
345 'function_definition' => {
346 callback => \&parsefunction_definition,
347 attribute => 'Function Definition',
348 lineending => '#pop',
349 },
350 'infix' => {
351 callback => \&parseinfix,
352 attribute => 'Infix Operator',
353 },
354 'normal' => {
355 callback => \&parsenormal,
356 attribute => 'Normal Text',
357 },
358 'single_char' => {
359 callback => \&parsesingle_char,
360 attribute => 'Char',
361 lineending => '#pop',
362 },
363 'string' => {
364 callback => \&parsestring,
365 attribute => 'String',
366 },
367 });
368 $self->deliminators('\\s||\\.|\\(|\\)|:|\\!|\\+|,|-|<|=|>|\\%|\\&|\\*|\\/|;|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\{|\\||\\}|\\~|\\\\');
369 $self->basecontext('normal');
370 $self->keywordscase(0);
371 $self->initialize;
372 bless ($self, $class);
373 return $self;
376sub language {
377 return 'Haskell';
380sub parsecomment_multi_line {
381 my ($self, $text) = @_;
382 # attribute => 'Comment'
383 # char => '-'
384 # char1 => '}'
385 # context => '#pop'
386 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
387 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '-', '}', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Comment')) {
388 return 1
389 }
390 return 0;
393sub parsecomment_single_line {
394 my ($self, $text) = @_;
395 return 0;
398sub parsefunction_definition {
399 my ($self, $text) = @_;
400 # attribute => 'Function Definition'
401 # char => ';'
402 # context => '#pop'
403 # type => 'DetectChar'
404 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ';', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Function Definition')) {
405 return 1
406 }
407 return 0;
410sub parseinfix {
411 my ($self, $text) = @_;
412 # attribute => 'Infix Operator'
413 # char => '`'
414 # context => '#pop'
415 # type => 'DetectChar'
416 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '`', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Infix Operator')) {
417 return 1
418 }
419 return 0;
422sub parsenormal {
423 my ($self, $text) = @_;
424 # attribute => 'Comment'
425 # char => '{'
426 # char1 => '-'
427 # context => 'comment_multi_line'
428 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
429 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '{', '-', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'comment_multi_line', 'Comment')) {
430 return 1
431 }
432 # attribute => 'Comment'
433 # char => '-'
434 # char1 => '-'
435 # context => 'comment_single_line'
436 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
437 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '-', '-', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'comment_single_line', 'Comment')) {
438 return 1
439 }
440 # String => 'keywords'
441 # attribute => 'Keyword'
442 # context => '#stay'
443 # type => 'keyword'
444 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'keywords', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Keyword')) {
445 return 1
446 }
447 # String => 'classes'
448 # attribute => 'Class'
449 # context => '#stay'
450 # type => 'keyword'
451 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'classes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Class')) {
452 return 1
453 }
454 # String => 'type constructors'
455 # attribute => 'Type Constructor'
456 # context => '#stay'
457 # type => 'keyword'
458 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'type constructors', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Type Constructor')) {
459 return 1
460 }
461 # String => 'functions'
462 # attribute => 'Function'
463 # context => '#stay'
464 # type => 'keyword'
465 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'functions', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Function')) {
466 return 1
467 }
468 # String => 'data constructors'
469 # attribute => 'Data Constructor'
470 # context => '#stay'
471 # type => 'keyword'
472 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'data constructors', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Data Constructor')) {
473 return 1
474 }
475 # attribute => 'String'
476 # char => '"'
477 # context => 'string'
478 # type => 'DetectChar'
479 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'string', 'String')) {
480 return 1
481 }
482 # attribute => 'Infix Operator'
483 # char => '`'
484 # context => 'infix'
485 # type => 'DetectChar'
486 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '`', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'infix', 'Infix Operator')) {
487 return 1
488 }
489 # String => '\w[']+'
490 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
491 # context => '#stay'
492 # type => 'RegExpr'
493 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\w[\']+', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
494 return 1
495 }
496 # attribute => 'Char'
497 # char => '''
498 # context => 'single_char'
499 # type => 'DetectChar'
500 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'single_char', 'Char')) {
501 return 1
502 }
503 # String => '[a-z_]+\w*'*\s*::'
504 # attribute => 'Function Definition'
505 # context => '#stay'
506 # type => 'RegExpr'
507 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[a-z_]+\\w*\'*\\s*::', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Function Definition')) {
508 return 1
509 }
510 # attribute => 'Float'
511 # context => '#stay'
512 # type => 'Float'
513 if ($self->testFloat($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Float')) {
514 return 1
515 }
516 # attribute => 'Decimal'
517 # context => '#stay'
518 # type => 'Int'
519 if ($self->testInt($text, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Decimal')) {
520 return 1
521 }
522 return 0;
525sub parsesingle_char {
526 my ($self, $text) = @_;
527 # String => '\\.'
528 # attribute => 'Char'
529 # context => '#stay'
530 # type => 'RegExpr'
531 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\.', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Char')) {
532 return 1
533 }
534 # attribute => 'Char'
535 # char => '''
536 # context => '#pop'
537 # type => 'DetectChar'
538 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Char')) {
539 return 1
540 }
541 return 0;
544sub parsestring {
545 my ($self, $text) = @_;
546 # String => '\\.'
547 # attribute => 'String'
548 # context => '#stay'
549 # type => 'RegExpr'
550 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\.', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'String')) {
551 return 1
552 }
553 # attribute => 'String'
554 # char => '"'
555 # context => '#pop'
556 # type => 'DetectChar'
557 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) {
558 return 1
559 }
560 return 0;
568=head1 NAME
570Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell - a Plugin for Haskell syntax highlighting
572=head1 SYNOPSIS
574 require Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell;
575 my $sh = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell([
576 ]);
580Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Haskell is a plugin module that provides syntax highlighting
581for Haskell to the Syntax::Haghlight::Engine::Kate highlighting engine.
583This code is generated from the syntax definition files used
584by the Kate project.
585It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization.
587It inherits Syntax::Higlight::Engine::Kate::Template. See also there.
591=head1 AUTHOR
593Hans Jeuken (haje <at> toneel <dot> demon <dot> nl)
597=head1 BUGS
599Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author