=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::WritingPlugins - An introduction to writing plugins with L. =head1 DESCRIPTION Writing an integrated plugin for L using L. =head1 WHY PLUGINS? A Catalyst plugin is an integrated part of your application. By writing plugins you can, for example, perform processing actions automatically, instead of having to C to a processing method every time you need it. =head1 WHAT'S NEXT? L is used to re-dispatch a method call as if the calling method doesn't exist at all. In other words: If the class you're inheriting from defines a method, and you're overloading that method in your own class, NEXT gives you the possibility to call that overloaded method. This technique is the usual way to plug a module into Catalyst. =head1 INTEGRATING YOUR PLUGIN You can use L for your lugin by overloading certain methods which are called by Catalyst during a request. =head2 The request life-cycle Catalyst creates a context object (C<$context> or, more usually, its alias C<$c>) on every request, which is passed to all the handlers that are called from preparation to finalization. For a complete list of the methods called during a request, see L. The request can be split up in three main stages: =over 4 =item preparation When the C handler is called, it initializes the request object, connections, headers, and everything else that needs to be prepared. C itself calls other methods to delegate these tasks. After this method has run, everything concerning the request is in place. =item dispatch The dispatching phase is where the black magic happens. The C handler decides which actions have to be called for this request. =item finalization Catalyst uses the C method to prepare the response to give to the client. It makes decisions according to your C (e.g. where you want to redirect the user to). After this method, the response is ready and waiting for you to do something with it--usually, hand it off to your View class. =back =head2 What Plugins look like There's nothing special about a plugin except its name. A module named C will be loaded by Catalyst if you specify it in your application class, e.g.: # your plugin package Catalyst::Plugin::MyPlugin; use warnings; use strict; ... # MyApp.pm, your application class use Catalyst qw/-Debug MyPlugin/; This does nothing but load your module. We'll now see how to overload stages of the request cycle, and provide accessors. =head2 Calling methods from your Plugin Methods that do not overload a handler are available directly in the C<$c> context object; they don't need to be qualified with namespaces, and you don't need to C them. package Catalyst::Plugin::Foobar; use strict; sub foo { return 'bar'; } # anywhere else in your Catalyst application: $c->foo(); # will return 'bar' That's it. =head2 Overloading - Plugging into Catalyst If you don't just want to provide methods, but want to actually plug your module into the request cycle, you have to overload the handler that suits your needs. Every handler gets the context object passed as its first argument. Pass the rest of the arguments to the next handler in row by calling it via $c->NEXT::handler-name( @_ ); if you already Ced it out of C<@_>. Remember to C C. =head2 Storage and Configuration Some Plugins use their accessor names as a storage point, e.g. sub my_accessor { my $c = shift; $c->{my_accessor} = .. but it is more safe and clear to put your data in your configuration hash: $c->config->{my_plugin}{ name } = $value; If you need to maintain data for more than one request, you should store it in a session. =head1 EXAMPLE Here's a simple example Plugin that shows how to overload C to add a unique ID to every request: package Catalyst::Plugin::RequestUUID; use warnings; use strict; use Catalyst::Request; use Data::UUID; use NEXT; our $VERSION = 0.01; { # create a uuid accessor package Catalyst::Request; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors('uuid'); } sub prepare { my $class = shift; my $c = $class->NEXT::prepare( @_ ); $c->request->uuid( Data::UUID->new->create_str ); $c->log->debug( 'Request UUID "'. $c->request->uuid .'"' ); return $c; } 1; Let's just break it down into pieces: package Catalyst::Plugin::RequestUUID; The package name has to start with C to make sure you can load your plugin by simply specifying use Catalyst qw/RequestUUID/; in the application class. L and L are recommended for all Perl applications. use NEXT; use Data::UUID; our $VERSION = 0.01; NEXT must be explicitly Cd. L generates our unique ID. The C<$VERSION> gets set because it's a) a good habit and b) L likes it. sub prepare { These methods are called without attributes (Private, Local, etc.). my $c = shift; We get the context object for this request as the first argument. B:Be sure you shift the context object out of C<@_> in this. If you just do a my ( $c ) = @_; it remains there, and you may run into problems if you're not aware of what you pass to the handler you've overloaded. If you take a look at $c = $c->NEXT::prepare( @_ ); you see you would pass the context twice here if you don't shift it out of your parameter list. This line is the main part of the plugin procedure. We call the overloaded C method and pass along the parameters we got. We also overwrite the context object C<$c> with the one returned by the called method returns. We'll return our modified context object at the end. Note that that if we modify C<$c> before this line, we also modify it before the original (overloaded) C is run. If we modify it after, we modify an already prepared context. And, of course, it's no problem to do both, if you need to. Another example of working on the context before calling the actual handler would be setting header information before C does its job. $c->req->{req_uuid} = Data::UUID->new->create_str; This line creates a new L object and calls the C method. The value is saved in our request, under the key C. We can use that to access it in future in our application. $c->log->debug( 'Request UUID "'. $c->req->{req_uuid} .'"' ); This sends our UUID to the C log. The final line return $c; passes our modified context object back to whoever has called us. This could be Catalyst itself, or the overloaded handler of another plugin. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L. =head1 THANKS TO Sebastian Riedel and his team of Catalyst developers as well as all the helpful people in #catalyst. =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR S> with a lot of help from the poeple on #catalyst. =cut