Add built local::lib
[catagits/Gitalist.git] / local-lib5 / lib / perl5 / Syntax / Highlight / Engine / Kate /
3fea05b9 1# Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006 Hans Jeuken. All rights reserved.
2# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
3# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
5# This file was generated from the 'd.xml' file of the syntax highlight
6# engine of the kate text editor (
8#kate xml version 1.36
9#kate version 2.2
10#kate author Simon J Mackenzie (
11#generated: Sun Feb 3 22:02:04 2008, localtime
13package Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D;
15our $VERSION = '0.06';
17use strict;
18use warnings;
19use base('Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::Template');
21sub new {
22 my $proto = shift;
23 my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
24 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
25 $self->attributes({
26 'Assert' => 'Variable',
27 'Binary' => 'BaseN',
28 'Char' => 'Char',
29 'Comment' => 'Comment',
30 'Debug' => 'BaseN',
31 'Escape String' => 'String',
32 'Float' => 'Float',
33 'Hex' => 'BaseN',
34 'Integer' => 'DecVal',
35 'Keyword' => 'Keyword',
36 'Linkage' => 'IString',
37 'Linkage Type' => 'Others',
38 'Module' => 'Keyword',
39 'Module Name' => 'Reserved',
40 'Normal Text' => 'Normal',
41 'Octal' => 'BaseN',
42 'Phobos Library' => 'BString',
43 'Pragma' => 'Keyword',
44 'String' => 'String',
45 'Type' => 'DataType',
46 'Unit Test' => 'RegionMarker',
47 'Version' => 'Keyword',
48 'Version Type' => 'DataType',
49 'Wysiwyg' => 'Char',
50 });
51 $self->listAdd('assert',
52 'assert',
53 );
54 $self->listAdd('debug',
55 'debug',
56 );
57 $self->listAdd('keywords',
58 'abstract',
59 'alias',
60 'align',
61 'asm',
62 'auto',
63 'body',
64 'break',
65 'case',
66 'cast',
67 'catch',
68 'class',
69 'const',
70 'continue',
71 'default',
72 'delegate',
73 'delete',
74 'deprecated',
75 'do',
76 'else',
77 'enum',
78 'export',
79 'false',
80 'final',
81 'finally',
82 'for',
83 'foreach',
84 'function',
85 'goto',
86 'if',
87 'in',
88 'inout',
89 'interface',
90 'invariant',
91 'is',
92 'mixin',
93 'new',
94 'null',
95 'out',
96 'override',
97 'package',
98 'private',
99 'protected',
100 'public',
101 'return',
102 'static',
103 'struct',
104 'super',
105 'switch',
106 'synchronized',
107 'template',
108 'this',
109 'throw',
110 'true',
111 'try',
112 'typedef',
113 'typeof',
114 'union',
115 'volatile',
116 'while',
117 'with',
118 );
119 $self->listAdd('linkage',
120 'extern',
121 );
122 $self->listAdd('ltypes',
123 'C',
124 'D',
125 'Pascal',
126 'Windows',
127 );
128 $self->listAdd('modules',
129 'import',
130 'module',
131 );
132 $self->listAdd('phobos',
133 'printf',
134 'writef',
135 );
136 $self->listAdd('pragma',
137 'pragma',
138 );
139 $self->listAdd('ptypes',
140 'msg',
141 );
142 $self->listAdd('types',
143 'bit',
144 'byte',
145 'cdouble',
146 'cent',
147 'cfloat',
148 'char',
149 'creal',
150 'dchar',
151 'double',
152 'float',
153 'idouble',
154 'ifloat',
155 'int',
156 'ireal',
157 'long',
158 'real',
159 'short',
160 'ubyte',
161 'ucent',
162 'uint',
163 'ulong',
164 'ushort',
165 'void',
166 'wchar',
167 );
168 $self->listAdd('unittest',
169 'unittest',
170 );
171 $self->listAdd('version',
172 'version',
173 );
174 $self->listAdd('vtypes',
175 'AMD64',
176 'BigEndian',
177 'D_InlineAsm',
178 'DigitalMars',
179 'LittleEndian',
180 'Win32',
181 'Win64',
182 'Windows',
183 'X86',
184 'linux',
185 'none',
186 );
187 $self->contextdata({
188 'Char' => {
189 callback => \&parseChar,
190 attribute => 'Char',
191 },
192 'CommentBlockA' => {
193 callback => \&parseCommentBlockA,
194 attribute => 'Comment',
195 },
196 'CommentBlockB' => {
197 callback => \&parseCommentBlockB,
198 attribute => 'Comment',
199 },
200 'CommentLine' => {
201 callback => \&parseCommentLine,
202 attribute => 'Comment',
203 lineending => '#pop',
204 },
205 'Hex' => {
206 callback => \&parseHex,
207 attribute => 'Hex',
208 },
209 'Linkage' => {
210 callback => \&parseLinkage,
211 attribute => 'Linkage',
212 lineending => '#pop',
213 },
214 'ModuleName' => {
215 callback => \&parseModuleName,
216 attribute => 'Module Name',
217 },
218 'Pragmas' => {
219 callback => \&parsePragmas,
220 attribute => 'Pragma',
221 lineending => '#pop',
222 },
223 'String' => {
224 callback => \&parseString,
225 attribute => 'String',
