use inc::Module::Install 0.64; perl_version '5.008001'; name 'Catalyst-Runtime'; all_from 'lib/Catalyst/'; requires 'namespace::clean'; requires 'Scope::Upper'; requires 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast' => '0.00700'; requires 'Moose' => '0.64'; requires 'Carp'; requires 'Class::C3::Adopt::NEXT' => '0.05'; requires 'Class::MOP'; requires 'CGI::Simple::Cookie'; requires 'Data::Dump'; requires 'File::Modified'; requires 'HTML::Entities'; requires 'HTTP::Body' => '1.04'; # makes uploadtmp work requires 'HTTP::Headers' => '1.64'; requires 'HTTP::Request'; requires 'HTTP::Response'; requires 'HTTP::Request::AsCGI' => '0.5'; requires 'LWP::UserAgent'; requires 'Module::Pluggable' => '3.01'; requires 'Path::Class' => '0.09'; requires 'Scalar::Util'; requires 'Sub::Exporter'; requires 'Text::SimpleTable' => '0.03'; requires 'Time::HiRes'; requires 'Tree::Simple' => '1.15'; requires 'Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath'; requires 'URI' => '1.35'; requires 'Text::Balanced'; # core in 5.8.x but mentioned for completeness requires 'MRO::Compat'; test_requires 'Class::Data::Inheritable'; test_requires 'Test::MockObject'; if ( ( exists $ENV{AGGREGATE_TESTS} && !$ENV{AGGREGATE_TESTS}) || (!exists $ENV{AGGREGATE_TESTS} && !can_use('Test::Aggregate', '0.34_01'))) { tests join q{ }, grep { $_ ne 't/aggregate.t' } map { glob } qw[t/*.t t/aggregate/*.t]; } else { test_requires('Test::Aggregate', '0.34_01'); } my @force_build_requires_if_author = qw( Test::NoTabs Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage Pod::Coverage ); if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { foreach my $module (@force_build_requires_if_author) { build_requires $module; } if ($^O eq 'darwin') { my $osx_ver = `/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`; chomp $osx_ver; # TAR on 10.4 wants COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE # On 10.5 (Leopard) it wants COPYFILE_DISABLE my $attr = $osx_ver eq '10.5' ? 'COPYFILE_DISABLE' : 'COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE'; makemaker_args(dist => { PREOP => qq{\@if [ "\$\$$attr" != "true" ]; then}. qq{ echo "You must set the ENV variable $attr to true,"; }. ' echo "to avoid getting resource forks in your dist."; exit 255; fi' }); } } install_script glob('script/*.pl'); auto_install; WriteAll; if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { # Strip out the author only build_requires from META.yml # Need to do this _after_ WriteAll else it looses track of them Meta->{values}{build_requires} = [ grep { my $ok = 1; foreach my $module (@force_build_requires_if_author) { if ($_->[0] =~ /$module/) { $ok = 0; last; } } $ok; } @{Meta->{values}{build_requires}} ]; Meta->{values}{resources} = [ [ 'MailingList', '' ], [ 'IRC', 'irc://' ], [ 'license', '' ], [ 'homepage', ''], [ 'repository', '' ], ]; Meta->write; } print <<"EOF"; Important: This library is for running Catalyst applications. For development and use of and, make sure you also install the development tools package Catalyst::Devel. perl -MCPANPLUS -e 'install Catalyst::Devel' # or perl -MCPAN -e 'install Catalyst::Devel' To get some commonly used plugins, as well as the TT view and DBIC model, install Task::Catalyst in the same way. Have fun! EOF check_conflicts(); # Nicked straight from Moose! sub check_conflicts { my %conflicts = ( 'Catalyst::Action::RenderView' => '0.08', 'Catalyst::Plugin::DebugCookie' => '0.999002', 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication' => '0.100092', 'CatalystX::Imports' => '0.03', 'Catalyst-Plugin-HashedCookies' => '1.03', ); my $found = 0; for my $mod ( sort keys %conflicts ) { eval "require $mod"; next if $@; my $installed = $mod->VERSION(); if ( $installed le $conflicts{$mod} ) { print <<"EOF"; *** This version of Catalyst conflicts with the version of $mod ($installed) you have installed. You will need to upgrade $mod after installing this version of Catalyst. *** EOF $found = 1; } } return unless $found; # More or less copied from Module::Build return if $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT}; return unless -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)); sleep 4; }