fixed makefile
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / Makefile.PL
fc7ec1d9 1use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
4 NAME => 'Catalyst',
5 VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',
91864987 6 EXE_FILES => ['script/'],
fc7ec1d9 7 PREREQ_PM => {
87e67021 8 UNIVERSAL::require => 0,
9 CGI::Simple => 0,
10 Class::Accessor::Fast => 0,
11 Class::Data::Inheritable => 0,
6f4e1683 12 HTTP::Daemon => 0,
87e67021 13 HTML::Entities => 0,
14 HTTP::Headers => 0,
6f4e1683 15 HTTP::Request => 0,
16 HTTP::Response => 0,
17 LWP::UserAgent => 0,
87e67021 18 Module::Pluggable::Fast => 0,
0f7ecc53 19 Text::ASCIITable => 0,
87e67021 20 Tree::Simple => 0,
21 Tree::Simple::Visitor::FindByPath => 0,
6f4e1683 22 URI => 0,
78f22c3f 23 },
24 test => {
25 TESTS => join ' ',
7e1212a9 26 (
27 glob('t/*.t'), glob('t/*/*.t'),
28 glob('t/*/*/*.t'), glob('t/*/*/*/*.t')
29 )
fc7ec1d9 30 }
1ad2fe05 33print( '*' x 80, "\n" );
34print( (qw/draven fordmason naughton sri the_jester/)[ int( rand(5) ) ],
35 " is the greatest,\n" );
3b3c03b1 36print "chansen is punishing us\n";
1ad2fe05 37print "and gabb is drunk again!\n";
38print( '*' x 80, "\n" );
9ada3267 39
40eval "use mod_perl; use Apache::Request";
41print qq/Install "mod_perl" and "Apache::Request" for Apache support.\n/ if $@;
43eval "use FCGI";
44print qq/Install "FCGI" for FastCGI support.\n/ if $@;