NAME Catalyst - The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework SYNOPSIS # use the helper to start a new application catalyst MyApp cd MyApp # add models, views, controllers perl bin/create model Something perl bin/create view Stuff perl bin/create controller Yada # built in testserver perl bin/server # command line interface perl bin/test /yada See also L use Catalyst; use Catalyst qw/My::Module My::OtherModule/; use Catalyst '-Debug'; use Catalyst qw/-Debug -Engine=CGI/; __PACKAGE__->action( '!default' => sub { $_[1]->res->output('Hello') } ); __PACKAGE__->action( 'index.html' => sub { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->res->output('Hello'); $c->forward('_foo'); } ); __PACKAGE__->action( '/^product[_]*(\d*).html$/' => sub { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->stash->{template} = ''; $c->stash->{product} = $c->req->snippets->[0]; } ); DESCRIPTION Catalyst is based upon Maypole, which you should consider for smaller projects. The key concept of Catalyst is DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). See Catalyst::Manual for more documentation. Omit the Catalyst::Plugin:: prefix from plugins. So Catalyst::Plugin::My::Module becomes My::Module. use Catalyst 'My::Module'; You can also set special flags like -Debug and -Engine. use Catalyst qw/-Debug My::Module/; The position of plugins and flags in the chain is important, because they are loaded in the same order they appear. -Debug use Catalyst '-Debug'; is equivalent to use Catalyst; sub debug { 1 } -Engine Force Catalyst to use a specific engine. Omit the Catalyst::Engine:: prefix. use Catalyst '-Engine=CGI'; METHODS debug Overload to enable debug messages. config Returns a hashref containing your applications settings. SEE ALSO Catalyst::Manual, Catalyst::Test, Catalyst::Request, Catalyst::Response, Catalyst::Engine AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, "" THANK YOU Danijel Milicevic, David Naughton, Gary Ashton Jones, Jesse Sheidlower, Johan Lindstrom, Marcus Ramberg and all the others who've helped. LICENSE This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.