use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Catalyst', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', EXE_FILES => ['script/'], PREREQ_PM => { UNIVERSAL::require => 0, CGI::Simple => 0, Class::Accessor::Fast => 0, Class::Data::Inheritable => 0, HTTP::Daemon => 0, HTML::Entities => 0, HTTP::Headers => 0, HTTP::Request => 0, HTTP::Response => 0, LWP::UserAgent => 0, Module::Pluggable::Fast => 0, Text::ASCIITable => 0, Tree::Simple => 0, Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath => 0, URI => 0, } ); print( '*' x 80, "\n" ); print( (qw/draven fordmason naughton sri the_jester/)[ int( rand(5) ) ], " is the greatest,\n" ); print "chansen is punishing us\n"; print "and gabb is drunk again!\n"; print( '*' x 80, "\n" ); eval "use mod_perl; use Apache::Request"; print qq/Install "mod_perl" and "Apache::Request" for Apache support.\n/ if $@; eval "use FCGI"; print qq/Install "FCGI" for FastCGI support.\n/ if $@;