use strict; use warnings; use inc::Module::Install 0.91; use Module::Install::AuthorRequires; use Module::Install::AuthorTests; name 'Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple'; all_from 'lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Static/'; requires 'Catalyst::Runtime' => '5.90050'; requires 'Plack'; requires 'Test::More'; requires 'Moose'; requires 'namespace::autoclean'; test_requires 'Test::More'; author_requires 'Test::NoTabs'; author_requires 'Test::Pod' => '1.14'; author_requires 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.04'; author_tests 't/author'; if( can_use 'Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest' ) { unless( can_use 'Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest' => '0.08' ) { print "** WARNING **\n" . "You appear to have a version of Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest " . "older than 0.08.\n" . "You must upgrade to SubRequest 0.08 or later if you use it " . "in any applications with Static::Simple.\n"; requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::SubRequest' => '0.08'; } } auto_install; resources repository => 'git://'; WriteAll;