Improved helper templates and test naming scheme
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / Build.PL
1 use strict;
2 use Module::Build;
4 my $build = Module::Build->new(
5     create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
6     license            => 'perl',
7     module_name        => 'Catalyst',
8     requires           => {
9         'perl'                              => '5.8.1',
10         'UNIVERSAL::require'                => 0,
11         'CGI'                               => '3.06',
12         'Class::Accessor::Fast'             => 0,
13         'Class::Data::Inheritable'          => 0,
14         'File::Temp'                        => 0.14,
15         'HTTP::Daemon'                      => 0,
16         'HTML::Entities'                    => 0,
17         'HTTP::Headers'                     => 0,
18         'HTTP::Request'                     => 0,
19         'HTTP::Response'                    => 0,
20         'LWP::UserAgent'                    => 0,
21         'Module::Pluggable::Fast'           => 0.16,
22         'Path::Class'                       => 0.09,
23         'Template'                          => 0,
24         'Text::ASCIITable'                  => 0,
25         'Tree::Simple'                      => 0,
26         'Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath' => 0,
27         'URI'                               => 0,
28     },
29     create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
30     script_files => [ glob('script/*') ],
31     test_files   => [
32         glob('t/*.t'), glob('t/*/*.t'), glob('t/*/*/*.t'), glob('t/*/*/*/*.t')
33     ]
34 );
35 $build->create_build_script;
37 print( '*' x 80, "\n" );
38 print(
39     (qw/chansen draven fordmason naughton sri the_jester/)[ int( rand(6) ) ],
40     " is the greatest and gabb is ",
41     ( (localtime)[2] > 12 ? "drunk" : "hung over" ),
42     " again!\n"
43 );
44 print( '*' x 80, "\n" );
46 eval "use FCGI";
47 print qq/Install "FCGI" for FastCGI support.\n/ if $@;