=head1 NAME Catalyst::Manual::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions =head1 DESCRIPTION Frequently Asked Questions =head2 How do I regenerate the helper scripts? Outside your apps dir run the C script with the same name, and the C<-scripts> switch. catalyst.pl -scripts Foo To overwrite (instead of creating C<.new> files) use the C<-force> switch. =head2 I have added tables to my DB - how to autogenerate the classes? Just run the _create.pl script again with the same parameters, it will ignore the existing classes and create missing ones based on your DB layout. =head2 What is the difference between $c->forward and $c->response->redirect? Forward will modify the flow control and neither reset the context object nor end the request cycle while a redirect will. See L. =head2 How can I get rid of those timer comments when using TT as my view? This config line in MyApp::V::TT will disable this for you: __PACKAGE__->config->{CONTEXT} = undef; =head1 AUTHORS Sebastian Riedel, C Danijel Milicevic, C =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.