- Fix t/caf_backcompat_plugin_accessor_override.t - complex case to do with class data / instance data.. Maybe need better tests? - meta test for MX::Emulate::CAF needed by Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried http://code2.0beta.co.uk/moose/svnweb/index.cgi/moose/revision?rev=7036 (groditi) - Fix 'as soon as Class::MOP 0.67 + 1 is released Class::MOP::load_class($class) can be used instead' in Catalyst::Utils - Common engine test failures, look into and get tests into core. - Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL, Can't locate object method "tree" via package "Catalyst::Dispatcher", fix the plugin as tree was never a public method. - Catalyst-Model-Akismet, incorrectly inherits from Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext, should compose as a role. Fix the module. - CatalystX-Imports, Class::MOP doesn't consider anon subs in the symbol table as methods, tests + fix, or explanation and documentation? (rafl & phaylon) - Update Test suite to not assume MyApp ISA Controller - After that set up attr handlers that will output helpful error messages when you do it as well as how to fix it. (done already?) - Comments marked /Moose TODO/i in Catalyst::Request re {_body} - Eliminate all instances of $instance->{$key}, I think the only thing left is lib/Catalyst/Engine/HTTP.pm: $self->{inputbuf}, which I haven't touched as it is used as an lvalue in a lot of places. - Profiling vs 5.70 and optimisation as needed. - Fix the Roadmap to be less full of lies. - Run another round of repository smokes against latest 5.80 trunk, manually go through all the things which are broken (t0m). - Adopt::NEXT - New warning message (Bill Moseley) - Updated docs with how it works (t0m) - provide an env var to just turn the warnings off globally? - Issues with TWMC not being loaded when it used to be in 5.70 (Bill Moseley) - Fix memory leaks (I already tried Devel::Leak::Object, but no joy). - Find whatever in the test suite craps a file called GLOB(0xfoo) onto my disk and fix it. (Believed to be in the optional tests?) - Docsdocsdocs - extends in components must be inside a BEGIN block. - Moose package loading - document it spits feathers if you don't define any symbols. - Tests - Moosified test application? - batman's chained patch / issue?