226 },
227 'Version' => {
228 callback => \&parseVersion,
229 attribute => 'Version',
230 lineending => '#pop',
231 },
232 'Wysiwyg' => {
233 callback => \&parseWysiwyg,
234 attribute => 'Wysiwyg',
235 },
236 'normal' => {
237 callback => \&parsenormal,
238 attribute => 'Normal Text',
239 },
240 });
241 $self->deliminators('\\s||\\.|\\(|\\)|:|\\!|\\+|,|-|<|=|>|\\%|\\&|\\*|\\/|;|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\{|\\||\\}|\\~|\\\\');
242 $self->basecontext('normal');
243 $self->keywordscase(1);
244 $self->initialize;
245 bless ($self, $class);
246 return $self;
249sub language {
250 return 'D';
253sub parseChar {
254 my ($self, $text) = @_;
255 # attribute => 'Char'
256 # char => '\'
257 # char1 => '''
258 # context => '#stay'
259 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
260 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '\\', '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Char')) {
261 return 1
262 }
263 # attribute => 'Char'
264 # char => '\'
265 # char1 => '\'
266 # context => '#stay'
267 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
268 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '\\', '\\', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Char')) {
269 return 1
270 }
271 # attribute => 'Char'
272 # char => '''
273 # context => '#pop'
274 # type => 'DetectChar'
275 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Char')) {
276 return 1
277 }
278 return 0;
281sub parseCommentBlockA {
282 my ($self, $text) = @_;
283 # attribute => 'Comment'
284 # char => '*'
285 # char1 => '/'
286 # context => '#pop'
287 # endRegion => 'CommentA'
288 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
289 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '*', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Comment')) {
290 return 1
291 }
292 return 0;
295sub parseCommentBlockB {
296 my ($self, $text) = @_;
297 # attribute => 'Comment'
298 # char => '+'
299 # char1 => '/'
300 # context => '#pop'
301 # endRegion => 'CommentB'
302 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
303 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '+', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Comment')) {
304 return 1
305 }
306 return 0;
309sub parseCommentLine {
310 my ($self, $text) = @_;
311 return 0;
314sub parseHex {
315 my ($self, $text) = @_;
316 # attribute => 'Hex'
317 # char => '"'
318 # context => '#pop'
319 # type => 'DetectChar'
320 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Hex')) {
321 return 1
322 }
323 return 0;
326sub parseLinkage {
327 my ($self, $text) = @_;
328 # String => 'types'
329 # attribute => 'Type'
330 # context => '#pop'
331 # type => 'keyword'
332 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'types', 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Type')) {
333 return 1
334 }
335 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
336 # char => '('
337 # context => '#stay'
338 # type => 'DetectChar'
339 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '(', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
340 return 1
341 }
342 # String => 'ltypes'
343 # attribute => 'Linkage Type'
344 # context => '#stay'
345 # type => 'keyword'
346 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'ltypes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Linkage Type')) {
347 return 1
348 }
349 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
350 # char => ')'
351 # context => '#pop'
352 # type => 'DetectChar'
353 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ')', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
354 return 1
355 }
356 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
357 # char => ';'
358 # context => '#pop'
359 # type => 'DetectChar'
360 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ';', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
361 return 1
362 }
363 return 0;
366sub parseModuleName {
367 my ($self, $text) = @_;
368 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
369 # char => ','
370 # context => '#stay'
371 # type => 'DetectChar'
372 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ',', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
373 return 1
374 }
375 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
376 # char => ';'
377 # context => '#pop'
378 # type => 'DetectChar'
