=head1 Upgrading to Catalyst 5.80 Most applications and plugins should run unaltered on Catalyst 5.80. However as a lot of refactoring work has taken place, several changes have been made which could cause incompatibilities, if your application or plugin is using deprecated code, or relying on side-effects then there could be incompatibility. Most issues found with pre-existing components have been easy to solve, and a complete description of behavior changes which may cause compatibility issues, or warnings to be emitted is included below to help if you have problems. If you think you have found an upgrade related issue which is not covered in this document, then please email the Catalyst list to discuss the problem. =head1 Known backwards compatibility breakages. =head2 Components which inherit from Moose::Object before Catalyst::Component Moose components which say: package TestApp::Controller::Example; use Moose; extends qw/Moose::Object Catalyst::Component/; to use the constructor provided by Moose, whilst working if you do some hacks with the C< BUILDARGS > method, will not work with Catalyst 5.80 as C inherits from C, and so C< @ISA > fails to linearise. The fix for this, is to not inherit directly from C yourself. Having components which do not inherit their constructor from C is B, and has never been recommended, therefore you're on your own if you're using this technique. You'll need to detect the version of Catalyst your application is running with and deal with it appropriately. You will also see this issue if you do the following: package TestApp::Controller::Example; use Moose; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; as C< use base > appends to @ISA. The correct way to use Moose in a component in a both forward and backwards compatible way is: package TestApp::Controller::Root; use Moose; BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Component' }; # Or ::Controller, or whatever Note that the C< extends > decleration needs to occur in a begin block for L to operate correctly. =head3 use Moose in MyApp Similar to the above, this will also fail: package MyApp; use Moose; use Catalyst qw/ ConfigLoader /; __PACKAGE__->setup; If you need to use Moose in your application class (e.g. for method modifiers etc) then the correct technique is: package MyApp; use Moose; extends 'Catalyst'; __PACKAGE__->setup(qw/ ConfigLoader /); =head2 Anonymous closures installed directly into the symbol table If you have any code which installs anonymous subroutine references directly into the symbol table, you may encounter breakages. The simplest solution is to use L to name the subroutine. Example: # Original code, likely to break: my $full_method_name = join('::',$package_name, $method_name); *$full_method_name = sub { ... }; # Fixed Code use Sub::Name 'subname'; my $full_method_name = join('::',$package_name, $method_name); *$full_method_name = subname $full_method_name, sub { ... }; Additionally, you can take advantage of Catalysts use of L and install the closure using the appropriate metaclass. Example: use Class::MOP; my $metaclass = Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($package_name); $metaclass->add_method($method_name => sub { ... }); =head2 Hooking into application setup To execute code during application startup the following snippet in MyApp.pm used to work: sub setup { my ($class, @args) = @_; $class->NEXT::setup(@args); ... # things to do after the actual setup } With Catalyst 5.80 this won't work anymore. Because instead of using NEXT.pm it relies on L, which uses plain C3 method resolution. As L hacks to remember what methods have already been called, this causes infinite recursion between MyApp::setup and Catalyst::setup. Moose method modifiers like C<< before|after|around 'setup => sub { ... }; >> also will not operate correctly due to backward compatibility issues with the way plugin setup methods. The right way to do it is this: after setup_finalize => sub { ... # things to do after the actual setup }; =head2 Components with a new method which returns false Previously, if you had a component which inherited from Catalyst::COMPONENT, but overrode the new method to return false, then your class' configuration would be blessed into a hash on your behalf, and this would be returned from the COMPONENT method. This behaviour makes no sense, and so has been removed. Implementing your own new method in components is B discouraged, instead, you should inherit the new method from Catalyst::Component, and use Moose's BUILD functionality to perform any construction work necessary for your sub-class. =head2 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessor('meta'); Won't work due to a limitation of L. This is currently being fixed inside Moose. =head2 Class::Data::Inheritable side effects Previously, writing to a class data accessor would copy the accessor method down into your package. This behavior has been removed. Whilst the class data is still stored per-class, it is stored on the metaclass of the class defining the accessor. Therefore anything relying on the side-effect of the accessor being copied down will be broken. The following example demonstrates the problem: { package BaseClass; use base qw/Class::Data::Inheritable/; __PACKAGE__->mk_classdata('foo'); } { package Child; use base qw/BaseClass/; } BaseClass->foo('base class'); Child->foo('sub class'); use Test::More; isnt(BaseClass->can('foo'), Child->can('foo')); =head2 Extending Catalyst::Request or other classes in an ad-hoc manor using mk_accessors Previously, it was possible to add additional accessors to Catalyst::Request (or other classes) by calling the mk_accessors class method. This is no longer supported - users should make a sub-class of the class whos behavior they would like to change, rather than globally polluting the Catalyst objects. =head2 Confused multiple inheritance with Catalyst::Component::COMPONENT Warning message: There is a COMPONENT method resolving after Catalyst::Component in ${next_package}. This means that one of the packages on the right hand side of Catalyst::Component in your Class' inheritance hierarchy defines a COMPONENT method. Previously, Catalyst's COMPONENT method would delegate to the method on the right hand side, which could then delegate back again with NEXT. This (as it is insane), is no longer supported, as it makes no sense with C3 method dispatch order. Therefore the correct fix is to re-arrange your class' inheritance hierarchy so that the COMPONENT method you would like to inherit is the first COMPONENT method in your @ISA. =head1 WARNINGS =head2 Methods in Catalyst::Dispatcher The following methods in Catalyst::Dispatcher are likely to change significantly in the 5.8X release series, and therefore their use is highly deprecated. =over =item tree =item dispatch_types =item registered_dispatch_types =item method_action_class =item action_hash =item container_hash =back The first time one of these methods is called, a warning will be emitted: Class $class is calling the deprecated method Catalyst::Dispatcher::$public_method_name,\n" . "this will be removed in Catalyst 5.9X" You should B be calling any of these methods from application code. Plugins authors and maintainers whos plugins need to call these methods should email the development list to discuss your use-case, and what a better API should look like. =head2 require $class was successful but the package is not defined. In this version of Catalyst, if a component is loaded from disk, but no symbols are defined in that component's namespace after it is loaded, this warning will be issued. This is to protect against confusing bugs caused by mis-typing package names. This will become a fatal error in a future version. =head2 $c->plugin method Calling the plugin method is deprecated, and calling it at runtime is B. Instead you are recommended to use L< Catalyst::Model::Adaptor > or similar to compose the functionality you need outside of the main application namespace. =cut