NAME CatalystX::HelpText - Helper to include text/html snippets in Catalyst View templates SYNOPSIS Create a model class in your Catalyst project like: package TestApp::Model::Help; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; extends 'CatalystX::HelpText::Model'; 1; Configure it setting value for: help_files_path Where the help files will be found help_files_ext What is the extension for the help files (default: html) wrapper_tag What tag will be used to wrap the shippet (default: span) wrapper_css_class What css class will be applied to the wrapper tag (default: help_text) Create files with the text/html to be included and store them at help_files_path. Apply the CatalystX::HelpText::ViewRole in your View. Uses the "[% helptext('SomeHelpTopic') %]"in your templates to include the file "SomeHelpTopic.html" in the page. Uses the script "" to find the missing help text files. SEE ALSO CatalystX::HelpText::Model CatalystX::HelpText::ViewRole AUTHOR Toomas Doran, "t0m at" Cinxgler Mariaca Minda, "cinxgler at" COPYRIGHT Copyright Oscar Music and Media 2011. LICENSE This sofware is free software, and is licensed under the same terms as perl itself.