language: perl sudo: false perl: - "5.26" - "5.24" - "5.22" - "5.20" - "5.18" - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" - "5.8" install: - cpanm --notest --metacpan --skip-satisfied --with-develop --installdeps . - perl Makefile.PL # installing Catalyst::Devel above causes the latest release of # Catalyst::Runtime to be installed, but the version we're testing might # have additional deps that aren't yet satisfied. so we should try # installing deps again now that the MYMETA has been created (and we'll also # need to delete the now-unneeded cpanfile so that cpanm doesn't choose it # in preference to the MYMETA) - rm -f cpanfile - cpanm --notest --metacpan --skip-satisfied --installdeps . # enable various test options, including parallel testing - export AUTOMATED_TESTING=1 HARNESS_OPTIONS=j10:c HARNESS_TIMER=1 # we want these for our tests, but not for any others - export AUTHOR_TESTING=1 - export RELEASE_TESTING=1 - make manifest script: - make disttest # Test reverse deps (high-profile modules, taken from from Task::Catalyst): # (note: currently skipping DBIC deps for speed) - make install # pure author deps (of reverse deps): - cpanm --notest --metacpan --skip-satisfied YAML::Syck # both author deps & reverse deps: - cpanm --metacpan --skip-satisfied Catalyst::View::TT - cpanm --metacpan --skip-satisfied Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication # pure reverse deps (call with --test-only): - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Devel - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Action::REST - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Plugin::Session - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Plugin::Session::State::Cookie - cpanm --test-only --verbose --metacpan Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader - cpanm --test-only --metacpan Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::HTTP # Still need to figure out why these fail in travis: #- cpanm --test-only --metacpan -v Catalyst::View::Email #- cpanm --test-only --metacpan -v Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File #- cpanm --test-only --metacpan -v Catalyst::Plugin::I18N