379 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ';', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
380 return 1
381 }
382 # attribute => 'Comment'
383 # char => '/'
384 # char1 => '/'
385 # context => 'CommentLine'
386 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
387 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentLine', 'Comment')) {
388 return 1
389 }
390 # attribute => 'Comment'
391 # beginRegion => 'CommentA'
392 # char => '/'
393 # char1 => '*'
394 # context => 'CommentBlockA'
395 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
396 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentBlockA', 'Comment')) {
397 return 1
398 }
399 # attribute => 'Comment'
400 # beginRegion => 'CommentB'
401 # char => '/'
402 # char1 => '+'
403 # context => 'CommentBlockB'
404 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
405 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '+', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentBlockB', 'Comment')) {
406 return 1
407 }
408 return 0;
411sub parsePragmas {
412 my ($self, $text) = @_;
413 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
414 # char => '('
415 # context => '#stay'
416 # type => 'DetectChar'
417 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '(', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
418 return 1
419 }
420 # String => 'ptypes'
421 # attribute => 'Version Type'
422 # context => '#stay'
423 # type => 'keyword'
424 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'ptypes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Version Type')) {
425 return 1
426 }
427 # String => 'vtypes'
428 # attribute => 'Version Type'
429 # context => '#stay'
430 # type => 'keyword'
431 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'vtypes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Version Type')) {
432 return 1
433 }
434 # String => '[_a-z][\w]*'
435 # attribute => 'Keyword'
436 # context => '#pop'
437 # insensitive => 'true'
438 # type => 'RegExpr'
439 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[_a-z][\\w]*', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Keyword')) {
440 return 1
441 }
442 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
443 # char => ','
444 # context => '#pop'
445 # type => 'DetectChar'
446 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ',', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
447 return 1
448 }
449 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
450 # char => ')'
451 # context => '#pop'
452 # type => 'DetectChar'
453 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ')', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
454 return 1
455 }
456 return 0;
459sub parseString {
460 my ($self, $text) = @_;
461 # attribute => 'String'
462 # char => '"'
463 # context => '#pop'
464 # type => 'DetectChar'
465 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'String')) {
466 return 1
467 }
468 return 0;
471sub parseVersion {
472 my ($self, $text) = @_;
473 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
474 # char => '='
475 # context => '#pop'
476 # type => 'DetectChar'
477 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '=', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
478 return 1
479 }
480 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
481 # char => '('
482 # context => '#stay'
483 # type => 'DetectChar'
484 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '(', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
485 return 1
486 }
487 # String => 'vtypes'
488 # attribute => 'Version Type'
489 # context => '#stay'
490 # type => 'keyword'
491 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'vtypes', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Version Type')) {
492 return 1
493 }
494 # String => '\w'
495 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
496 # context => '#pop'
497 # insensitive => 'true'
498 # type => 'RegExpr'
499 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\w', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
500 return 1
501 }
502 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
503 # char => ')'
504 # context => '#pop'
505 # type => 'DetectChar'
506 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, ')', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
507 return 1
508 }
509 return 0;
512sub parseWysiwyg {
513 my ($self, $text) = @_;
514 # attribute => 'Wysiwyg'
