Compatibility: - Deal with component downwards compatibility in 5.71 (make 5.71 call mooses construction logic so that attributes get initialized etc). - Provide an extension so that components can have a Moose::Object constructor and an @ISA which makes c3 happy on both 5.7X and 5.8X. Documentation: - Warning when you pass $c->model("MyApp::Model::Foo") is the generic warning for regex fall back. Should be more specific about what you screwed up, and the docs for $c->model should be more explicit about what is expected. This probably also applies to view/controller. Note: This behavior is also present in 5.71, and so is not a blocker. - Run more smokes Profiling: - vs 5.70 and optimisation as needed on perl 5.8 (5.10 is already faster!).