515 # char => '"'
516 # context => '#pop'
517 # type => 'DetectChar'
518 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Wysiwyg')) {
519 return 1
520 }
521 # attribute => 'Wysiwyg'
522 # char => '`'
523 # context => '#pop'
524 # type => 'DetectChar'
525 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '`', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Wysiwyg')) {
526 return 1
527 }
528 return 0;
531sub parsenormal {
532 my ($self, $text) = @_;
533 # String => 'keywords'
534 # attribute => 'Keyword'
535 # context => '#stay'
536 # type => 'keyword'
537 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'keywords', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Keyword')) {
538 return 1
539 }
540 # String => 'modules'
541 # attribute => 'Module'
542 # context => 'ModuleName'
543 # type => 'keyword'
544 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'modules', 0, undef, 0, 'ModuleName', 'Module')) {
545 return 1
546 }
547 # String => 'types'
548 # attribute => 'Type'
549 # context => '#stay'
550 # type => 'keyword'
551 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'types', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Type')) {
552 return 1
553 }
554 # String => 'phobos'
555 # attribute => 'Phobos Library'
556 # context => '#stay'
557 # type => 'keyword'
558 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'phobos', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Phobos Library')) {
559 return 1
560 }
561 # String => 'linkage'
562 # attribute => 'Linkage'
563 # context => 'Linkage'
564 # type => 'keyword'
565 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'linkage', 0, undef, 0, 'Linkage', 'Linkage')) {
566 return 1
567 }
568 # String => 'debug'
569 # attribute => 'Debug'
570 # context => '#stay'
571 # type => 'keyword'
572 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'debug', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Debug')) {
573 return 1
574 }
575 # String => 'assert'
576 # attribute => 'Assert'
577 # context => '#stay'
578 # type => 'keyword'
579 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'assert', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Assert')) {
580 return 1
581 }
582 # String => 'pragma'
583 # attribute => 'Pragma'
584 # context => 'Pragmas'
585 # type => 'keyword'
586 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'pragma', 0, undef, 0, 'Pragmas', 'Pragma')) {
587 return 1
588 }
589 # String => 'version'
590 # attribute => 'Version'
591 # context => 'Version'
592 # type => 'keyword'
593 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'version', 0, undef, 0, 'Version', 'Version')) {
594 return 1
595 }
596 # String => 'unittest'
597 # attribute => 'Unit Test'
598 # context => '#stay'
599 # type => 'keyword'
600 if ($self->testKeyword($text, 'unittest', 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Unit Test')) {
601 return 1
602 }
603 # attribute => 'Wysiwyg'
604 # char => 'r'
605 # char1 => '"'
606 # context => 'Wysiwyg'
607 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
608 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, 'r', '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Wysiwyg', 'Wysiwyg')) {
609 return 1
610 }
611 # attribute => 'Hex'
612 # char => 'x'
613 # char1 => '"'
614 # context => 'Hex'
615 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
616 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, 'x', '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Hex', 'Hex')) {
617 return 1
618 }
619 # String => '[_a-z][\w]*'
620 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
621 # context => '#pop'
622 # insensitive => 'true'
623 # type => 'RegExpr'
624 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[_a-z][\\w]*', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Normal Text')) {
625 return 1
626 }
627 # String => '\#[ ]*line'
628 # attribute => 'Pragma'
629 # context => '#pop'
630 # type => 'RegExpr'
631 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\#[ ]*line', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Pragma')) {
632 return 1
633 }
634 # String => '\\[n|t|"]'
635 # attribute => 'Escape String'
636 # context => '#pop'
637 # type => 'RegExpr'
638 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\[n|t|"]', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Escape String')) {
639 return 1
640 }
641 # String => '(\\r\\n)'
642 # attribute => 'Escape String'
643 # context => '#pop'
644 # type => 'RegExpr'
645 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '(\\\\r\\\\n)', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Escape String')) {
646 return 1
647 }
648 # String => '\\0[0-7]+'
649 # attribute => 'Escape String'
650 # context => '#pop'
651 # type => 'RegExpr'
652 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\0[0-7]+', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Escape String')) {
653 return 1
654 }
655 # String => '\\u[\d]+'
656 # attribute => 'Escape String'
657 # context => '#pop'
658 # insensitive => 'true'
659 # type => 'RegExpr'
660 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\u[\\d]+', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Escape String')) {
661 return 1
662 }
663 # String => '\\x[\da-fA-F]+'
664 # attribute => 'Escape String'
665 # context => '#pop'
666 # type => 'RegExpr'
667 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '\\\\x[\\da-fA-F]+', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Escape String')) {
668 return 1
669 }
670 # String => '0b[01]+[_01]*[ ]*\.\.[ ]*0b[01]+[_01]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
671 # attribute => 'Binary'
672 # context => '#pop'
673 # insensitive => 'true'
674 # type => 'RegExpr'
675 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0b[01]+[_01]*[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]*0b[01]+[_01]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Binary')) {
676 return 1
677 }
678 # String => '0[0-7]+[_0-7]*[ ]*\.\.[ ]*0[0-7]+[_0-7]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
679 # attribute => 'Octal'
680 # context => '#pop'
681 # insensitive => 'true'
682 # type => 'RegExpr'
683 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0[0-7]+[_0-7]*[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]*0[0-7]+[_0-7]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Octal')) {
684 return 1
685 }
686 # String => '0x[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*[ ]*\.\.[ ]*0x[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
687 # attribute => 'Hex'
688 # context => '#pop'
689 # insensitive => 'true'
690 # type => 'RegExpr'
691 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0x[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]*0x[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Hex')) {
692 return 1
693 }
694 # String => '[\d]+[_\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?[ ]*\.\.[ ]*[\d]+[_\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
695 # attribute => 'Integer'
696 # context => '#pop'
697 # insensitive => 'true'
698 # type => 'RegExpr'
699 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[\\d]+[_\\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]*[\\d]+[_\\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Integer')) {
700 return 1
701 }
702 # String => '[\d]*[_\d]*\.[_\d]*(e-|e|e\+)?[\d]+[_\d]*(F|L|I|FI|LI|)?'
703 # attribute => 'Float'
704 # context => '#pop'
705 # insensitive => 'true'
706 # type => 'RegExpr'
707 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[\\d]*[_\\d]*\\.[_\\d]*(e-|e|e\\+)?[\\d]+[_\\d]*(F|L|I|FI|LI|)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Float')) {
708 return 1
709 }
710 # String => '[\d]*[_\d]*\.?[_\d]*(e-|e|e\+)[\d]+[_\d]*(F|L|I|FI|LI|)?'
711 # attribute => 'Float'
712 # context => '#pop'
713 # insensitive => 'true'
714 # type => 'RegExpr'
715 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[\\d]*[_\\d]*\\.?[_\\d]*(e-|e|e\\+)[\\d]+[_\\d]*(F|L|I|FI|LI|)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Float')) {
716 return 1
717 }
718 # String => '0x[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*\.[_\da-f]*(p-|p|p\+)?[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*(F|L|I|FI|LI)?'
719 # attribute => 'Float'
720 # context => '#pop'
721 # insensitive => 'true'
722 # type => 'RegExpr'
723 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0x[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*\\.[_\\da-f]*(p-|p|p\\+)?[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*(F|L|I|FI|LI)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Float')) {
724 return 1
725 }
726 # String => '0x[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*\.?[_\da-f]*(p-|p|p\+)[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*(F|L|I|FI|LI)?'
727 # attribute => 'Float'
728 # context => '#pop'
729 # insensitive => 'true'
730 # type => 'RegExpr'
731 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0x[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*\\.?[_\\da-f]*(p-|p|p\\+)[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*(F|L|I|FI|LI)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Float')) {
732 return 1
733 }
734 # String => '0B[01]+[_01]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
735 # attribute => 'Binary'
736 # context => '#pop'
737 # insensitive => 'true'
738 # type => 'RegExpr'
739 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0B[01]+[_01]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Binary')) {
740 return 1
741 }
742 # String => '0[0-7]+[_0-7]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
743 # attribute => 'Octal'
744 # context => '#pop'
745 # insensitive => 'true'
746 # type => 'RegExpr'
747 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0[0-7]+[_0-7]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Octal')) {
748 return 1
749 }
750 # String => '0x[\da-f]+[_\da-f]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
751 # attribute => 'Hex'
752 # context => '#pop'
753 # insensitive => 'true'
754 # type => 'RegExpr'
755 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '0x[\\da-f]+[_\\da-f]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Hex')) {
756 return 1
757 }
758 # String => '[\d]+[_\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?'
759 # attribute => 'Integer'
760 # context => '#pop'
761 # insensitive => 'true'
762 # type => 'RegExpr'
763 if ($self->testRegExpr($text, '[\\d]+[_\\d]*(UL|LU|U|L)?', 1, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#pop', 'Integer')) {
764 return 1
765 }
766 # attribute => 'Char'
767 # char => '''
768 # context => 'Char'
769 # type => 'DetectChar'
770 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '\'', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Char', 'Char')) {
771 return 1
772 }
773 # attribute => 'String'
774 # char => '"'
775 # context => 'String'
776 # type => 'DetectChar'
777 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '"', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'String', 'String')) {
778 return 1
779 }
780 # attribute => 'Wysiwyg'
781 # char => '`'
782 # context => 'Wysiwyg'
783 # type => 'DetectChar'
784 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '`', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'Wysiwyg', 'Wysiwyg')) {
785 return 1
786 }
787 # attribute => 'Comment'
788 # char => '/'
789 # char1 => '/'
790 # context => 'CommentLine'
791 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
792 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '/', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentLine', 'Comment')) {
793 return 1
794 }
795 # attribute => 'Comment'
796 # beginRegion => 'CommentA'
797 # char => '/'
798 # char1 => '*'
799 # context => 'CommentBlockA'
800 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
801 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '*', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentBlockA', 'Comment')) {
802 return 1
803 }
804 # attribute => 'Comment'
805 # beginRegion => 'CommentB'
806 # char => '/'
807 # char1 => '+'
808 # context => 'CommentBlockB'
809 # type => 'Detect2Chars'
810 if ($self->testDetect2Chars($text, '/', '+', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, 'CommentBlockB', 'Comment')) {
811 return 1
812 }
813 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
814 # beginRegion => 'BraceA'
815 # char => '{'
816 # context => '#stay'
817 # type => 'DetectChar'
818 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '{', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
819 return 1
820 }
821 # attribute => 'Normal Text'
822 # char => '}'
823 # context => '#stay'
824 # endRegion => 'BraceA'
825 # type => 'DetectChar'
826 if ($self->testDetectChar($text, '}', 0, 0, 0, undef, 0, '#stay', 'Normal Text')) {
827 return 1
828 }
829 return 0;
837=head1 NAME
839Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D - a Plugin for D syntax highlighting
841=head1 SYNOPSIS
843 require Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D;
844 my $sh = new Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D([
845 ]);
849Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate::D is a plugin module that provides syntax highlighting
850for D to the Syntax::Haghlight::Engine::Kate highlighting engine.
852This code is generated from the syntax definition files used
853by the Kate project.
854It works quite fine, but can use refinement and optimization.
856It inherits Syntax::Higlight::Engine::Kate::Template. See also there.
860=head1 AUTHOR
862Hans Jeuken (haje <at> toneel <dot> demon <dot> nl)
866=head1 BUGS
868Unknown. If you find any, please contact the author